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Author Topic: Supreme Battle  (Read 4811 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« on: 2005-07-01, 23:30 »

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman on the Supreme Court and a swing vote on abortion as well as other contentious issues, announced her retirement Friday.

So one judge is out, and it's not Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who will probably be right behind her.  That leaves a potential of two vacancies in the court with one being certain.  Already MoveOnPac is running an ad and not only capitalizing on the Schiavo case (just like all those dirty, shameless Republicans did!) but are touting the question "Will Bush choose an Extremist?"  That's kind of the pot calling the kettle black there if you ask me, but either way it's a clear sign that the politics will turn as ugly as they can possibly get and are already well on the way to doing so.  Expect any nomination Bush makes to get filibustered, and there will be hollering, screaming, wailing and gnashing of teeth from both sides of the aisle for a long time to come.

You thought the 2004 election was about Iraq?  Think again, THIS is what the election was about.  The courts are extremely powerful, and the US Supreme Court has the power to arbitrarily decide what Joe Citizen can and cannot do, and there's little anyone can do about it once they make up their mind.  One or two court appointments is all it takes to rule the court system since the majority in the court is split nearly 50/50.  That means this appointment will be a grueling fight because O'Connor has been the swing vote in a lot of cases, and whoever takes her place (and whoever takes Rehnquists's place when he either retires or joines the zombies) will wield tremendous power over your lives.

I know a lot of people hate politics, but keep an eye on this.  Think about all the contentious issues that a court case could decide.  Think about the rights that can be stripped away on a whim.  Think about the recent decision to strip property rights away from citizens in favor of businesses, and look at which judges dissented in that case (of which O'Connor was in dissent, along with Clarence Thomas) and which ones were the majority.  Try to cut through the party rhetoric and learn what the person is really like that gets nominated.  If the person has a history of upholding the law and protecting the rights of citizens, you want that person.  Don't buy party politics and rhetoric, regardless of your opinion of the president, as it's his duty to appoint somebody regardless of his party affiliation.  He and he alone must appoint someone.  If the nominee is good, support them and encourage your senators to support him or her regardless of the party lines.  If the nominee has a history of skirting the law, or questionable decision making, or flambouyant interpretation of the US Constitution, then make your voice heard on that as well.  You have exactly one shot to make a difference on this.  Remember that Supreme Court justices don't go up for re-election.  They can't be replaced as easily as a president or a senator, but senators have to make the confirmation and they can be replaced.  Remind them of that little fact.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #1 on: 2005-07-06, 19:55 »

Really, only 14 views?  I'd think this was rather important, but people would rather argue over evolution.  Well, far be it from me to be silent on important things.  This should get some people irked I hope:



Senate Judiciary Committee member Chuck Schumer got busy plotting away on the cellphone aboard a Washington, DC-New York Amtrak -- plotting Democrat strategy for the upcoming Supreme Court battle.

Schumer promised a fight over whoever the President?s nominee was: ?It's not about an individual judge? It's about how it affects the overall makeup of the court.?

The chairman of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was overheard on a long cellphone conversation with an unknown political ally, and the DRUDGE REPORT was there!

Schumer proudly declared: ?We are contemplating how we are going to go to war over this.?

Schumer went on to say how hard it was to predict how a Supreme Court justice would turn out: ?Even William Rehnquist is more moderate than they expected. The only ones that resulted how they predicted were [Antonin] Scalia and [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg. So most of the time they've gotten their picks wrong, and that's what we want to do to them again.?

Schumer later went on to mock the ?Gang of 14? judicial filibuster deal and said it wasn?t relevant in the Supreme Court debate.

?A Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown style appointment may not have been extraordinary to the appellate court but may be extraordinary to the Supreme Court.?

By the time the train hit New Jersey, Schumer shifted gears and called his friend and ?Gang of 14? member, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

The two talked in a very friendly manner about doing an event sometime this week together.

Source:  http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3sca.htm

Hopefully somebody out there will listen.  I really can't emphasize enough how much this will affect your lives long after the hurlyburly's done.[/color]
« Last Edit: 2005-07-06, 19:55 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #2 on: 2005-07-06, 20:25 »

This is very important, I hope we just get someone that is not an extremist.


Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 784

« Reply #3 on: 2005-07-06, 21:33 »

Quote from: Little Washu
This is very important, I hope we just get someone that is not an extremist.
Don't jinx it. Slipgate - Shifty
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8805

« Reply #4 on: 2005-07-07, 16:49 »

The problem is, how do you define extremist?  Someone who follows the law and the Constitution as it was written to me is not an extremist, but to Chuck Schumer and Barbara Boxer that's exactly what they'd call that person, a "radical right-wing extremist".  I just want someone who won't trample on individual rights, and upholds the law instead of ruling on popularity and public opinion.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #5 on: 2005-07-07, 21:50 »

Quote from: Phoenix
I just want someone who won't trample on individual rights, and upholds the law instead of ruling on popularity and public opinion.
Hmm, sounds like every politician in ... er ... the world!

PSN ID: scalliano

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