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Author Topic: New Bot Lines  (Read 4987 times)
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Posts: 53

« on: 2008-02-28, 18:18 »


I noticed a couple of threads about bots/ the single player mode which reminded me of some chat lines that I started to come up with for the bots in Generations. I thought I'd post them up to see what you guys think, if they might be any use, or if anyone has any more that would be good. They're based around map names from Doom, Doom 2 or Final Doom, or stuff from the Doom manual.

Obviously substitute Sarge for the player's name.

1. Sarge, were you one of the playtesters on Final Doom? [after Sarge kills Doom]
2. Apparently, when Sarge dies, they pick him up, dust him off, and send him back into battle. Well, they would if they could find all the pieces.
3. Where's an Arch-vile when you need one, eh Sarge?
4. Does anyone know where the red key is on this map?
5. Every time I get my chain-saw out a little voice in my head tells me to find some meat, and I don't quite know why.
6. Gotcha!
7. Wow, this place is nice. Makes even Monster Condo look like a dump.
8. Sarge, you are a wimp.
9. Hey, Sarge, not too rough!
10. Hurt me plenty!
11. Do me a favour. Don't disturb Sarge- he's Dead Simple.
12. Grosse!
13. Sarge, killing you is almost as bad as letting you live.
14. The only good thing about you, fatso, is that you're a nice wide target.
15. Somehow it seems unfair I'm not the only guy here with a plasma gun.
16. Sarge: dumb, tough, dies, on fire. 'Nuff said. [killed Sarge with plasma gun]
17. Well, at least I don't have to contend with Imps trying to heave balls of fire down my throat any more.
18. It's time to find a better weapon than a pistol, if I'm going to face any of you mutants. Oh look, I just found a shotgun in my back pocket!
19. According to the computer analysts at the UAC, you're "nothing more than pistol-toting, bi-pedal maggots". Their official advice in situations like this? Waste 'em!
20. Anybody seen any "challenging electronics" lying around for me to use?
21. Hey Sarge, how do you like the chaingun cha-cha? [killed Sarge with chaingun]
22. Frying some demon butt! [kill Sarge with plasma gun]
23. It's always best to let the bad guys do the work.
24. Whoa, deja vu.
25. Easy enough.
26. By the way, better luck next time!
27. You're going to look like Raw Hamburger by the time I'm done with you, Sarge.
28. Well, at least this makes a change from suckin' dust and watchin' restricted flicks in the rec room.
29. Damn untimely death of full body explosion! [Doom gets killed]
30. Things aren't looking too good!
31. Whatever or whoever just killed me deserves a few pellets in the head, and they're going to get it.
32. Lock and load!
33. Nirvana, at last!
34. Say hello to the Spirit World, Sarge!
35. Sarge I'm going to turn you into a Goddamn Human BBQ the next time I see you!
36. Redemption! [after winning]
37. It's Open Season, you bastards!
38. Nukage Processing is one of my specialities. [after killing Sarge with the RL].
39. Welcome to the Dead Zone.
40. Heck! This Pain is Mounting up!
41. What do you want on your Tombstone, Sarge?
42. You just made an NME, Sarge.
43. Your little Onslaught didn't do shit to me, Sarge.
44. Damn! I havn't had bullet holes in my forehead like these since Doom 2!
45. Shit and I thought Crater was just a map in Final Doom. [Doom craters]

So what do you guys think? Any good?
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #1 on: 2008-02-28, 18:37 »

This is one of the few threads which i start reading at the middle, suddenly nothing makes sense and i scroll up again and read the beginning Slipgate - Wink
 Well i doubt bots chat lines is of major importance at this time since there's still more important stuff that needs to get done thought if the burning bird got the time, who knows? Slipgate - Smile
Nice lines thought.
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8805

« Reply #2 on: 2008-02-28, 18:47 »

Some of those are pretty good.  If we get to coding another Doom-class bot, I might lift a few.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 53

« Reply #3 on: 2008-02-29, 01:00 »

Thanks. Yeah I just get tired of the crap that the existing bots say. Some of their lines are pretty bad. For example, I read in one of the files, if they kill you with the buzz-saw sometimes they say "Street Fighter 2, baby. : - )". I think if that happened to me in a real multi-player game I would shoot myself.

Maybe we could just have this as a thread for posting up potential bot lines or something. I often find it's hard to tell if your own jokes are funny, but easier to tell if other people's are. So we could kind of post stuff up and go with what people find funny or cool at least.

Here's a few more:

1. Dis' is what I'm talking about! (after killing Sarge)
2. Unto the cruel... (Doom entering the game)
3. Looks like my little bastard Grand-kids forgot to put that rocket launcher in my coffin. Have to make do with this shotgun.. (Doom entering the game)
4. It's all about The Focus, Sarge. (after killing Sarge)
5. This place is like the bloody Chasm all over again. (after cratering)
6. Blood Falls. And so do shattered bones and internal organs. (after gibbing someone)
7. Redemption Denied. (after killing someone)
8. This place is starting to look like an Abattoire.. (after gibbing someone)
Posts: 121

« Reply #4 on: 2008-03-03, 17:53 »

I think it would be funny if Sarge said "I am Death Incarnate!" or "Get Psyched!"

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