Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Prometheus on 2003-07-25, 02:12

Title: oh my god who killed Kenny? (be werry werry qwuiet i huttin kenny huh)
Post by: Prometheus on 2003-07-25, 02:12
I seek the one they calll....(dum dum dummmmmm)  KENNY! if you are here please respond. i shall await your (cough) ack umm... damn i killed the dramatic part oh well ill be waiting for a reply.

                                          Fire Goooood!                      
                                                                    Prometheus     :hat:

Title: Re: oh my god who killed Kenny?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-07-25, 03:14
He's on our IRC channel quite often.

If he's not there, several of his friends are, and they can give you his ICQ#

Title: Re: oh my god who killed Kenny?
Post by: Prometheus on 2003-07-25, 07:06
why thank you my good man

                 Fire Goood!
                                         Prometheus :hat:

Title: Re: oh my god who killed Kenny?
Post by: Prometheus on 2003-07-25, 07:28
welll that just got me all lost.... if anyone could tell kenny that he is being seeked out i would be much ablidged. i am an old roomate of his that would like to talk to him again.

                                                     Fire Gooooood!
                                                          Prometheus :hat: