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General Discussion => Controversy Corner => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-30, 21:32

Title: Nobel Peace Prize (Bush nominated? WTF mate!?)
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-01-30, 21:32
George W. Bush nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. What the HELL?

http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../nobel_peace_dc (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=564&ncid=564&e=3&u=/nm/20040130/ts_nm/nobel_peace_dc)

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: games keeper on 2004-01-30, 21:39
I rather would vote for hitler sadam and bin laden together then for those 2 <= /me overeacted here

anyway , if 1 of those 2 wins the prize , evereone can see that there is something wrong with bush .

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Devlar on 2004-01-30, 23:17
Technically if you kill everything you will have peace, so those boys deserve it!

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-01-30, 23:58
Ghandi... Martin Luther King Jr... now George Dubya.

Something doesn't seem quite consistent here. Intelligence, peaceful ways of getting your point across...

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-01-31, 00:56
stupidity doesnt deserve praise! :angry:

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-01-31, 03:08
Historically, peace is achieved most often through victory and least often through diplomacy.  You all know the phrase "History is written by those who've won" I presume?  It's usually quite peaceful after one contestant in a conflict ceases to exist.  If peace is the desireable end result for awarding this prize, then are the means of arriving at that peace actually spelled out, or are they merely implied?

Perhaps this prize is more about subscribing to a certain set of ideals than achieving any actual peace.

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-01-31, 05:36
keep in mind guys Fidel Castro and Yasser Arafat also have nobel peace prizes so dont act surprized.

Title: Re: Nobel Peace Prize
Post by: Devlar on 2004-01-31, 22:13
Except Castro actually deserved it for saving his country, and was able to keep the highest quality of living in the latin world until 1989.

Arafat is a different story, one that belongs in the same catagory as Bush