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Author Topic: Kill 90% of all humans?  (Read 22250 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« on: 2006-04-02, 21:10 »

Recently citizen scientist Forrest Mims told me about a speech he heard at the Texas Academy of Science during which the speaker, a world-renowned ecologist, advocated for the extermination of 90 percent of the human species in a most horrible and painful manner. Apparently at the speaker's direction, the speech was not video taped by the Academy and so Forrest's may be the only record of what was said....
...Yet five hours later, the distinguished leaders of the Texas Academy of Science presented Pianka with a plaque in recognition of his being named 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist. When the banquet hall filled with more than 400 people responded with enthusiastic applause, I walked out in protest.
You know, I hate being right.  What was I just talking about some people in science behaving like a religion?  I'd expect to hear something like this coming from some doomsday UFO cult!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #1 on: 2006-04-02, 22:26 »

Whoa...    psycho...

Okay the world is undoubtedly over populated by humans but damn... there is enough pain and suffering in the world as it is...

although after he's done there would be a lot less pain... not to mention he'd have to be among the 90% to suffer an agonizing death
/end pathetic attempt at humor

but yeah this guy is proposing genocide not envionmental conchiousness (misspelled i know bite me) there is not other possible term for his plan why the spork didn't someone bum rush the stage and bash his head in instead of applauding the sporknut? and one of his students say they worship him? WTF?

Okay yeah i do have issues with humanity but sporkING MURDER?!? that shit isn't going to sporking work!

But okay fine i'm over reacting so let this genious do his work... make him start with everyone he's ever loved or cared about,make them die in front of his eyes then see how attached to his eco friendly save the planet in one fell swoop plan he is, he does that and still wants his genocide he has no heart and should be killed in the most agonizing way possible, or just a bullet to the brain just to get his ass off my world that much faster.
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #2 on: 2006-04-02, 23:27 »

Why stop at 90%? I say go all the way and make it a full 100%.

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

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« Reply #3 on: 2006-04-03, 03:33 »

cause 10% can feed a lot of hungry animals?

(bad joke, increasingly horrible day)

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« Reply #4 on: 2006-04-03, 15:08 »

Well, I disagree with anthropocentrism, but I fail to see this guy's point. "Right, let's show our lack of authority over the planet by poisoning nine tenths of it so that the survivors may live the plentiful life we, er, I mean, they deserve."

PSN ID: scalliano

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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #5 on: 2006-04-03, 15:27 »

Anyone here ever play Wing Commander IV?  And no, this isn't offtopic...

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 601

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« Reply #6 on: 2006-04-03, 16:06 »

Quote from: Phoenix
Anyone here ever play Wing Commander IV?  And no, this isn't offtopic...

yeah up to the part where biological warfare was introduced, but that was quite sometime ago. but why not mention syphon filter as well? or any other game that has a manufactured disease set to wipe out entire cultures?
« Last Edit: 2006-04-03, 16:08 by Kajet » Logged

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #7 on: 2006-04-03, 16:18 »

I like a good comedy show. Boy thit that made me laugh.

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #8 on: 2006-04-04, 02:50 »

Well the reason I bring up WCIV specifically is that you had the so-called "good guys" doing exactly what this scientist proposes - using a biological agent to destroy 90% of the population.  The game's old so I won't worry about spoilers. Here's the end dialogue.  Admiral Tolwyn, who is behind the bioweapons plot, is Blair's old commanding officer.  Paladin heads the senatorial assembly, and is an old friend of Blair's.  He's a former fighter pilot and special ops member.  The assembly is about to vote for war with the Union of Border Worlds, whom they've been duped into believing are responsible for continued pirate attacks against Confederation space vessels when in reality it's Tolwyn's Black Lance forces that have been setting the stage for war.  Blair enters the assembly to confront Tolwyn as he's giving a speech prior to the vote...

Tolwyn: ?yes, a formal Declaration of War is a very terrible thing. It should not be undertaken unless all options have been exhausted. I?m afraid to report to you that that is the case. We did not fight the Kilrathi for decades just to have an infection hollow us out from the inside. If there is a cancer amongst us, we must cut it out now! I urge you to vote yes on this declaration. Thank you.
Assembly: *applause*

Blair: There is a cancer that needs to be cut out!
Tolwyn: Seize that man!
Blair: But it?s not on the frontiers of the galaxy, but right here before you!
Tolwyn: Well, Colonel. This is the great hero of the Kilrathi war, who has betrayed the Confederation and now fights for the Union of Border Worlds.
Blair: I fight as I always have, on the side of peace and honour. Please, Paladin, hear me out.
Paladin: If any man has earned the right to a hearing, it is Colonel Blair. Let him speak.
Blair: What price freedom, Admiral? I?ve come here to tell you the truth, the truth about what?s really happening on the outer fringes of civilisation.
Tolwyn: Please, Colonel, you insult me as well as everyone else here. Do you really believe that this chamber is that ignorant?
Blair: No, Admiral. I don?t believe anyone here is ignorant, least of all you.
Tolwyn: Thank you.
Blair: I simply seek to shed new light on events.
Assembly: *murmurs*
Blair: The Border Worlds have fallen victim to a plot which, if allowed to proceed, will make all of Humanity a victim.
Tolwyn: Well, I suppose there is a strange logic in that. Well, um, please continue, Colonel.
Blair: Admiral, do you believe in the concepts of law and order?
Tolwyn: Of course. I?ve devoted my life to them. Haven?t we all?
Blair: And you believe these concepts to be the foundation of a strong society?
Tolwyn: Indeed. Without law and order, we are lost.
Blair: Law and order. Control. Maintaining the status quo. That?s what this is all about. Harmony among men is a secondary issue.
Tolwyn: Harmony is maintained through control.
Blair: Was it harmony that made me, as a Confed pilot, party to the theft of a Border Worlds laboratory and the outright abduction of a Border Worlds bio-convergence chemist?
Tolwyn: How you interpret operations, Colonel, is of no consequence. Your job as a soldier is to carry out orders without question.
Blair: Without question? Have any of you questioned the Admiral about his Black Lance forces?
Assembly: *murmurs*
Paladin: Marshal, what are these Black Lance forces he?s referring to?
Tolwyn: An elite force of men that I have assembled to protect our galactic interests.
Blair: And these forces are stationed at a star base in the Axius System, isn?t that right?
Tolwyn: Well, it is my duty to station forces where they may be needed.
Blair: And the Black Lance has some extraordinary equipment at their disposal.
Tolwyn: Effective soldiers require effective tools.
Blair: Would you qualify the Gen-Select bio-weapon as an effective tool, Admiral?
Paladin: This Assembly has never approved the development or use of a bio-tech weapon.
Tolwyn: As with any experimental device, I would, of course, have brought it to your attention as soon as it neared readiness.
Blair: I think the people of Telamon know just how ready it is. The few that are left can speak of a weapon that selectively kills anyone whose physical or, or mental attributes don?t measure up to someone?s predetermined standards.
Tolwyn: Telamon?s tragedy is still under investigation, but I have no doubt it will prove to be the doing of the Border Worlds thugs.
Blair: Yes, the skies are just full of criminals, aren?t they, Admiral?
Tolwyn: It appears so.
Blair: And the hundreds of thousands of innocent lives have been lost in pursuit of these? phantoms.
Blair: Admiral, do you believe the strong always survive?
Tolwyn: With every fibre of my being.
Blair: Is that why the head of the Black Lance forces is a product of the Genetic Enhancement program?
Assembly: *murmurs*
Paladin: That program was cancelled years ago.
Tolwyn: He is more of a warrior than you will ever be, Colonel. He is excellence personified. He is?
Blair: He is dead.
Tolwyn: He is symbolic of all that we will achieve in the future.
Blair: What is the expense of these achievements, Admiral? The lives already lost to your Black Lance forces? The millions more who will die if this Assembly votes for war?
Blair (to assembly): Space Marshal Tolwyn believes that our victory over the Kilrathi was a fluke. That we as a race need tinkering with. Engineering. If a few billion die along the way, well, they weren?t worthy anyway! Why can?t we be more like the Kilrathi? Addicted to conflict, the only meaning to life being found in death. Tell us all, Admiral! Is that the price of freedom?
Tolwyn: Mankind was at his zenith when fighting the Kilrathi. Now our society is crumbling. We have no goals, no focus. We?ve grown complacent and confused. Who will protect us when the next race tries to dominate us? Who can tell where that threat will come from, and when? No. We must be prepared. Progress only comes through struggle. Fighting keeps us fit. Conflict ensures our readiness and our survival. The Kilrathi understood this. They endured for millions of years and so shall we, if we continue fighting. If we continue to perfect our methods of killing?
Paladin: I think we?ve heard enough...

What real difference is there between this scientist and someone like Tolwyn?  Kill 90% of humanity, and those who don't survive didn't deserve life anyway.  Are the motives so different?  Both believe they preserve the species this way.  Both think they're acting in the best interests of mankind.  Pain, suffering, death... what does it matter so long as your objectives are met?  I can understand science fiction having plots like this, but when it starts to become science fact its very disturbing, especially when you've seen it before.

This is what happens when men lose their conscience.  This is what happens when ideals override one's, dare I use the word, one's humanity.  People like this man, who do not value every life, from infant to elder, should never be given power or authority, and those who cheer them should be brought down and humbled.  These are dangerous men.[/color]

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 601

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« Reply #9 on: 2006-04-04, 03:26 »

Human and Humane are two completely different words that have two completely different meanings, I find the similarity between these words to be extremely vulgar, thanks to people like this maniac.

If you have to say the ends justify the means, they ususally don't.
Posts: 69

« Reply #10 on: 2006-04-04, 08:55 »

One thing I've thought of - his plan could very well backfire on him.  He's proposing the killing of 90% of the world's population, or over 5 billion people.  One result of this plan will be over 5 billion dead bodies, which will decompose, releasing large amounts of methane in the process.  Methane is a greenhouse gas, if I'm not mistaken.  This means that global warming will get worse after his plan is put into action, thus negating the whole intent of his plan.  Even if some, or all, of the bodies were cremated, there would still be quite a bit of carbon dioxide released, which would also contribute to global warming.

So, not only are there great moral objections just to the killing of most of the world's population in and of itself, but the whole plan may have the exact opposite of the intended results!  I could be wrong, though; it depends on how much methane gets released by the decomposition of the bodies and how quickly it is removed from the atmosphere.


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« Reply #11 on: 2006-04-04, 09:55 »

you send the dead bodies to space
Rabid Doomer

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« Reply #12 on: 2006-04-04, 11:40 »

I could be wrong, though; it depends on how much methane gets released by the decomposition of the bodies and how quickly it is removed from the atmosphere.

Quite a bit, actually, and let's not forget the resulting boom in flies/etc that will come with just such a culling, the overbreeding of small predators following that, etc etc etc.

If history is any indication.. It'll cause a ripple effect where animals will swarm to fill the void left by humanity, and die off just as fast in the end in order to maintain equilibrium. The plants will follow, and then animal life will gradually grow back up again.

In the mean time, humanity enters another Dark Age, as 10% of the population cannot maintain any semblance of the existing infrastructure. Evolution follows suit, and humans return to near-tribal hunter-gathering and start accelerated breeding with a far smaller genetic pool. So it's back to largely physical builds that academia has been so fond of mocking in recent years.

This is a classic example of the disconnected elitist epidemic in higher education. What better way to improve the planet than by removing those eye sores that make life liveable for the intellectuals?

As a general rule; academics do not build, they don't get their hands dirty.

Quite simply, it's the old adage:

Those who can, do; and those who won't, teach.
« Last Edit: 2006-04-04, 11:40 by Angst » Logged

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

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« Reply #13 on: 2006-04-04, 17:25 »

not to mention we've got some dangerous shit just laying around weapons, power plants, nuclear reactors stuff that if left unattended could spork up a lot of things.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #14 on: 2006-04-04, 17:29 »

I'll describe the process.  Chaos would ensue.  Panic would drive people to mass exodus from infected regions.  Martial law would be instituted.  Highways would crowd with people trying to flee, and clashes would erupt between miltary/police and people trying to escape quaranteened regions.  These choked highways would become killing fields as disease, starvation, and violence close in on stranded motorists.  People everywhere would begin to die faster than medical workers could care for them.  Hospitals and sick wards would become spawning grounds for infection.  Bodies would lie where they were, with nobody to move or bury them.  People not killed outright by the disease would die from secondary infections through lack of treatment.  Those sick with other infirmities would die from lack of care.

Those who are physically infirm who were not killed by the pestilence would die from lack of infrastructure.  There will be no running water, no heat, and no cooling as power and water plants break down.  Fires from failing machinery, overloading electrical wiring, and arson would gut cities and leave things in ruin.  Dams would burst from lack of maintenence, flooding areas downstream.  Orphaned children would die from exposure and lack of survival skill.  Many survivors would go insane.  Many would commit suicide.

Of the survivors, the violent would try to rule through force and intimidation, the non-violent will be forced to become violent and band together to survive against the warlords that will rule over the resultant decay.  Remember, all that military hardware will still be lying around and most of it will be in working order.  Of that 10% that survives the disease, well over half of that will die through subsequent disease from contaminated food and water, starvation, suicide, accident, and conflict.  People will fight continually over diminishing resources.  

There will be no order at first.  Eventually people would settle into tribal groups for mutual survival and protection from rival groups.  People would be forced to either scavenge burned out cities, or work the land for food.    People would migrate from the cities to rural areas in search of food and water.  Those who remain in cities would begin to die off from isolation.  People would begin forming communities in the rural areas and would be forced to learn how to work the land again.

The most industrialized societies would suffer the most, being most dependent upon technology and infrastructure.  Those who live closest to the land in more natural regions would be least affected by infrastructure collapse.  Eventually, people would adapt to living this way and begin to rebuild from a more primitive level.  I would say perhaps 1-2% of the earth's human population at best would remain at this point, approximately 50 to 100 years down the road.

There is, of course, the "doomsday" option that might surface as a result of the initial outbreak.  Paranoid governments may assume they have been attacked by a hostile regime.  At that point a global thermonuclear war would be possible as panicked leaders act to retaliate against their enemies.  If this were to occur, it would mean the extinction of mankind as the combination of nuclear war and all the other factors would work to kill any who might have otherwised survived the initial disease outbreak.  That's one scenario these "geniuses" haven't figured into their equation.  When people start dying in large numbers, people get very, very scared.  Scared people act unpredictably, and do things they otherwise wouldn't do.  In attempting to "save" the earth, these so-called scientists would cause more damage than those they are trying to protect it against would have if they had been left alone.  In the process, they would have caused the indirect extinction of thousands of species, drastically altered the earth's ecology through nuclear annihilation, and killed off the human race completely.  The earth would heal, life would go on, but it would be scarred for hundreds of years.  The human race, if remembered by anyone else in the universe who might find the remnants of this tragedy or perhaps have seen it occur, would be remembered for this and this alone.

Let us hope and pray a day like this never comes.
« Last Edit: 2006-04-04, 17:31 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #15 on: 2006-04-04, 19:20 »

Actually, there was an anime with the almost exact same plot, only the difference is that one of the characters was a nurse. ODD. No offense to your plotting.

Posts: 25

« Reply #16 on: 2006-04-04, 20:58 »

Evolution, or something like the strongest survive so everyone goes after that sporker and kills him and see if he can survive that and if he does he is allowed his wish to kill everyone  :rules:

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« Reply #17 on: 2006-04-05, 00:04 »

One thing I will add is that once a tool such as a bio-weapons is used, it's no longer natural selection, it's artificial selection, choosing who survives and who doesn't. Come to think about it, homo sapiens has been doing for thousands of years.

GK: That's space pollution. How would YOU like it if a million-year-old crate full of radioactive and/or disease-ridden alien carcasses crash-landed in YOUR back-yard? Slipgate - Tongue

PSN ID: scalliano

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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #18 on: 2006-04-05, 05:31 »

Well it looks like this so-called scientist has gotten some death threats and has done some backpeddling, trying to spin his remarks and do damage control.  Sorry, but there's a big difference between saying disease will act as a population control on its own, and advocating the use of disease as means to control population.  Never make bold claims unless you're willing to stand proudly behind them.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #19 on: 2006-04-06, 02:26 »

I stand proudly of my claim to go all the way and make it a full 100%. :rules:

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
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