Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Controversy Corner => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2004-01-19, 08:24

Title: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-19, 08:24
You know, a lot of Europeans like pick on Americans and call them stupid and backward.  I tend to think stupidity is a more universal problem the world over.  Here's proof:

http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_85635...u=news.quirkies (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_856352.html?menu=news.quirkies)

Anyone else got some instances of people being idiotic they'd like to share?

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 08:26
Don't have any links at the moment, but give me some time on the Shack forums tomorrow and I'll have about 50 for you.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Tabun on 2004-01-19, 13:43
I didn't need such an act of blatant idiocy to be convinced of the utter stupidity of humans in general :]
Einstein once put it quite accurately:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-01-19, 15:30
It is true that stupidity isn't simply an American trait, but a human one.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-19, 18:48
http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;j...storyID=4158932 (http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=3SNJZ04L3T02CCRBAELCFEY?type=oddlyEnoughNews&storyID=4158932)

Farmer has diamonds. Farmer hides diamonds in haystack. Cow eats haystack + diamonds. Farmer now digging through cow shit for diamonds.

Dumb farmer.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-20, 05:50
Yeah.  I'd be like "FIRE UP THE GRILL! Damn cow's gonna pay and I'm having steak tonight!"

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-20, 06:44
How pathetic is THIS?!   :wall:  :angry:

http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_85733...u=news.quirkies (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_857337.html?menu=news.quirkies)

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: games keeper on 2004-01-20, 17:03
lol ,what a shitheads.
hope lil wasnt 1 of them .

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-01-20, 17:20
lil would break his foot off in your ass if he heard you say that

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2004-01-20, 21:16
You dont really want to know the kind of shit storm that can happen with that do you?
Responding to it, out of jurisdiction, has more issues then you would want to contemplate, it was the chiefs call he made it.  Made sure no one was hurt, or could be hurt, and sat on standby.
Please dont judge before you have been in his shoes

After some discussion with another FireFighter I know, came to this conclusion.

If they had worked on the fire without being requessted for help and someone was injured or died, the liability of going in is huge.

They do have a duty to put out the fire, yet they were out of jurisdiction, and help was on the way.

Legally he is within his rights to say we can't touch it.
Though it is bad for PR.

http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/a...nId=46&id=24754 (http://cms.firehouse.com/content/article/article.jsp?sectionId=46&id=24754)
Thats a good read btw, i suggest you read it.

*GamesKeeper, Play nice and I will.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: games keeper on 2004-01-20, 22:18
Im always playing nice lill  B)
I was just hoping you werent 1 of those firefighters .  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-01-20, 22:55
"Who's kidd'n who here? So often we give the public the 'feeling' that we are ready to roll-and we simply aren't. That homeowner in Ohio oughta be annoyed at the City FD for not attempting to stop that fire since they were on the scene-- but he oughta be furious at his OWN TOWN's FD for their failure to provide services. VFD's, on-call FD's, Career FD's or whatever. If you are going to be a FD, BE A FD and don't just dress up and look that way."

Damn straight.  It's sickening that politics play such a major role in rescuing life.  I've been thinking a lot lately about applying for a job as a policeman or at least some position where I help to prevent injustice or save lives...  Reading this article makes me want to help out even more.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-20, 23:41
Here we go!

Natural Selection at work.
http://www.appeal-democrat.com/articles/20..._news/news2.txt (http://www.appeal-democrat.com/articles/2004/01/19/news/local_news/news2.txt)

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Angst on 2004-01-20, 20:58
You know, if I wasn't feeling so misathropic right now that might almost be touching.

But stupid is as stupid dies.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-01-20, 21:47
Down with MTV!

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-20, 21:56
It is unwise to tempt fate.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-24, 09:56
http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_85850...u=news.quirkies (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_858509.html?menu=news.quirkies)

And the moral of this story is:  Always load your gun before attempting robbery, and if you're too stupid to know what caliber bullets you need then stay at home and watch "Oprah".

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-24, 10:11
what a moron  ;)

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: MaxAstro on 2004-01-28, 06:18
While you guys are at it, anyone got any good links to Darwin awards?  I've found a few, but many are just sickeningly perverse, not really that stupid.  One of the really good ones I've heard is a woman who crashed her car into a tree.  While this is unfortunately normal, the reason isn't.  She crashed because her Tamogachi-digital pet-thingy had started beeping that it needed food.  She was so busy trying to feed it that she swerved off the road, dying on impact.  :)

Oh, and a good quote to go with these:
The problem with the gene pool is that are no lifegaurds.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Tha[\]atos on 2004-01-29, 01:56
u want darwin awards? well lets start off with a classic and go on to some of my favorites:
http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1995-04.html (http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1995-04.html)
Count Your Chickens:
http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1995-01.html (http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1995-01.html)
Bungee Jumper
http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1997-05.html (http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1997-05.html)
Historic Darwins:
http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1994-09.html (http://www.darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin1994-09.html)

u can find more at http://www.darwinawards.com (http://www.darwinawards.com)

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: MaxAstro on 2004-01-29, 02:46
*applauds*  Good site, good site.  Six people drowning trying to save a chicken...  Ouch...

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Tha[\]atos on 2004-01-29, 02:56
thank you, glad I could help. ^_^

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: MaxAstro on 2004-01-29, 03:08
*gets an idea*  While were at it...  *searches through room*  Ah.  Here we go.

I guess you could call me a sort of "collector of stupidity".  Darwin Awards, jokelists, Bonehead of the Day, Dilbert, UserFriendly, I take all kinds.  Anyway, one of my sort of "prize possesions" is the book Cannibals in the Cafeteria, And Other Fabulous Failures.  It's basically a book of praize for all the people who have been good at doing badly.  Anyway...  *searches for good one*  Here we go.  "The Least Successful Safe Motoring Competition":

Wishing to enchance their country's reputation for careful driving, the French held a safe motoring contest in 1987.  The plan was to award free petrol tokens to motorists who impressed roadside police with their respect for the law and concern for others.

After several days they had still not awarded a single prize and so the police decided to lower the standards.  Hereafter they would give the tokens to any driver who was obeying the basic traffic regulations.  Even this proved difficult.

When gendarmes tried to flag down the first winner, he assumed he was in trouble and raced away.  When the signaled for the second winner to pull off the road, he accelerated through a red light and the police had to book him instead.

In the end they gave the award to anyone they could find with a current driving licence whose car was fitted with a seat belt.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: scalliano on 2004-01-29, 03:36
Here's a little story I heard a while ago about the importance of making sure you type the correct email address.

A youg businessman from Seattle was going on a business trip. He was at the airport preparing to get on the plane to Florida but when he checked in at the gate he was told that his plane ticket was invalid. Needless to say he wasn't pleased, so he got the clerk to get on the phone to the airline company to try and sort it out. No joy there, and in the end he had to settle for a flight that didn't take off until early the following morning.

This meant that he would be away from home at least an extra day, so when he did get to Florida he decided to email his wife using his laptop.

Unfortunately, he accidentally misspelt the email address and, instead of sending the message to his wife, he sent it to an elderly lady in Washington whose husband had passed away the day before.

The poor woman took one look at the email and died of a heart attack.

The email went something like this:

"Dearest wife, departed yesterday, as you know. Unfortunately there's been a bit of a problem at the gate and my appeal has been rejected. Still, looking forward to seeing you soon.
P.S. You wouldn't believe how hot it is down here!"

How's that for a bummer!

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: MaxAstro on 2004-01-29, 05:54
Here's a Bonehead of the Day under the category "Too Dumb to be a Criminal":

A Florida man, who robbed two men at gunpont in their homes, dropped his wallet as he left one of the homes and then called police to ask if they found the wallet.  They said they did.  They asked him to come down and claim it.  He did.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-01-30, 04:04
the JATO one isnt true, but is actually possible, the guys on mythbusters tryed it with a remote control full size car n it works.. but implausable at best

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Tha[\]atos on 2004-01-30, 04:55
the JATO story, while amuseing, has been confirmed urban legand by darwin awards.  I did research it a few years ago and I found someone who thought he was the source of it.  but he never put his plans into action.

Title: Re: Stupidity have any limits?
Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-01-30, 15:50
Quote from: Tha[\
atos] the JATO story, while amuseing, has been confirmed urban legand by darwin awards.  I did research it a few years ago and I found someone who thought he was the source of it.  but he never put his plans into action.
yes, urban legend, but the guys on the tv show mythbusters on the discovery seriously strapped rockets to a car and it does work.. hehe, but it hasnt been done with an actualy person in the car..