Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Xypher on 2004-10-28, 09:57

Title: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead! (...in China!!!!??)
Post by: Xypher on 2004-10-28, 09:57
Hey guys, glad i finaly got this 'net working...
I'm living in Beijing with my dad now. Luckily this internet access isn't restricted to *just* china...phew

So, as soon as i have my *grin* athlon 64 system built...i'll be back up and running!

oh yeah...and...

 :rules: (Thanks kain  :thumb: )

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-28, 11:29

(Oh yeah, and take some pics while you're over there with the real ricers!)

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-10-28, 17:44
I guess it will be comrade xypher from now on.

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-28, 19:30
No, Woods.  He's at the US Embassy IN China, so in that respect you could say he's representing all of America.

Xypher:  Be sure to get some of those Chinese over there hooked on Gen.  If the Commies ban it, leak word to the press right away.  We could get some serious mad publicity if Gen creates an international incident!  :smirk:

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: OoBeY on 2004-10-28, 20:59
What's it like in the future? Does the world have flying cars 12 hours from now?

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: Xypher on 2004-10-29, 03:05
Nihao! Sowry tek, many aporogies.
I'll be sure to get you guys some pics as soon as i can figure out the whole computer situation...

No flying cars oob...but plenty of smog :(

Pho! I'd be lucky to find ANYONE at the embassy who games...and as I don't speak chinese...finding chinese gamers would be a bit difficult ;)

I'm not actually located AT the embassy, but about a block away at the embassy housing complex...yeah yeah...crose enough.

"...I didn't wanna do it"

I'll be popping in and out of the WebIRC client periodically until i build my system...so i'll keep you guys posted! :)

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2004-10-29, 14:59
Depending on the stableness of your connection, I think we need a Chinese affiliate irc server.


Just because we CAN!

Title: Re: T3h Xypher is 12 hours ahead!
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-31, 09:04

according to gamespy there a Gen server in Japan!

Although I can't get it to show at the moment, and have not checked it for a week, having been on the scottish border for R&R.

Hey, you could join us on the euro server sometime: about noon for you?

Good luck in the East man.