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Author Topic: Hangar Map (Finished version)  (Read 20001 times)
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Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #20 on: 2004-10-08, 01:38 »

Daedalus don't worry about it,  I think the map really improve with all the suggestions in the thread, removing those extra shader textures was a MUST, and I know I make a big brush mess sometimes, especially in this map. Grosse however, maybe cause is just a big box, is quite neat brushwork :-) I still havent picked up any HOM, maybe you are referring to sparkles? which are quite common to show in dark areas with curves where the caulk may show sometimes, those are real hard to get rid off.

I am making a LOT of changes on this map, Ill post a beta in a couple days, hopefully much more refined,  but  I do have one question, is it really necessary to remove the teles from exit to beginning of the map?, My thinking was that it improved gameflow cause otherwise you have TWO dead ends in the map, but if it's better for gen than I'll take'em off.
Posts: 346

« Reply #21 on: 2004-10-08, 02:29 »

Daedelus is probably right about the performance. In one area near the tech room I was getting an FPS drop, and I'm on a AMD 3200+/GF 6800/gig RAM! BTW Deadalus sorry I came off kinda harsh.

Posts: 192

« Reply #22 on: 2004-10-08, 09:12 »

Links now removed
« Last Edit: 2004-10-08, 17:51 by Daedalus » Logged

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #23 on: 2004-10-08, 12:16 »

WOW, you really checked this map out, apparently more than I did :-)

I'll be taking care of those, in the last shot, I'm not sure why the z-fighting, I don't think I had curve brushes there and if I do, more than likely is got caulked brushes behind. Maybe the duplicate brushes. Sometimes I think Bob's tool is god's answer to mappers and forget to check things, and the needless texture faces was an oversight, initially you had access to the outside terrace, before I put the window grates.

I'll sure check that out- THANKS!

Posts: 192

« Reply #24 on: 2004-10-08, 15:25 »

You can only see the z-fighting if you turn gl extensions off... so its really a very very minor fault.

Oh, one thing I missed in my above post.
The curved window up in the secret area isnt clipped for weapons. They go straight through.

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #25 on: 2004-10-11, 06:16 »

I have played close attention to what ConfusedUs, Daedalus and Gnam have said in their latest posts and made LOTS of weapon and item placement changes, as well as retexturing the map and fixing some minor bugs pointed out by Daedalus. It now plays totally different. I made it brighter too in the darkest areas. I did however leave the tele at the exit, till I get some more feedback, should it stay?, should I just leave the one by the RA to tele to the exit as a one-way tele or should I just remove the teles?. Remember the beta has just the bot file and .bsp, you need the Hangar map to play the beta.  

Now there are:
Weapons:  1RL, 2 shotguns, 1 lightning gun, and 1 plasma gun.
Items: 1 Bullet ammo, 2 lightning, 2 cells, 1 grnade ammo, 2 rocket ammo, 3 shells ammo.
Powwerups- 1 Berserk, 1 Invis, 1 Megaheatlh, 1 RA, 1YA, 1 Tele
Others: Not too many  Healths, 1 large health, a few armor shards (maybe 2-4 throughout the level)


EDIT- For next beta I made the area by the shotgun in the barrels brighter and fix the one wrong texture on  very small brush out in courtyard.  GRRRRRRRR

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #26 on: 2004-10-11, 14:56 »

I did however leave the tele at the exit, till I get some more feedback, should it stay

Posts: 346

« Reply #27 on: 2004-10-11, 17:24 »

I'm confused, are we supposed to be playing the Gen version or the PK version? In both versions I am still seeing invulnerability, regen, and other stuff you said aren't in the map. The Gen version has a railgun still, and in the PK there's a grenade launcher.  Also, there's a huge machine in the starting room now in the Gen version. Is there a different version I'm supposed to be playing?

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #28 on: 2004-10-11, 21:12 »

Now I am the one confused. You are supposed to be trying the beta I just posted, unzip to baseq3, bring down console and type /map genhangar_beta3. God tell me I don't have an evil twin messing up my maps, and I didn't drink yesterday I swear. Please let me know if that fixed it. When it's finally done I'll probably name it GenHangar or something so as to not get confused with the older versions roaming around.

There is no railgun or regen or nothing, just an invis powerup I think.
Posts: 346

« Reply #29 on: 2004-10-12, 04:47 »

LOL! My mistake! I wasn't using the map command, so it was loading the old version.

Wow, much better. Against the Doom bot, its actually kinda fun even if he's pretty dumb. There might be a few small things to change  here and there, but I think the only way to find them would be by testing it with other players over time. It would be cool if someone could get this on a Gen server. Besides being a good way to figure out if there are any small things to change, it would be fun.  Thumbs up!

I actually like the teleporter in the exit now, I'm glad you kept it because it helps keep things from getting too bunched up around the RL.

The invisibility is pretty tough to get. Was that teleporter in the original map? I've tried to find it, but no matter how fast I run, I never see any teleporter up in that secret passage.

About the secret door to the court yard, if you're going to give it a normal door texture, maybe  you might as well make it auto open like a normal door; everyone knows it's there, so why make them shoot it? Otherwise I would go back to the wall texture and keep it a "secret".

I'm just nitpicking now though. I wanna play this thing with other people!

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #30 on: 2004-10-12, 06:27 »


I may give more time to the teleporter (to invis) door, as it is right now you gotta open the lift FIRST thjen run to teck room and race like hell to catch it open, OR you may wait in there till some player passes the trigger, but I'll give it a couple more seconds.

The "secret" door to the courtyard kept the "health 1" parameter, which means needs to be shot at, because I forgot to remove it from the previous door :-)  

It may need some tewaking, but I think it'll be minor stuff now, I hope :-)

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #31 on: 2004-10-12, 07:17 »

One thing to remember is that different classes run at different speeds in Gen.

So if you can BARELY make it as the q3 guy, Earth will never get there but doom could stop and eat a sandwich on the way. All classes should be able to reach the powerups.

A good example is the map 'deadmeat' in our mappack. You can BARELY get to the quad secret (which is a total bitch to find, btw) as Earth, but you can make it.
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