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Author Topic: A no ass vote for a new gen arena game mode addon (same as title)  (Read 54979 times)
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« on: 2003-01-24, 04:18 »

You could make a new game mode this would be Best of the Best.

which would of course be Strogg TROOPERS and Arena Gladiators in a deathmatch or team death match of their secret weaponS .

Arena Gladiator weapons:

3 new. Not realy the ones from Team Arena.

1. Nailgun

2.Prox launcher


Strogg Troopers.

3 new weapons. Ones from ground zero.


2.ETF Rifle

3.Plasma Beam

and guess what, balance is still there, just 2 classes to work with in this game mode, it could even be called a addon for gen arena if you like and guess what else..................

 Vote Now. Slipgate - Laugh

also I dont make ass poles with no as the only choice. Unlike OoBey does also its in the wrong forum you all should be ashamed of yourselves this is a forum not a teasing contest besides Im probably the youngest one here shame on you. Also I'm 14 as of August 12 th last year.
Posts: 607

« Reply #1 on: 2003-01-24, 04:40 »

What about the weapons from the Quake add-ons and Doom64?

Anyways, I don't think it's a good idea... Nor do I think it's possible. If I remember correctly all the item slots are full Slipgate - Sad
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #2 on: 2003-01-24, 04:46 »

devnull, you are correct, I believe.

And btw: it's in CC because:
1) that's where the original should have been moved after the flamage started

Grow a sense of humor...
« Reply #3 on: 2003-01-24, 05:01 »

I dont grow a sick sense of humor and you may as well stop production pf all other mods because not many people use them and they suck. also if its possible to work on so many mods at once its possible i want some feedback by phoenix since he handles models and weap coding also  i want it from tabun for skinning and some by wireheads founder and leemon get the whole team in her. also there are mods with more single person(non class) weapons than gen like Urban Terror has many and using cheats you can use all them at one time not in classes and there still is balance besides Gen has a lack of interesting game modes and bot problems Urban terror has more luck with Quake 3 so far why not ask them for help?.! :angry:

Posts: 26

« Reply #4 on: 2003-01-24, 05:25 »

for starters, im quite sure dev is right. im not sure on this, but i remember phoenix saying something to that extent a while back. you pointed out the flaw in your logic yourself: games like urban terror are not class based, if you add up all the weapons for all the classes i think you will find the limit has been reached. besides that, telling wh, without elaboration, that their other mods 'suck' is very childish, and really makes you difficult to take seriously. as for demanding feed back from team members: if you want to push your ideas it is your responsibility to contact these people. and as for not interesting game modes, have you checked out anything with resurgence or blast arena? im guessing not, and if so, you have no room to complain. finally, when you talk about bot problems and reffer to urban terrors 'better luck' you should really look at the factors involved in creating each game. gen is pushing the limits of what can be done in q3 far more than urban terror, if i may say so. and my god man this is a BETA. there are going to be bugs, thats why its still BETA. do us all a favor and put some more thought into your next post. you may have some good ideas (not that i believe this is one) but if you try to share them like this youll get nowhere.
« Reply #5 on: 2003-01-24, 05:31 »

translation: Careful what you say. Keep it up and you'll get in serious trouble (if you aren't already).
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #6 on: 2003-01-24, 05:35 »

Quote from: redx
...but if you try to share them like this youll get nowhere.
Correction, he just landed smack dab in the middle of Controvery Corner.

Hello, and welcome to my domain, mojo. Hope you enjoy your stay...
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8813

« Reply #7 on: 2003-01-24, 05:36 »

This has moved to CC where it belongs.

Mojo, you're out of line.  Let me offer YOU a few suggestions here:

First, stop whining just because Gen isn't being done the way YOU want it to be.  You're NOTon the team.

Second, if you think you can do Gen better then I suggest you start from scratch without any support, same as we did, and code it yourself.

Third, if you like Urban Terror so much then GO PLAY URBAN TERROR

I've said numerous times in the past on various occasions WHEN gameplay modes will be added, and WHY.  The core programming for Gen HAS to be done before complex things like that get factored in or the coding turns into a nightmare, get it?  As far as extra weapons from the mission packs, even if there were enough weapon slots to handle it, which there aren't, it's not getting done, period, end of story.  If the reasons by now aren't obvious enough from a technical standpoint then you've not been paying much attention, and if not obvious from a playability standpoint then you have no grasp on feasibility.  I've said before we're open to suggestions, which we are, but there's a difference between suggesting something and bossing.  Frankly I'm getting a bit tired of your acidic ranting here about how we are doing things, and so are a lot of other board regulars.  Either get with the program, act maturely on the boards and behave yourself, or else go away.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #8 on: 2003-01-24, 05:56 »

One team member down, two of your requests to go (Lee and Tab, if you want more, just let me know). You want to take on the entire team? That's perfectly fine by me. You have no idea the kind of ass whooping you're setting yourself up for.

I'm tired of your crap already, mojo. I very rarely ever attack a person directly, but not only do your posts and ideas show off a lack of thought and planning, they more importantly (and more distubingly) show off your belief that not only are your ideas pure mod-making gold, you are a god of mods who can dictate what a mod team can and should do, simply because you're the one playing the mod. There's a reason we have a Mod Leader, because we CANNOT do every idea under the sun, both from a time aspect as well as a feasability one.

You have no concern or appreciation for what Wirehead is doing other than for the things that do not please you in one pathetic way or another. NONE of the team members are doing this because they have to, they're doing it because they WANT to. They are under absolutely no obligation at all to see this thing to its end, so you should be damn grateful for the work they ARE willing to do for the fans... work, I might add, that comes from their free time, as most of the team members are employees with jobs in the real world.

In the end, as Phoenix said, if you just can't find it within yourself to stop bitching and moaning long enough to step back and take a look at all the things Wirehead IS doing, then I suggest you go spend your time elsewhere, and stop wasting mine.

Beta Tester
Hans Grosse
Posts: 281

« Reply #9 on: 2003-01-24, 05:57 »

« Reply #10 on: 2003-01-24, 05:59 »

I used to play urban terror and i stoped playing it ho the hell did  you get on the team phoenix beg. Don't ever tell me when im out of line you bastard you sure are not my parents spork you
« Reply #11 on: 2003-01-24, 06:01 »

You came down like thunder now face MY whirlwind
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #12 on: 2003-01-24, 06:05 »

Quote from: MoJoJoJoe
You came down like thunder now face MY whirlwind
Smells more like you're just passing gas

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #13 on: 2003-01-24, 06:07 »

You crossed the line with that last post, though all i do is beta testing for gen, but, i must say, that flaming a friend is as bad as flaming me, just because it isnt going your way.  I suggest you watch what you say.
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8813

« Reply #14 on: 2003-01-24, 06:07 »

You seem to not understand the laws of cause and effect, and frankly I'm not your type anyway.  As for how I got on the team, I happen to have something called "talent" and the ability to LEARN, something you appear to be lacking.  Now, you want to try this again?  Or do I just ban you outright?  You won't get another warning.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #15 on: 2003-01-24, 11:20 »

Phoenix also knows something called dignity, style and he's got a great deal of self-control (at times Slipgate - Wink). He did not suggest nonsense (3 times over), and did not force his ideas upon the team without caring about the opinions of the latter (although I wasn't there yet at the time, ofcourse Slipgate - Smile).

And frankly, those are the reasons I have been part of WH for the last 2.5 years (if it hasn't been longer) - I can't even remember the socks I used to wear back then.

New rule: lay off the namecalling too - especially considering there's absolutely no need to.
Ps. i still don't get what
not yo tabun oo guy
or actually I do, but I didn't :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 398

« Reply #16 on: 2003-01-24, 17:34 »

A no ass vote
Jesus! What kind of freakshow poll are you running here boy? Your removing a large amount of your polling population by excluding those with asses. Meaning less of a probibility sample and more error in the poll, plus it makes the poll ungeneralizable to the general population, making it more or less useless. Just ask your local Methodologist

For the record this is a silly idea

EDIT - What happened to the board here, its all backwards with large spaces
« Last Edit: 2003-01-24, 17:46 by Devlar » Logged

Posts: 6

« Reply #17 on: 2003-01-24, 20:55 »

Just say no to anythingmojojojoesays!
Pixel Procrastinator

Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #18 on: 2003-01-24, 21:04 »

unless it makes sense, ofcourse, mykul. Slipgate - Smile

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 1110

« Reply #19 on: 2003-01-24, 21:05 »

I voted no because all of the new, shiny weapons of the expansion packs simply don't interest me, not even back then. I don't know of anyone that really played them [excluuding SOME Q3:TA that I only know OF], so your argument is out of luck in my eyes.

If you wanna come up with ideas, think of ones that'll attract people to the game, like cooler logos =p
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