Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Entertainment => Topic started by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-01, 23:01

Title: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-01, 23:01
Hi Guys

thought of an idea  :offtopic:

when we are not playing the fabulous gen arena

what games or mods do we play

check out planetquake at the mo for quake 3 lego carnage  :D

it's well worth playing just for it's humour value alone

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-02, 00:10
I'm a Painkeep Arena fan myself. The Private Bot is nothing short of genius.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-02, 01:36
Well I sometimes play the old Q2 Generations, a lot of times I just beat up on Q2 Gladiator bots.  Sometimes I'll load them up in Rocket Arena for some mindless slaughter.  Recently I've also been playing through Doom 1 using the Doomsday engine.  Visually it's spectacular, especially if you really tweak the dynamic lighting.  My only gripe is the way the sound is handled, but I've not updated for a while so that might be fixed.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-02, 01:57
:offtopic: If you're talking about the way the pitch of the sounds change, there's a way to disable that by running the kickstart launcher. I have that disabled cos it did my head in. ;)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Tabun on 2005-06-02, 02:09
This reminds me of the mods we used to play on Q2 lans:

- Red Rover (alas, never remade for Q3 :( )
- Catch the Chicken (which exists for Q3)
- LeperQuake (which does not)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Footman on 2005-06-02, 14:23
I often play:
Doom64 TC(Doom 2/Doomsday)
Q2 Gen(Q2)
Doom 2.5(Doom/EDGE)

Can't think of much else I play in the FPS mod department, really.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Tabun on 2005-06-02, 14:58
Try Defrag for Q3 sometime :)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-02, 18:27
No, it's not the sound pitch that's the problem, as the shareware 1.2 Doom did that (and I missed it ever since 1.666 dammit!).  Just load up ZDoom and chainsaw a demon, and fire a plasma burst point blank at a wall, then load up Doomsday and do the same thing.  ZDoom's sound code is much more inline with Doom.exe and Doom2.exe, I don't know what Doomsday did to theirs but I don't like it.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Thomas Mink on 2005-06-03, 00:19
I play Enemy Territory Fortress (ETF)... other than that, my gaming is quite limited by my mood at the time. I've been known to play all the old classics at random intervals in time.. Wolf3d, Doom/Doom2, Quake.. I avoid Q2 with a passion tho.. inferior product (bias opinion). I don't play anything relating to HL either (more bias). So.. as it stands, Gen is the only reason Q3 is still alive on my computer. :)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Footman on 2005-06-03, 15:16
Quote from: Phoenix
No, it's not the sound pitch that's the problem, as the shareware 1.2 Doom did that (and I missed it ever since 1.666 dammit!).  Just load up ZDoom and chainsaw a demon, and fire a plasma burst point blank at a wall, then load up Doomsday and do the same thing.  ZDoom's sound code is much more inline with Doom.exe and Doom2.exe, I don't know what Doomsday did to theirs but I don't like it.
You can disable it in kickstart(the launcher)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-03, 16:18
Quote from: Footman
You can disable it in kickstart(the launcher)
Disable WHAT?  Did you even read my post?  I said the sound pitching is NOT the problem!

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-03, 22:46
i know what you mean pho

it's like it sounds like doom but it isn't, not sure what they did to it either but it ruins the mood

and you know i never though that people would take to this thread sooo well, well shows what i know

also my top 5 mods of this week other than gen are

1. Nexuiz, a completely new game based of the quake engine very sci fiy  worth a good look
2. Jailbreak POW, another mod i have been waiting for and was well worth the wait  :D
3. Lotr BfME massive, ok so it's not a quake 3 mod, but finally the kickass scale of battles in return of the king are possible  :thumb:
4. Animal Arena, not a new mod but still a goody playing as the roo class is always funny
5 Air Bucanners, yup it's a ut2004 mod that isn't deathmatch  :wtf: , very polished and full of charm, lost an entire day playing this beauty

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-03, 23:29
I haven't gotten a chance to play Nexuiz or Jailbreak PoW yet, but here's a list of some mods that I've played recently (and by recently, I mean over the span of a few months, because I haven't tried out that many as of late.)

Siege for UT2004 http://siege.c-aces.com/Documentation.html (http://siege.c-aces.com/Documentation.html)

CTF4 for UT2004 http://ctf4.apartment167.com/index.php (http://ctf4.apartment167.com/index.php)
The information on the website is surprisingly sparse, but CTF4 essentially brings back the gold and green team from UT both for CTF and Team Deathmatch.  The mod also features green and gold team skins for every default model present in UT2004, including the Editor's Choice Edition bonus pack models.

Last Man Standing Co-Op for DOOM 3 http://lms.d3files.com/index.php (http://lms.d3files.com/index.php)

Projam for Alien Versus Predator 2 http://www.planetavp.com/projam/ (http://www.planetavp.com/projam/)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-04, 00:07

projam is soooo goood, it brings a tear to my eye.

finally a mod worth playing for AvP2

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-04, 00:54
LoX for quake II

omg heavy weaponz rox!!

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-04, 04:10
Just as a disclaimer to avoid the questions I know I'll get if I don't, I am in no way affiliated with Animal Arena incase anyone checks the credits.  That's someone else entirely.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-04, 09:53
Sven Co-op - HL
Natural Selection - HL
The Trenches - HL
Generations Arena ( ;) ) - QIIIA
Enemy Territory Fortress - W : ET

Recently I've also been playing through Doom 1 using the Doomsday engine

Love the JDRP. The md2 models are quite enjoyable to kill. The lightnings too. The 200mb texture pack is also enjoyable. The problem is that it's a bit heavy to my pc sometimes...(humilliation O_o  )

And that's that.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-04, 22:02
Well, I play it with the original sprites and graphics.  I've tried the model packs, and it just doesn't have the same feel as the sprites.  I guess It's just too imprinted on me at this point, but the engine itself is beautiful, especially the additive lighting routines.  Have to tweak them so they're not insane, but it's very pretty.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-05, 00:06
I'm kind of partial to CDooM and DooM 2 for DooM 3. Incomplete but quite cool. :rules:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: shambler on 2005-06-05, 12:12
I tend to play 'shamblers dalek deathmatch' on my lan with my sons. Its basically Q1 with extra levels, the reaperbot, with the model changed to a dalek. None of my own work, just bits put together to allow us to shoot daleks.

(don't nobody ask what a dalek is)

We also play UT99 monster madness. Sometimes with daleks too.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-05, 14:04
I also just finished playing Nanosaur 2.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-05, 16:55
I play JDoom with the models enabled (very Q2Gen-looking IMO), although I only recently found out that there was a fix to allow JDoom to run the old Aliens TC (one of the best Doom mods ever IMO) "Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened here, I think we missed it ..."

I recently completed the Doom64 TC and it got me thinking: Damn, if this is what the Doomsday engine is really capable of, it would be nice to see a port of the PSX version(s), but there's not much chance of that.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-06, 01:19
Quote from: scalliano
"Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened here, I think we missed it ..."
Oh the memories. <3

Just love the old Alien movies. Although from 3 on they weren't all that good.(Oops slightly :offtopic: )
I liked the PS one version of DooM alot. It had alot of levels. And one of the only ports that I've played that the bodies(gibbed or whole) actually flew when hit with the bfg or clacker(RL)... Unlike the Super NES version.Arrrgggg!! Piece of crap!!Speaking of PS one ports: anybody play Q2 on it. I used to think it was the bomb when it first came out. Too bad it didn't have a usable analog control. You couldn't configure it right. O_o .

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-06, 13:41
:offtopic: The PS port of Q2 was good IMO, but it was let down by way too many loading areas, although this was more down to memory restrictions. Still, can't have everything.

And, yes I agree, both Alien3 and Resurrection sucked.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-06, 18:20
Quote from: scalliano
And, yes I agree, both Alien3 and Resurrection sucked.
Those two were horrible Alien 3 was just an Alien movie wrapped around a bunch of "F" bombs, and Resurrection was a movie that should have never been. I have a boxed set of Alien movies that say "Trilogy" on them. Trilogy's don't have 4 parts.

 AvP was quite interesting. If you could get past that wacked out plot. But it put a neat twist on both series.

Wow, what a rant. Sorry had nothing to do with Mods, but got me wanting to break out AvP 2. Fun game to say the least.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Moshman on 2005-06-06, 19:40
Friggin Awsome!

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Angst on 2005-06-06, 19:52
(don't nobody ask what a dalek is)
If they have to ask, they will be exterminaaaated!

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-06, 22:13
/me finds dark place to hide  :ninja:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-10, 21:20
It's that time of the week again, so what have i found

well so far there haven't been that many great mods banded around at the mo

what is out however is good

so my top mods for this week are

1. World of Padman , zany, original and very good fun
2. DeGeneration, nice addition to the cool freebie Return to castle wolfenstein enemy Territory
3. Killing floor for UT2004, only a demo at the mo, but still enough there to show what might be a classy mod in the future
4. Project Raptor V4 for CnC Generals Zero Hour, even if you hated generals, and some do, you find a good sized mod briming with new units and building that make the general sides that much more unique than before
5. Chaos UT2004, yeah i know it's getting on a bit and they haven't updated the mod since december but i dare anybody not to like the duel mode while using weapons only ( Oh how i have missed you Bastard Sword)
6. U4E. if you have played chaos, meet it's zanier twin. weirder weapons bug gun anybody ?
7. Clone Bandits. played only for the sheer enjoyment of killing somebody with a flamingo mine from the lounge tank  :)~

and finally my mod of the week

drum roll please

Quake 3 Invasion

finally got it to work and it's great, a mad mod based on the alien movies definately needs work but what's there will keep you going for hours  :thumb:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-10, 21:48
quake 3 invasion is pretty cool. gamespay arcade doesnt have it under mods tho so its hard to find multiplayer games

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-19, 16:35
It's another week and I'm Back

quite a lot going on, so i'll keep it brief

bein playing alot of

Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil and the bosses are pants (seriously the first 2 shouldn't have got out of bed)

Empire Earth 2 still very cool

Mythic Blades a Brand new beat - em up set in mythology

and the original painkeep (quake 1 version for people who have no idea what i'm talking about)

plus anybody know where i can get bots for it ?

so what has been happening on the mod scene

well i'll tell you

Jedi Knight 3 Jedi Academy has gained a new mod

Movie Battles, yes now you too can have sabers lock mid battle to see who will win (great for those Luke versus Darth Battles)

and well that's about it

 :wtf:  yes that's right nothing has happened

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-19, 20:34
:offtopic: Is there any particular reason you have to double-space your posts?  :offtopic:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-19, 23:07
unfortunately yes

due to the fact my eyes are slightly dodgy if there's too much writing in one block it sends my eyes funny and looks blurry

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-20, 02:02
Anyone remember that old Atari game "Combat"?

Well, check this out!!

http://www.planetquake.com/quake3/features...tw/combat.shtml (http://www.planetquake.com/quake3/features/motw/combat.shtml)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-20, 02:43
Quote from: Lordbane2110
unfortunately yes

due to the fact my eyes are slightly dodgy if there's too much writing in one block it sends my eyes funny and looks blurry
Ok, that makes sense.
(Edit:  I was being sarcastic for the reasons Tab states below.)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Tabun on 2005-06-20, 02:57
Doesn't make much sense to me. Why only have one post (namely your own) - which you won't be reading a lot - look readable to yourself? Why not use visibility tools, or increase the font size with your browser? That way we wouldn't be bothered by something only meant to assist you, and you would have the benefit of being able to read _all_ posts comfortably.. everybody wins.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-20, 04:41
Quote from: scalliano
Anyone remember that old Atari game "Combat"?

Well, check this out!!

http://www.planetquake.com/quake3/features...tw/combat.shtml (http://www.planetquake.com/quake3/features/motw/combat.shtml)
Heh, it's funny you should mention that; Pho, Omega-X, and I played a few rounds of that mod.  Pho noticed that you could arc the shots given the right touch, and he rigged up some kind of config that made him unbelievably good (even though he was whupping our buts already,) at killing off people on higher floors than he was.  Aside from the whole strafing tank thing, it's a fantastic little tribute to Combat. :)

That also reminds me of another great, little known mod.  It's called arQ and it's based off an old computer game called Archon which in turn is a variation of chess.  You can go here (http://www.planetquake.com/brazen/arq/) if you're interested.  Like Gen, it'll work on any map. :)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-20, 05:55
Vertical aiming just took getting a feel for it, and I suppose I have an advantage in that I'm used to dealing with three dimensional movement.  My "special config" merely consisted of binding a convenient key to "centerview" so I could quickly reset the gun to level from whatever angle it had been at previously.  This made flat ground fighting a lot easier and kept me from blowing myself up as much as you guys did - resulting in a higher net gain of frags.  :)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-20, 12:53
:offtopic: http://www.planetquake.com/brazen/arq/shot...ots/shot003.jpg (http://www.planetquake.com/brazen/arq/shots/shot003.jpg)

OH MY GOD!!! Now i know why you are a lord of the arenas  ^_^ .

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: shambler on 2005-06-20, 13:54
Quote from: Lordbane2110

plus anybody know where i can get bots for it ?

I had or still have a reaper bot patch that would let you use it with the painkeep thing. worked for me. It must still be about somewhere on the net, or I could try and find it in my old CDs.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-20, 17:25
For the 1,000,000th time, it's spelled Phoenix, NOT PHEONIX!! :wall:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-20, 19:04
Maybye it really is his nickname. Maybye he wrote intentionally "Pheonix" instead of "Phoenix"... or maybye not...

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-06-20, 20:35
what's wrong with double spacing

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-20, 23:33
Speaking of bots, does anyone know if there's a bot compatible with Doomsday? The problem is that whenever I try to run ZDoom it looks like this:

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-21, 03:06
Scal, that's weird.  It looks like there's some kind of znear problem.  Have you tried a newer version of ZDoom, or posted on their bug forums about it?  Maybe an obscure cvar change is all that's needed.

The only Doom bot I know of is the Cajun bot, which is part of Zdoom and Zdaemon.  Here's the closest thing I found for alternative bot options:  http://www.doomworld.com/ports/bot_mod.shtml (http://www.doomworld.com/ports/bot_mod.shtml)  Doomsday doesn't have any kind of bot support as far as I know.

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Footman on 2005-06-21, 03:28
Skulltag also has a good set of bots. Althought they chat waaaay too much and don't support CTF yet.
http://www.skulltag.com (http://www.skulltag.com)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-21, 19:10
OMG the Combat mod maps with 2096 dmfalgs are awesome! With 10 bots, you can't survive for more than 10 secs :)

Title: Re: Quake 3 Mod Watch
Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-21, 21:27
Quote from: Phoenix
Scal, that's weird.  It looks like there's some kind of znear problem.  Have you tried a newer version of ZDoom, or posted on their bug forums about it?  Maybe an obscure cvar change is all that's needed.

The only Doom bot I know of is the Cajun bot, which is part of Zdoom and Zdaemon.  Here's the closest thing I found for alternative bot options:  http://www.doomworld.com/ports/bot_mod.shtml (http://www.doomworld.com/ports/bot_mod.shtml)  Doomsday doesn't have any kind of bot support as far as I know.
Thanks, Pho. I'm using the latest ZDoom, so it's probably option 2. I'll check it out. :thumb: