Wirehead Studios

News => News: Wirehead Studios => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2010-04-10, 02:59

Title: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Phoenix on 2010-04-10, 02:59
Alas, our IRC server is down, and I think it probably died this time.  We'll be looking into setting up an alternative chat room sometime soon if the server does not miraculously respawn, regenerate, or otherwise recover.  In the mean time, if anyone needs to chat with a team member they're encouraged to use the message boards for the time being.

Title: Re: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Tabun on 2010-04-10, 13:12
If anyone needs to chat (to me), and IRC is the preferred mode, holler my name on the EnterTheGame network, #wirehead. Tabbot sits there, too (irc.enterthegame.com).

Title: Re: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Xypher on 2010-04-21, 01:03
Apparently nobody noticed but me :(

Title: Re: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Angst on 2010-06-03, 22:09
I MAY be able to host providing my friend ever gets off his lazy bum and finishes building the server I bought from him >.<

Full height server rack, and nothing to go in it makes Angs7 a sad panda..

Title: Re: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Xypher on 2010-08-28, 07:29
I just got a brand-used 3Ghz P4 with 512mb RAM thats sitting here doing nothing also...Its only useful as a server as it has no graphics slot(s).

Title: Re: Wirehead IRC Server is Down
Post by: Phoenix on 2010-08-28, 07:48
I wouldn't mind having our own IRC network again.  :surprise: