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Author Topic: BIOSHOCK who's looking forward to it  (Read 15296 times)
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Posts: 225

« on: 2007-08-25, 17:04 »

Hey guys

as most of you know irrational games are due to release there psuedo sequel to System Shock 2, the demo is already out on fileplanet and is looking good

but how many of you intend on buying it?, i for one have already reserved a copy and have been modding the demo's code to allow weirder plasmids and weapons

i may also have to supp up my processor and memory as it's extremely power hungery and stutter's a little on mine

but play the demo and let's discuss if it will be a flop or a hit and does it justify the amount of hype it has had

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« Reply #1 on: 2007-08-25, 17:41 »

I've only played the demo and It actually made my jaw drop, if this is the power of the unreal tournament 3 engine UT3 will kick everyone's ass with eye candy, as for whether or not I'm gonna buy it... I dunno, I'm pretty poor these days but when I can afford it I will be very tempted...
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #2 on: 2007-08-25, 20:19 »

I've not tried it because, as I read on [H]ardOCP, you have to update your video drivers to a beta version in order for it to work properly?  I don't like using beta drivers if I can help it, and I don't feel like updating drivers and reconfiguring all my freaking SLI profiles again just right now.  I think I remember seeing a video of part of it a while back.  I've not played System Shock or SS2 beyond a brief foray into coop with oobey and ConfusedUs a few years ago.  We didn't get very far as we were having connection difficulties.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #3 on: 2007-08-25, 23:39 »

huh... I didn't really update my vid drivers, just used some from... jan of last year i think...
Dr Sean

Posts: 50

« Reply #4 on: 2007-08-25, 23:49 »

I'm planning on buying it for the Xbox360, looks pretty good to me, and any new good 360 games are welcome.

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« Reply #5 on: 2007-08-26, 13:04 »

I'm not sure where everyone is located but both the PC version and the Xbox 360 version have been released in the USA.

I have played the Xbox 360 demo, and my roommate owns a copy of the game.  Personally, I've never been a fan of games that take the "you're-the-character" route when it comes to story.  However, Bioshock is a highly atmospheric game.  So if you're a fan of the System Shock series or just like atmospheric games, Bioshock will not let you down in that regard. Slipgate - Smile

As for potential issues... I've heard of a few issues with the game so far...

The PC version includes security software that only allows for the game to be installed twice unless a previous copy has been uninstalled.

Both the PC and the Xbox 360 version handle 4:3 resolutions differently than 16:9 resolutions.  Currently, 4:3 resolutions are displayed with a higher FOV so you see more vertically than you would with 16:9.  Irrational Games (now 2K Boston I think) decided that was a bad move and has announced that both versions will receive a patch that will allow the user to adjust his FOV.

The special edition release for the PC seems to have been shipped with some chinsy "Big Daddy" figures.  A lot are found broken upon opening the case.


Dr Sean

Posts: 50

« Reply #6 on: 2007-08-26, 19:17 »

Well, i downloaded the Bioshock demo yesterday off the Xbox Marketplace, i liked it.
And what do you mean when you say "your-the-character" games?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #7 on: 2007-08-26, 22:40 »

Kain's referring to pure FPS where your "character" has no speaking or interacting role other than to be solely controlled by the player, in addition to roles where you may see your character in the thirdperson but never hear him speak a word.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #8 on: 2007-08-27, 01:04 »

Think... just about any FPS Valve has made since HL1
Dr Sean

Posts: 50

« Reply #9 on: 2007-08-27, 02:07 »

Ah, ok then. I really dont care how much your character talks, Duke Nukem would practicly never shut up, but he was cool (Same with ShadowWarrior and Blood). But I liked Gordon too, but sometimes in HL2 it seemed a bit strange how he would not talk back to people when they were talking to him... but I guess thats his 'thing'. And I think Lo-Wang is my second favorite game character, he was just hilarious, first is the Doom Marine (duh).

Wow... we got off topic (sorry), anyway, yeah I want to get Bioshock.

Posts: 126

« Reply #10 on: 2007-08-27, 20:42 »

I've played the demo, and from what I've played through I can say that I'm impressed with what I see. Even though my PC isn't blazingly fast when it comes to games (It runs HL2 at full speed, but has a few problems on more advanced games), the frame rate is certainly tolerable for me. I'll likely get this for the X-Box 360 instead though, as I like to lean back and relax on my bed as opposed to hurting my back from sitting in the chair for too long.
Dr Sean

Posts: 50

« Reply #11 on: 2007-08-28, 01:58 »

Ok, I just bought it, and now I'm going to go play it.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

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« Reply #12 on: 2007-08-28, 02:33 »

I'll likely get this for the X-Box 360 instead though, as I like to lean back and relax on my bed as opposed to hurting my back from sitting in the chair for too long.

Your back really shouldn't hurt if you have your desk set up properly. If anything you're letting yourself be fooled by a false sense of comfort by wanting to "lean back". That aside however, I can't imagine choosing any FPS on the console over it on the PC. But that's just me, I hate trying to look around with a d-pad or analog stick. The Wii may change that perception if done correctly, but I haven't been able to try one.

The demo for Bioshock was rather impressive, and I am a fan of System Shock, so I may buy it later down the road when the price drops. The idea that I can only have it installed on so many computers at the same time is discouraging however. Certainly not as annoying as Steam, but definitely up there.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #13 on: 2007-08-28, 03:00 »

Aye, the Vampire has a good point there Visy.  If your chair makes your back protest then perhaps it's time for a new chair.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 126

« Reply #14 on: 2007-08-28, 03:07 »

I did used to have a very comfortable chair, but for whatever reason my mom tossed that one away when we moved, leaving me with a crappy one. When we get the money again I'll look into it.

I also forgot to note that, until I can also upgrade this PC, I'm sticking to the game consoles for new releases. I'm not fond of making a game look like it was made by a two-year old (Overexaggeration, but you get the jist of it) just to get it to run right. I will kill some of the graphics if their visual impact isn't noticable (Like setting shadow details to low, or even off when in multiplayer games, as you're not going to pay attention to them anyway) and even lower the screen resolution by one level (I usually use 1024x768, so that translates to 800x600), but that's as far as I'll go.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #15 on: 2007-08-28, 04:57 »

I know what you mean.  That's exactly why I waited to play Doom 3 until I had hardware that could run it at maximum framerate at a decent resolution with all the effects turned on except FSAA, which I don't really care much about as it eats way too much performance when I can just bump to a higher resolution and get about the same result.  Trying to play a game where the mood depends on certain environmental effects with said effects turned off just so you can move around is kind of pointless to me.  It would be like paying for a seat at a high class theatre to watch Hamlet and getting a puppet show version.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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« Reply #16 on: 2007-08-28, 09:11 »

Sometimes, the expectations are so high that people will play DooM3 on Pentium IIIs.
Honestly, I got used to crappy graphics. All of my graphic options in Q3 are set to low/minimum. Hell, Major's model really looks like it was made by a 3-years old! But, when all you want is performance, you have to make sacrifices sometimes. Though I love to play games with the graphic options set to their maximum.

Posts: 225

« Reply #17 on: 2007-08-28, 14:50 »

Regarding somebody's question i'm from blighty so it wasn't released here till last week

more importantlly i hate much like pho playing games on crappy resolutions, i'd much rather be able to max everything out and have it purring like a kitten

as for Bioshock it is going to be one of those games you either love or hate but so far the plus points for me have been

1. It's freeform, so your not restricted to going wherever you like ( always a plus as i hate FPS's that are on rails)
2. The weapons / plasmid combo's are upto you i.e if you like pulling things close with the telekinesis plasmid then blowing the crap out of them with the shotgun then you can, if you like just being some kind of plasmid mage you can do that too
3. the sheer scope of the game, seriously it's bloody huge

and now the negative points

i have a Duel Core 2.8Ghz Processor, two geforce 6600gt sli cards with the link thingy, 2gb of ram

and the sucker stutter's slightly when there's a lot on screen and that's with the maximum setting on

so my bad points

1. It's seriously power hungery, more so than the demo Slipgate - WTF
2. if you haven't got a decent graphics setup don't bother with it
3. if you buy it be prepared to lose your social life

as i have had it since the 25th of august and haven't left the house  Slipgate - Sad am i sad quite possibly

however if you like FPS shooters you can't go wrong with bioshock, it's cleverly written, deeply immersive and (and this is the major point ) it's fun

unlike HL2 and D3 or even Q4 which allthough i like

always had me being directed to the next objective / mission which didn't really give much scope for exploring or creating my own story.

is it however worth the hype, ummm not really

it's what happens when somebody combines Oblivion with Half Life 2 and removes the barriers and although it's fun (while it lasts) it's not the best thing ever

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« Reply #18 on: 2007-09-10, 17:56 »

Played this game in my mate's house on Saturday and was well impressed (his PC packs a GF8800 and an Athlon64 2x4.2Ghz CPU, so no issues there). Visually the game is breathtaking. When I got home I grabbed the demo and found that it's completely broke on any hardware that lacks SM3.0, so I'm hoping that there'll be a complete fix on ShaderShock for my humble x600 in the near future before I fork out hard cash. Shame, really, because in terms of detail my card doesn't have any issues.

I wouldn't mind so much, except that Microsoft's excessive bank balance put paid to any hope of the PS3 version seeing the light of day, which I'd have paid the ?50 for.

And my motherboard is standard PCI, so no chance of an upgrade.

I need to stop typing before I get bitter and irritable. Banging Head against Wall

PSN ID: scalliano

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« Reply #19 on: 2007-09-10, 18:51 »

Perhaps you should start rejoicing -- Generations will run just fine on your current hardware! Right? :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
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