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Author Topic: Listen here Phoenix (Quit deleting topics needlessly.)  (Read 32445 times)
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Posts: 192

« on: 2003-02-20, 22:30 »

Listen here Phoenix, I don't like they way you moderators try to play God on this board. I've sent in questions that you didn't even have the goddamned decency to reply to. I've just about had it with you goddamned worthless codeheads. What are you gonna do next ban me from this site? Be damned glad I don't work in the same room you do. I don't know why you have to throw a shitfit every other week anyway. Tell OObie to quit playing god too. Tabun said he thought I should be able to take a joke. Why can't YOU take a joke. I don't know what MOJO sent that was so worthless, but don't be so damned quick to delete something that's just started. :angry:
Pain Elemental
Posts: 83

« Reply #1 on: 2003-02-20, 22:39 »

First off, Mojojojoe has REPEATEDLY spammed useless, moronic topics on this board.  Secondly, where the F*** do you get off telling people how to run their own board?  You're a mighty big man with your threats of violence on an INTERNET FORUM.  Ooooh, quaking in our collective boots, I'm sure.  Mojo's posts were either a) flamebait (like this post of yours) or b) something that could have been answered had he bothered to RTFM.  He's a moron.  You're a moron.  I realize that this unique bond you share compels you to stick up for him, but believe me, you and I and this whole board are much better off without him.

As a sidenote Vader, check the challenge thread.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-20, 23:09 by Twilight » Logged

Posts: 103

« Reply #2 on: 2003-02-20, 23:02 »

most questions asked on this board has been answered already if you just bother to search for the old topics wich i realise is a bit off a pain since the transfer

the off-topic forum is for off-topic posts and this forum is for generations posts

your tone however is less then cordial my god man for no real reason
you posted a thread in the wrong forum and youre mad because it got deleted? EDIT: sorry moved to the off-topic forum not deleted

does that make you mad that they moved it to where it belong?

vadertime i didnt place you in the category twi does with mojo but this recent outburst is more in line with his previous posts then yours

please try to be more civilised
« Last Edit: 2003-02-20, 23:19 by pepe » Logged

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #3 on: 2003-02-20, 23:11 »

which thread was deleted Vader? cause i see one of yours moved to the off topic forum area, which it was truely off topic. next time read the rules here before posting.
Team Member
Posts: 107

« Reply #4 on: 2003-02-20, 23:28 »

I don't know exactly what you're referring to, but your tone is more than enough to get deleted in and of itself.

Address your grievences with an ounce of respect -- not for the moderators, but for your fellow poster.
Pixel Procrastinator

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Posts: 3330

« Reply #5 on: 2003-02-20, 23:37 »

let's see.. what would happen if I walked into the admin channel of any irc network, and started to shout big (cuss-)words, speak belittelingly, make threats in general and to specific ircops all at the same time, while pretending to know about some channeltakeoverer that was punished (but in fact know hardly anything about said story) ... i'd get k-lined.. and justly so.
Basically, the above is what you just did, and not only that, you did it and proceeded to post it in the wrong bloody forum.
A post like this would be almost ok in the CC forum, almost. But not quite.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-20, 23:38 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #6 on: 2003-02-20, 23:50 »

What in gods name is this stupid shit? Are you TRYING to create flamebait here? I haven't seen many posts by you, but I'm fairly certain based on this one alone that you sir are not only a retard, but in fact an insult to the name of retard. Frankly, you make mojo seem like a poster child for politeness and intelligence.
Your tactic of referring to the moderators of these forums as, and i quote, "goddamned worthless codeheads" is an absolutely BRILLIANT strategy, assuming you're an ignorant asshole who's concept of 'debate' hasn't evolved much from your first grade playground days.
By the way, I don't know how many times i've suggested this in the past, so this time I'm going to put it in HUGE FREAKING RED TEXT so you ignorant flamebaits out there will get the damn hint:


This is a private forum, we reserve the right to moderate it however we want. Nobody's making you read/post on these boards, and frankly if it was up to me, I'd make sure you wern't able to.
Hans Grosse
Posts: 270

« Reply #7 on: 2003-02-21, 02:18 »

HAHAHAHAHAR!!!  Oh this is soooooo funny!!  I know you guys aren't too happy right now, but you gotta admit this is pretty humorous, a complete stranger coming into your forums and havng the balls to try to blast you guys!  

Put him in his place, guys...little bugs deserve to be squished!  *Evil chuckle and a whip crack*
Posts: 231

« Reply #8 on: 2003-02-21, 04:45 »

oh boy. pho is on the boards, u r teh toast now..
Thomas Mink

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Icon of Sin
Posts: 920


« Reply #9 on: 2003-02-21, 05:17 »

I can't help but laugh... man, that's funny. I'll agree with DW though, show em what's what and do what's necessary. Slipgate - Smile

Till then... rock on! HeadBanging

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8813

« Reply #10 on: 2003-02-21, 05:41 »

Um, excuse me Vader?  I've deleted, to my count, two threads because they had been answered before and Mojo was spamming topics on the main board.  That kind of behavior has been warned against fairly publicly.  So besides me deleting the two threads that Mojo spammed in the Gen board what the hell are you bitching about?  And don't go off saying I never answer questions.  I answer just about every question thrown at me, unless for some reason I miss seeing the thread because (surprise!) I MIGHT ACTUALLY BE WORKING ON THE FREAKING MOD AT THE TIME!  This isn't the "20 Questions With Pho" show, I don't patrol this board 24/7 so please, forgive me if I missed one of your 19 posts among the few HUNDRED we get here a month!  People already say I talk enough as it is, now you're saying you want me to talk MORE?  As far as us "playing God" on this messageboard, um, get a flocking clue featherbrain?  On a messageboard ADMIN = GODMODE, so from a technical standpoint we have every right to play God here.  WE OWN THE BOARD.  This is NOT Central Park in N.Y City where you can just say anything you want, including baseless inflamatory remarks.  This board is © Wirehead Studios.  We as admins reserve the right to do whatever the hell we want whenever the hell we want for whatever REASON we want.  Capiche?  We don't however exercise that power baselessly or needlessly anymore than the USA or Russia goes around dropping thermonuclear weapons on 3rd world countries "just because they can".  We prefer open dialogue and encourage it, but only up to a point.  Your inflamatory and from my standpoint fairly personal attack leveled at me would get you kicked off a lot of other boards quicker than here.  If you think I'm a jerk, that's fine and dandy, and that really doesn't bother me in the least.  I've never given much stock in the personal opinions of my character when leveled at me by people who show by their own actions a blatant lack of character.  I can stand being insulted quite easily, but don't start making false accusations or telling me, or OoBeY, or any of the other team members how to sail our own ship.  THAT is where I draw the line.  Unless that's your whole intention is to get banned, you know, like those people who think it's fun to find out how many boards they can get kicked off of.  If that's all you want just come out and ask us.  Otherwise, cool your jets and behave like a good little soldier.  If you have a legitimate question fine, ask away.  If it's something we missed, just say so!  There's no reason to pop your cork over it.  If you have a specific complaint you're welcome to express that too, but try to do it in a bit of a more courteous manner.  If you just keep attacking and flaming then don't blame us for the consequences.  Oh, and one last thing.  Lay off the personal threats.  You have no idea what I'm capable of. :ph34r:

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Hans Grosse
Posts: 270

« Reply #11 on: 2003-02-21, 05:49 »

Brava!  You go, Pho!  *Applauds*

You guys sure put on a good show now and then.  '-)

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #12 on: 2003-02-21, 06:01 »

One more post even REMOTELY like this vader, and you're outta here. Nobody talks like that on my forum. Shut your hole or die.
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #13 on: 2003-02-21, 10:52 »

Ok it takes much to piss me off but this, man vadertime grow up! this board HAVE moderators because SOME of you ppls can't keep whitin the forum rules, if it where un-moderated it whould be caos.
And don't attack phoneix for just doing his job, if he deleted the topics they've EARNED to be deleted!.

If you don't like how this boars are managed, you can leave.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-21, 10:57 by ReBoOt » Logged
Posts: 1110

« Reply #14 on: 2003-02-21, 15:04 »

Quote from: Vadertime
Listen here Phoenix, I don't like they way you moderators try to play God on this board. I've sent in questions that you didn't even have the goddamned decency to reply to. I've just about had it with you goddamned worthless codeheads. What are you gonna do next ban me from this site? Be damned glad I don't work in the same room you do. I don't know why you have to throw a shitfit every other week anyway. Tell OObie to quit playing god too. Tabun said he thought I should be able to take a joke. Why can't YOU take a joke. I don't know what MOJO sent that was so worthless, but don't be so damned quick to delete something that's just started. :angry:
there are a few faulty points in your argument...

1. "I don't like they way you moderators try to play God on this board."
 - as far as 'net BBs go, moderators ARE [relatively speaking] god. That's just the way it is, sugah.

2. "I don't know what MOJO sent that was so worthless, but don't be so damned quick to delete something that's just started."
 - You've missed out on a long line of bullshit that mojo has given this forum; here's the thread it's in: http://forums.wireheadstudios.org/index.ph...act=ST&f=5&t=31
 - That thread was started by mojo and it quickly turned into a flame war after the poll was criticized [note how many people voted "Yes"].
 - On the note of the deletion of mojo's posts, that flaming thread lasted for about a week before the fire burnt itself out. History has a tendancy to repeat, and I think whoever deleted mojo's more recent posts saw another flame thread coming, so they dispatched it. That's my perspective.


I hope that I have shed some light about the difference between a Member and an Admin/Moderator is and why they do what they do with the forums. These guys seem to be sound with their judgement.

In short, do your homework before testing people on the same material. It helps.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
 - Tekhead
« Reply #15 on: 2003-02-22, 19:21 »

I agree my post was reasonable and shouldn't be deleted Vader has every right to say you are playing god and should stop. Also you deleted two topics I assume they were mine the two I posted a few days ago. Well are they? And there was no threats and there was no tones. A tone would have been implamented with exclamation marks not periods. You guys play god and eventruly you are going to piss someone off. If you want a model forum to look at try Pain keep arenas forum. They respect the people even if they  do get pissed off. They dont play god. Also there is very very very few complaints there they seem to be good people and you guys seem to be wound way to tight and rigid. Take a break please. Also there is such a thing as pissing off the wrong person. Like a major time profesional hacker which I know some that post here and there at forums. I've seen two forums piss them off and their mod was put back about three months Including web page and forum. This is not a threat. It is merely an example. Also he may be new but a few tricks I know at forums is forum ghosts like a spectator they watch don't post and see all that goes on. This is it for my post here. G2G Slipgate - Tongue
« Last Edit: 2003-02-22, 19:24 by MoJoJoJoe » Logged

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #16 on: 2003-02-22, 20:05 »

We're going to get hacked by a PROFESSIONAL hacker because we deleted a few posts by an idiot? Right...

Go away moejo. Nobody likes you.

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #17 on: 2003-02-22, 20:08 »

Gee....I leave for a couple weeks to work on my book and someone is higher on the shitlist than me....

/me goes away to write his book somemore    Slipgate - Tongue

Beer? I'm down.
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #18 on: 2003-02-22, 20:17 »

Mojo old chap, you seem to miss the point entirely. If you read the posts in this thread backwards, they would still make sense, if you know what I mean (not ruling out the possibility you don't, judging by your post(s)).

1. The threads deleted were not reasonable for our standards (and surprise, we go by our standards here,. not those of anyone else, no matter who they are and how much anyone likes them). If I can believe Phoenix (which I surely can), the answers to the questions in said posts were answered either here or on the old forum some time ago.

2. We do not hold grudges. Our patience has its limits and harshness in action increases when limits are reached. This is not the first time we've dealt with these matters, and indeed our patience has slowly grown thin.

3. I respect everyone on these boards, even when I apply sarcasm or speak jokingly. The thing is, respect is a two-way concept. A post that is in one way or another disrespectful can receive disrespectful response - do not be too surprised at this.

There is a saying "your communication reflects itself in the response you get".
There is no judgement in this saying, it merely portrays wisdom.

If people get angry at you, delete your posts or apply sarcasm, there are two possible responses.
- The first, and generally applied reaction: you ignore their point, since they are obviously wrong and you apply threats (or examples, whatever you call them Slipgate - Smile), arguments and generally start or continue a fight on all fronts.
- Another way to respond, would be to reflect on the general response. Do not allow yourself to react to initial anger/feelings, do not allow yourself to be hurt by them directly, but let it seep in, think about what you can do yourself to change both this response, and the effect of your communication.
Are you getting out of this what you wanted to in the first place?
Does the application of the 'first' type of reaction help you reach your goals?
If not, why continue along that path? It's certainly not helping either yourself or the receiving end.

All this applies to us (moderators) aswell. If we post a news item or use our moderator privileges to which a lot of rude comments are issued, we should think about this, and not respond by forcibly furthering to express our opinions in the same manner (and yes, that is hard to do).
In any case however, we are both the initators and represent the response.
Phoenix' response was to delete the threads mentioned earlier, and surely you still remember our response to the new player class idea you ventilated some time ago. This is what I recommend you to think about. I'm not saying we were right to respond the way we did - I'm not saying your ideas are bollocks in general - I'm just saying that you're not going to get what you are/were obviously trying to get out of it.
A change in this can only effectively come from the initatiators' side, so I hope you, mojo and vadertime, may find this advice helpful (I know it was an eye-opener for me, once upon a time). Just as we will try to be patient as much as we can.

Two tactics that are not working so far:

  • The 'democratic community' idea (also known as 'stop-acting-like-gods'). "The community is god and moderators should do their bidding. Admins should be gentle, even when the community is not, because that is their place." - it won't work with us, Phoenix has clearly (and respectfully) explained why.
    Comparison to other communities or boards does not change this.
  • Threats, accusations, examples are a no-no.
    For example, the bit about the 'all-seeing-professional-hacker'... doesn't help - this is the internet. Any hacker true of heart shall agree with me on that. Their purpose is not to 'fight the unjust', because such a thing is never black&white on the net. Hackers strive to learn and educate about security problems, flaws and loopholes. Professional hackers also try to make sure their efforts are well met - otherwise there'd be a lot of jail, and very little profession left for them. All in all, being a hacker is an honourable task. I fear not of them, but would encourage a good conversation at any time - much can become known through this.

I'll leave it at that for now. I've hardly ever typed this much, but this is pretty much the base of how things work for me.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-23, 06:08 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #19 on: 2003-02-23, 01:16 »

Also there is such a thing as pissing off the wrong person. Like a major time profesional hacker *which I know some* that post here and there at forums. I've seen two forums piss them off and their mod was put back about three months Including web page and forum. This is not a threat. It is merely an example. Also he may be new but a few tricks I know at forums is forum ghosts like a spectator they watch don't post and see all that goes on. This is it for my post here. G2G

That could almost me veiwed as a threat. Even though you stated it wasnt, some people will take it as a threat, the way I see it.  There was no reason to post that bit of info in the first place.
Like a major time profesional hacker which I know some

As for playing god, you did read the info before joining right? Something along the lines of a ToS. (Terms of Service) Or whatever else it is called.

P.S. Tab, I agree with you 100% about proffesional hackers.
And for the malicious kind Mojo, 90% of the time if they told you, they are probally some script kiddie.
« Last Edit: 2003-02-23, 01:18 by Lilazzkicker » Logged
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