Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Controversy Corner => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2004-08-06, 07:44

Title: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars (Hello? Moderators? Have any?)
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-06, 07:44
http://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story...0&w=RTR&coview= (http://channels.netscape.com/ns/news/story.jsp?id=2004080520030002585361&dt=20040805200300&w=RTR&coview=)

"Ew, you called me a name so I'M SUING.  WAAAAH." is what this amounts to.  Seriously, GROW THE SPORK UP!  If anyone thinks we're heavy-handed at times, this is what happens when people don't moderate their message boards.  This is just one more reason we don't put up with personal attacks here.  It really can lead to this kind of crap. :wall:

Title: Re: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars
Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-08-06, 13:03
only in california.

and, we can sue for namecalling these days?? last i checked that was free speech... however unlikeable it may be. i wanna know what goes through peoples heads that makes them think they can win lawsuits like this?

Title: Re: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars
Post by: dna on 2004-08-06, 18:05
The story is vague, but libel suits have been won for less.

Title: Re: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars
Post by: games keeper on 2004-08-06, 19:11
looks like evereone can become a lawyer in the USA  , even morrons .

Title: Re: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-08-06, 19:54
gameskeeper: ted kennedy went to law school what does that tell you.

sadly in my beloved california we live mostly under the iron fists of far leftist democrats ( of course we do have some republicans mostly in southern california and of course the govenator ) and democrats bow to every growing bullshit lawsuit lawyer sect the same way republicans cringe for big energy companys. ( you will notice practically every democrat in the country is a former lawyer while practically every republican is a former buisness man)

Title: Re: Yahoo Sued Over Flame Wars
Post by: Genialus on 2004-08-06, 21:25
/callvote "shoot him now?"

/say "F1 all!"