Wirehead Studios

News => News: Generations Arena => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2022-02-12, 01:38

Title: Target Identified... Weapons Activated.
Post by: Phoenix on 2022-02-12, 01:38
Full Size (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/test_shots/tankjr.jpg)

Full Size (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/test_shots/tankjr_red.jpg)

The Strogg have invaded the Arenas Eternal!  Tankjr spearheads the invasion with cybernetic precision.  Coalition forces will be arriving soon to counter-attack!

Title: Re: Target Identified... Weapons Activated.
Post by: KAIL333XZ on 2022-02-13, 07:43
Very nice! You're making quite a progress with the animations.
I guess now we can start hoping for a final release of Generations Arena in couple of next years.  :)