Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: shambler on 2004-08-07, 10:14

Title: Gen 99e+doom 3 (Gen 99e+doom 3)
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-07, 10:14
The more I think about it, the more I am looking forward to Gen 99e than I am to Doom 3.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-07, 10:54
You just made my... day?  Month?  Year?  <3

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-08-07, 13:49
Quote from: shambler
The more I think about it, the more I am looking forward to Gen 99e than I am to Doom 3.
Multi-player-wise, I would have to agree that Generations Arena > DOOM 3. ;)

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: scalliano on 2004-08-07, 16:00
Agreed. To my knowledge, Doom3 is limited to 4 players. Gen is limited to WHATEVER YOU LIKE!!!

Plus, you don't need an obscenely expensive setup to run Gen.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-08-07, 16:05
Much as i love gen im affraid i cant join in on this lovely asskissing fest.  To me the stock content of doom 3 only represents a small part of the games worth. Im looking forward to some potentially very nice user created content ( hopefully single player levels ). To me thats the opportunity doom 3 represents. Of course ive always been a bigger fan of single player than multi player.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-07, 16:23
I look at it like this:

I get so far in single player, and then get stuck, and stop. I then reformat at some stage, and loose my saves.
I have become dissatisfied with S player modes. (but I still buy/play them.

I much prefer team deathmatch. I play this in Gen (on my Lan at moment with my sons) and in ut (at truffs) and ut2004 (bot match or whatever)

I don't get bored, and can get a game at anytime.

I'll play D3, but will get stuck, and then stop and won't finish SP mode.

Anyway: I'm a slipgater at heart. I'm waiting for 99e to stop the silly RL complaints etc.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: games keeper on 2004-08-07, 17:26
WTF  , how cant you beat a single player , only single players I havent beaten is morrowind ( had to reformat (again) ) and gta vice city (still stuck at 80 % finishing the game , did all the missions to finish the game and all the gang ones , I found all the hidden packages , still need to do the ramages and stunts and the paramedic missions whre always something goes wrong :( .

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-07, 17:30
I just get bored.....

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: scalliano on 2004-08-07, 18:29
I didn't say that I'm not looking forward to playing D3, it's just that at the moment I'm on a bit of a budget and as such stuck with my humble GF2 card for the forseeable future. That pretty much rules out D3 for the moment. The toughest thing my comp can handle is the Tenebrae engine and even that's a FPS killer.

So, er, it's Gen all the way!

(Also, I am ashamed to admit it, but I only beat Q2 for the first time in SP last week!)

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: JLMode on 2004-08-08, 15:23
Have to agree dat Gen99.e is da bomb!!! but seriously, i think dat even pho will agree with me dat Doom3 is the biggest thing of the year and maybe in gamin' history, since he and i are both hardcore doom fans, and for all dat think the multiplayer in Doom3 stinks, go to http://www.doom3hq.net/ (http://www.doom3hq.net/) to the mod section, and download the 32-multiplayer mod, so you can enjoy a very nice fragfest, the same way you will enjoy playing Gen with yer friends...

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-08-08, 15:49
8-player doom is abseloutely unplayable on the net... but 32???

Spawn, fire,
Tekhead timed out

It's scary - you may as well DoS yourself =[

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-08-08, 15:52
I haven't played Doom3 yet, but from what I've heard of the multiplayer, the 4 person limit is there for a reason.

I've heard that 8 was playable, on a LAN, but 32? You're nuts!

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: JLMode on 2004-08-08, 16:06
ok. to be more specific the 32 goes to the maximum players dat can be conected, but ya can play from 2 to the number ya want.... to 32 obviously.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-08-08, 16:19
Yah, we understand that 32 was the max. We're saying that such a game would be so heavy on lag (both network and hardware) it wouldn't be any fun at all.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: JLMode on 2004-08-08, 19:52
By the way, forgot to mention dat ya should go to filefront.com to download the complete DOOM3 theme.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: mecha on 2004-08-09, 00:05
Quote from: JLMode
By the way, forgot to mention dat ya should go to filefront.com to download the complete DOOM3 theme.
stop saying "dat" and "ya"

and Doom 3 multiplayer blows. that's not why I got it. unlike a majority of people bitching about Doom 3, I knew what I was going into when I bought the game.

FPS games are never gonna be the same. there's never gonna be another universally accessible game like Quake.... so Gen is the ticket for now. and UT 2004 is badass too, but that's just not id ;)


Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-09, 09:13
Yes, Doom 3 is probably the biggest thing in recent gaming history.  It has it's place, and it's a very good one.  Generations Arena also has its place.   I don't see why one has to exclude the other.  We're all Id fans here.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-11, 08:48
Well, to illerstrate my first :ownage:  point, I downloaded and played 99e as soon as I could. (7am my time) but I have had Doom 3 for 3 days and have not yet installed it. (I've been trying to sort my network over to XP mind)

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-13, 16:52
I have had Doom since saturday nite, and its now friday. I have still not installed it. I've been busy with 99e and XP stuff.

(still think the nails are too slow.......) (joke, but true :ownage: )

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-08-14, 13:56
lol, the nails are quite a bit faster now. It's easy to hit the slower classes, but hitting a doomguy with the nails is still tough.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-14, 14:26
I've already gotten a few nice kills with the Super Nailgun.

Title: Re: Gen 99e+doom 3
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-14, 14:34
Quote from: Phoenix
I've already gotten a few nice kills with the Super Nailgun.
yes. I think that was me!

I've been playing off-line so much I have to learn to handle the lag again.

(thats not to say I was ever any good, mind...)