Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: newfin1 on 2008-10-14, 21:14

Title: steam?
Post by: newfin1 on 2008-10-14, 21:14
does this mod work on steam :doom_?:

Title: Re: steam?
Post by: Phoenix on 2008-10-16, 01:31
Generations Arena version .99f will work with retail copies of Quake 3 Arena version 1.32.  It should work like any other mod, except that it requires higher com_hunkmegs settings.  I know that Steam games such as Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress 2 can be started from a shortcut.  I have not tested Quake 3 Arena under a Steam distribution, but I would recommend using a shortcut to start Generations.  The argument need to start Generations  follows:

 +set fs_game generations

We recommend having a com_hunkmegs setting of no more than 2/3 of your system ram.  Usually 190 is sufficient for any maps and level of graphic detail.  You can specify a com_hunkmegs setting in the command line as follows:

 +set fs_game generations +set com_hunkmegs 190

If you have any other questions let me know and I'll help as best as I can.