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Author Topic: Some Questions  (Read 9925 times)
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Posts: 346

« on: 2003-03-30, 01:12 »

1) I think I might have mentioned this before, but for the Arena Gladiators Quake is listed as a character. How is this going to be handled since Quake did not apear even in Quake 1? Is this just listed as a plot device?

2) Who the hell is Jeager? Don't remember a Jeager or a PMS model in Q3.

3) I remember on the old forum someone had skined all the old Q2 skins for the Q3 grunt model. What's the status on these, are they available for d/l yet?

4) IIRC that same person said something about remaking the Q2 female skins for the Major model, did this ever happen?

5) Are there any old school skins for the Ranger model? Remakes of the Q1 enemy soldier or some of the original colored skins would be cool.
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #1 on: 2003-03-30, 01:56 »

1. Generations is not only about quake it's about all ID games and quake is a part of Generations story made by the guys here at WH

2. I think Jeager is a custom model made by the team.

3. LeeMon made those skins ask him about the status.

4. check above

5.  Ranger IS old school, why whould you want to play as an ol q1 grunt? Slipgate - Smile
Also if you read the manual you'll see that there's a command for changing the color on the q1 class, might not be perfect yet but it works.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #2 on: 2003-03-30, 03:02 »

LeeMon made most of the strogg player skins. Some of them based on my Recon skin - the only one I made so far.

http://www.planetquake.com/tabun <- for shots/dl of Recon for Grunt.
« Last Edit: 2003-03-30, 03:03 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 346

« Reply #3 on: 2003-04-12, 02:01 »

Yeah, PMS is a custom model, found it on Polycount. I forget if it was done by a Gen team member but I think I wouldn't have noticed/remembered if it was. I don't know why the team would want to include a skin for it though; it's just a regular girl-with-big-tits-and-spandex female model, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Quake.

My question about the character Quake wasn't really answered either. Is the team actually making up a Quake character for Gen, or was that part just a irrelevant tangent they added cause they got carried away with the story?

I checked the manual, it has a command for changing the lighting, but I don't see a command for changing the actual color of the skins. This feature also sounds odd since it uses the Rail colors. Just cause I want a blue&white railgun trail doesn't mean I want a blue&white Ranger. And I still think a Q1 grunt would be cool.

Anyone ever notice Keel might make a god model for a Q2 gunner skin? Just a random thought.
Posts: 607

« Reply #4 on: 2003-04-12, 02:26 »

I would assume they're using the PMS model because her hair resembles a slipgater's helmet. As for Quake, I think I remember them saying Uriel (or a variation) would be used, but I'm not sure.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #5 on: 2003-04-12, 04:48 »

As far as I know, Zael is the skin we're using for Quake, on the Uriel model.  We'll write a bot file, and a bot file for Id too.  I'll put that on the to-do list, thanks for the reminder.

Jaeger had a skin, but Lee's wanting to rework it.  She looks very Slipgate.  Imagine a female version of Ranger in the color scheme and helmet department.  Jaeger is a character Wirehead created specifically to provide a female counter-part to Ranger.  We're equal opportunity fraggers. Slipgate - Wink

Both of these were a result of the Generations story that was never fully completed that LeeMon was working on quite a while back.  As for changing skin color, here's the command:


Values are 0 - 255.  This affects the RANGER skin.  Colors used are your railgun colors:

color2 (outer spiral or discs):  shirt color
color1 (inner core):  pants color

Example:  setting color2 to "1" and color1 to "7" would give you the classic blue-spiral, white core railtrail if you're Strogg, and color your shirt blue with white pants if you're Slipgate.  Setting cg_playercolorlevel to 128 gives a good median blend between existing skin tone and custom color.  This color DOES glow in the dark, so setting it to 255 will make it quite bright.  We can't make it "not" glow.  Since skin support is implemented in 99c we'll make a special skins for the use of custom colors and revert the standard Ranger skin to normal.  This was mainly a "nifty feature" for 99b that we can now expand on a bit.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #6 on: 2003-04-12, 15:20 »

there is allready a botfile for those guys on polycount pho . go look there .
Posts: 346

« Reply #7 on: 2003-04-19, 07:29 »

Speaking of bot files it might be nice to write new bot files for some of the Gen characters, geared toward the new stuff in Gen. For example, in Q3A the railgun is Doom's favorite weapon...needless to say he doesn't get his favorite weapon often in Gen. Bots could work better with the weapons for their generation, and maybe work better with the kind of environments in Gen. For example, in Tokay's Towers the bots suck because they're not smart enough to know not to jump all the way down in the water, so it's extremely easy to pick them off. Same goes for Abandoned Base and pretty much any map with lots of water, z-axis fighting, or unusual terrain in general. I don't know how much can be done to improve this, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

If I get bored this summer I might try learning how to skin and make that Q1 grunt.  Slipgate - Wink
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #8 on: 2003-04-19, 08:25 »

that reminds me that now bones is in quake class he will alwaysuse is boomstick .
wich is the weakest of all th boomsticks.
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8813

« Reply #9 on: 2003-04-20, 10:20 »

Bones got moved to Doom class.

As for bot logic, I don't have time to really delve into it for 99c.  The Doom class bots DO use the chainsaw now, they'll charge you quite good with it if you get too close, but there's still a few other bugs and glitches to be worked out.  Some Strogg bots will blaster, some won't, Crash will shoot all day with the pistol unless she gets a better gun, and Doom won't touch it.  These are things that may or may not get fixed for 99c.  There's still a lot to do in other areas first.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #10 on: 2003-04-20, 11:42 »

lets just hope all those bots will have coolcolored rails Slipgate - Smile
exept maybe custom bots .
Posts: 346

« Reply #11 on: 2003-04-28, 01:41 »

LOL, I PMed Leemon a couple weeks ago and never got a response. Maybe my PMs aren't working or something. I know the forum's not keeping me logged in, and I DO have cookies enabled.
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