Title: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Makou on 2024-08-08, 21:41 Mom, they're porting Doom again... ...and if you already own the previous Unity port on Steam, this replaces it.
Now using the KEX Engine, this package includes the games/episodes you'd expect (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Master Levels, Final Doom, No Rest for the Living) but now includes Sigil and Legacy of Rust, the latter of which is a 16-level Doom II episode made by a team of folks from Id Software, MachineGames, and Nightdive Studios... and features new monsters and weapons. Local split-screen multiplayer for up to 4 players is here, and cross-platform online play (co-op and deathmatch) for up to 16 players is built in, with a total of 43 DM maps (26 new to this release) available. Pretty much all of your other standard Nightdive/KEX things are present, so your 16:9 resolutions and modern controller support and all of that junk. But they've also shown some love to the music, with accurate recreations of the MIDI soundtrack present (apparently done using proper legacy hardware, and not just the "intended" soundcard) plus Andrew Hulshult's IDKFA album available as an arranged music option, with new recordings where needed for Doom II. The community created stuff is also present... and improved. Boom compatibility is present. There's also a "vault" with a bunch of assets that have seemingly never been seen by the public before; graphics and sounds and such. The full version of the death scream is... interesting. I wonder which early-90's Id guy is the voice behind it. I think that wraps it up. Is available now on Steam, listed as "DOOM + DOOM II." Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Phoenix on 2024-08-09, 00:39 Well, that's certainly worth a look. :doomed:
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Phoenix on 2024-08-09, 00:54 Doom Eternal just announced mod support with a new update as well. :doom_thumb:
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Makou on 2024-08-09, 02:17 Official mod support. On the live stream they actually acknowledged that people had found a way to mod the game anyway, lol
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Phoenix on 2024-08-09, 02:26 Indeed. Modders gonna mod! :D
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Woodsman on 2024-08-09, 02:45 Official mod support. On the live stream they actually acknowledged that people had found a way to mod the game anyway, lol What? people mod doom? i can't believe it! Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Woodsman on 2024-08-15, 02:41 I'm digging this new episode. I have to say i was kind of skeptical when i heard machine games would be involved but its actually pretty good.
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Phoenix on 2024-08-15, 06:39 I am curious... Why the hesitation for Machinegames? I found the new Quake and Quake II content they did to be pretty good.
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Woodsman on 2024-08-15, 16:43 Because they destroyed Wolfenstein with The New Colossus and Youngblood. Which is a pity because The New Order and old blood were so good.
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Woodsman on 2024-08-15, 16:46 But fair point they did good with the Quake remasters
Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Kajet on 2024-08-26, 03:25 Ehh... Not bad by any means but for some reason I keep expecting source port stuff to work, like looking vertically or jumping.
Not sure if that's a failing on their part or mine to be honest. Title: Re: DOOM + DOOM II Enhanced Post by: Phoenix on 2024-08-26, 05:31 I think GZDoom and Skulltag have spoiled us a bit. I turned off the crosshair and I no longer feel the urge to aim vertically. I also copied the .wad files from the base folders to re-release to get rid of the vermillion plus signs on the medkits. Doing those two things it feels like classic Doom, but without the visually blockiness. I just wish they would allow system midi as I like the Yamaha XG-GS synth chipset better than the "original" tracks, but eh, I'm still having fun running through to collect achievements.
One thing I do like is the code is actual Doom code and |