Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Kajet on 2007-10-20, 06:34

Title: Screen woes
Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-20, 06:34
I just started up my laptop and for some reason there's this small 1-2 pixel wide purple line going from top to bottom on my LCD screen.

Is this something I can fix or is it something I'm gonna have the manufacturer fix?

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Arnie on 2007-10-20, 13:09
Sounds like a duff /dying LCD to me.

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-20, 18:32
Knowing my luck/financial situation it is, thankfully it's just one thin line so far, and I can't see it when it's over bright stuff

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-20, 18:37
Lines running vertically and/or horizontally across the entire screen indicate the screen is physically damaged.

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-20, 20:44
Well SPORK... will it damage the rest of my laptop if i keep using it for a while?

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-21, 05:24
No.  The rest of your components should be fine, but the screen must be completely replaced to fix the problem.

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Kajet on 2007-10-21, 05:49
Cool, my other comp isn't as useable, and the laptop can wait till I can afford to have it's screen replaced.

Title: Re: Screen woes
Post by: Phoenix on 2007-10-21, 07:54
If you have a VGA output on the laptop and you have an available monitor you can always hook it to another screen for the time being if needed.