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General Discussion => Controversy Corner => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2005-09-21, 23:48

Title: Hurricane Rita (Already a Category 5)
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-09-21, 23:48
As if Katrina wasn't enough, along comes Rita, already a category 5, with sustained winds of 165 MPH as of this posting.  Here's a look:  http://www.stormtracker.noaa.gov/stormtracker-rita.htm (http://www.stormtracker.noaa.gov/stormtracker-rita.htm)

Two monster storms within a month's time.  Post your thoughts, concerns, etc here if you wish.

Title: Re: Hurricane Rita
Post by: scalliano on 2005-09-22, 00:33
It just gets worse, doesn't it?

Hopefully this time around there will be more preparation. All I can say to anyone potentially affected by this is hang in there.

Title: Re: Hurricane Rita
Post by: Footman on 2005-09-22, 19:41
I've come to two conclusions:
1. Mother Nature really doesn't like New Orleans or neighboring areas
2. ...Speaking of New Orleans, the founders were rather dumb for building their city below sea level.

Title: Re: Hurricane Rita
Post by: Lopson on 2005-09-22, 20:14
And as if that wasn't enough, they built it on a swamp right?

Title: Re: Hurricane Rita
Post by: Woolie Wool on 2005-09-22, 20:53
Quote from: Footman
I've come to two conclusions:
1. Mother Nature really doesn't like New Orleans or neighboring areas
2. ...Speaking of New Orleans, the founders were rather dumb for building their city below sea level.
Actually, it was built above sea level, but the land has sunk because the periodical floods that built up the delta have been stopped by river diversions, dikes, etc.