Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: Method on 2004-08-16, 17:39

Title: Server list problem (- please help)
Post by: Method on 2004-08-16, 17:39
Hey people i got a problem here, and wondering if anyone can help?

Just installed q3a today, i updated it to 132 and installed generations arena .99e i've set everything up correctly as far as i know.

but when i try to get server lists i am only shown about 6 servers with 0 players on every one of them, but generations claims its getting info for 2000+ servers. i have view both full and empty servers on and have set up for generations to look for servers on the internet, i've even disabled my firewall and enabled punkbuster. can anybody help me?


Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Makou on 2004-08-16, 18:12
I may be in error, but I believe the server browser in Generations is set to only actually display servers for the mod, and no others. Quake 3 may find information for 2000 or so servers, but while running Generations, you'll only see six - because there are only that many dedicated servers for Generations.

People are usually on at least one of them in the evening hours. :)

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Method on 2004-08-16, 18:32
Thanx man i assumed that the 2000 servers were just for generations and nothing else. i not actually played q3a in 4 years cause i dont like normal q3a, but the idea of this mod made me install it.

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Makou on 2004-08-16, 19:15
Several people, myself included, only have Q3A installed because of Generations.

Welcome aboard. :thumb:

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-16, 20:43
Like you I only have Q3 for Generations.

I find the best way to find servers is to use gamespy. This will list  dedicated servers.  you will also need the generations apk file, that will get it to list the servers.

On the other hand, you may be already doing this.  if so, then ingore me.

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-17, 05:18
I might recommend The All-Seeing Eye (http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/index.html) for your server browser needs.  It works fast, flawlessly, and is 99% bs free.

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Lopson on 2004-08-17, 08:54
ASE is much better. No e-mail SPAM, no publicity while browsing servers, no nothing.
BTW same story with q3a here.

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: Tabun on 2004-08-17, 13:57
Mind you, if you're one of the unlucky ones with a router that chokes relatively easily: If your connection drops when using ASE, yes, it could be caused by that program.

Title: Re: Server list problem
Post by: scalliano on 2004-08-17, 18:56
Quote from: Makou
Several people, myself included, only have Q3A installed because of Generations.
Same here, well, PKA as well ...

*straps on blue armour*