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Author Topic: This is a big WTF?  (Read 14547 times)
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Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #20 on: 2004-04-08, 17:15 »

Back to the topic, the girl in question is 15. Now, somewhere along the line society decided that anyone under the age of 18 is a child. Regardless of the fact that quite a number of people are fully physically developed as young as 13.

Does this make me a pedophile? no. I'm simply making the point that if you dress/undress them right, it's awfully damn hard to tell how old someone is by sight alone. I know plenty of people who were sexually active at 13, and most of them look the same 6 years later. At one point, it wasn't all that strange for 30 year old men to marry 15 year old girls.

By nature, there's nothing particularly odd about a sexually active 15 year old. Society has decreed that anyone under the age of 18, 16 in some principalities, is the equivalent of a 5 year old. We call this a non sequitor.

The law is, in some respects, there to protect ignorant people. There are a large number of laws as such. I'm not saying I agree with them, but changing them could be for the worse.

As for this particular instance. She took pictures of herself and passed them out in chatrooms. This isn't all that uncommon either. I could see them coming down this hard if she was running a pornsite, but personally disseminating the images isn't quite the same.

Maybe we should start arresting ugly people for sharing pics?

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #21 on: 2004-04-08, 21:23 »

Regardless of the fact that quite a number of people are fully physically developed as young as 13.

Physically, I've seen 13 year olds who looked 18. However, mentally, they're still 13. Sex changes EVERYTHING, and so few kids are capable of realizing that.

I've known a few 13 year olds who were as mentally mature as 18 year olds, and lots of 13 year olds who were physically mature as 18 year olds, but I've never met one that was both. Not saying that's not possible, but they're bound to be very few and far between.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #22 on: 2004-04-08, 21:47 »

Slipgate - Off Topic here for a minute, but it's something I need to say.

Devlar, I took a look at your link there, and I understand your frustration.  Remember when I said "I just have to sit back and wait and the problem will take care of itself" and you accused me of being a do-nothing?  Imagine your frustration with your country, now apply it on a global scale, and you can understand mine.  I know that I cannot fix the problems of this world, I cannot change human nature by myself, nor could I hope to make all of mankind listen to me even if I flew across every city in every nation in some big flashy appearance squawking my fool head off in a futile attempt to get people to listen.  I'd have more AA fire trained on me than I'd really like to have to dodge.  I'm sure you've heard of the Serenity Prayer, as overused as it is?  If not, here it is:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

That is how I live my life while I am here.   It doesn't mean that I should run from a tough fight, but that I should understand the difference between a difficult struggle and an impossible endeavor.  I understand that you wish to make a difference where you can, but consider also that no battle worth fighting is ever an easy one.  Since you wish to enact change throughout the world, I might ask that by traveling to Europe are you only trying to preach to the choir, and look for like minds to agree with you and nod their heads every time you speak?  Be careful that you do not fall into the same trap that other politicians do, and start believing only the echos of the chorus.

Back on topic:

Angst:  The reason it is illegal to do anything with someone under 18 is that the laws consider a person a minor until that age, regardless of physical development.  That person under 18 years does not have the same rights legally as a person over 18 years, so taking advantage of them is no different legally than taking advantage of a 5 year old child BECAUSE of this disparity.  An over 18 adult has every legal right granted with citizenship, and that is why the age of consent is applied at that time and not before.  It also happens to be the age when most high school students finish their primary education and are considered educated enough to make their own way in the world.  It's not just some "arbitrary number" somebody made up.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 398

« Reply #23 on: 2004-04-09, 00:26 »

Since you wish to enact change throughout the world, I might ask that by traveling to Europe are you only trying to preach to the choir, and look for like minds to agree with you and nod their heads every time you speak?

Here is the thing to a certain degree you are right, but you are wrong, let me explain
I'm not interested in fixing "A country's" political system, I'm interested in fixing the global political system. See the beauty of it is that in global politics there are no rules other than the rules we agree to. So really will I be preaching to the converted? Yes, but do I stop there? No. There is strength in numbers and the only way to go about having a global political transformation is by starting at the top. By ensuring that those basic rights and liberties are agreed on globally then pushed downward whether self interested politicians agree or not. It will difficult, but not impossible since in the last 50 years we have achieved considerable gains. So it can be done, yes some people will have "issues" with it, the first two countries that come to mind is the US and Canada. The US because its become too powerful without any checks on its power and Canada which accepts them in prinicipal but has no one who cares enough to ensure enforcement of the agreements. Its not about making a better person, its about making a better system that can then make a better person.

I refuse to accept things I cannot change, nor will I. Even if I believe the Canadian system is doomed, I will go as usual during our election some time this spring, strand on a table and yell at a crowd and at least inform them that by voting, you are legitimizing a system like this [insert long rant]

Back on topic

I've known a few 13 year olds who were as mentally mature as 18 year olds, and lots of 13 year olds who were physically mature as 18 year olds, but I've never met one that was both.

I used to have quite a few friends in the modeling industry, you'd go to these parties and you'd meet 12 year olds that look 25 and 30 year olds that act like 12 year olds.

That person under 18 years does not have the same rights legally as a person over 18 years, so taking advantage of them is no different legally than taking advantage of a 5 year old child BECAUSE of this disparity

In America, under the law a "person" under the age of 18 is not actually a "person" not in the legal sense of the word

It's not just some "arbitrary number" somebody made up.

In regards to voting that works, in regard to sexuality and alcohol (but somehow not tobacco, go lobbying!) it seems much more arbitrary

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #24 on: 2004-04-09, 00:54 »

Quote from: dna
But photographs of a person involved in sex acts is, which is what these pictures were of.
 Slipgate - Distraught Ack.  You are indeed correct.  I skimmed past that important detail.  I still do not believe an arrest was warranted however.

Posts: 673

« Reply #25 on: 2004-04-09, 01:29 »

Quote from: Devlar
  I'll admit it, its okay in my book, its just as okay as watching a guy being shot to death in a movie is okay in my book, or even watching the news where real people are being burned to death is okay.   
I guess it's not OK in my book.  I'm not certain how you equate watching illegal porn to freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech is meant to protect a person's right to express ideas, even if they be unpopular.  What are you trying to express by watching people rape other people.  I suppose if you were making a movie where you were raping other people, that would be an idea protected by freedom of speech.  If you really want to take it to the extremes that you want to, raping people on the streets would be protected by freedom of speech.  

...but because when you introduce one such restriction in the system it gives politicians the authority to create the next one.

The entire idea behind laws of society are to restrict.  Society does not grant people rights, society protects people from the actions of other people.  How can it do this without restrictions?  This is where I am protected from being raped on the streets by restricting your rights to do so.  

You can posess it, they can try to stop the transaction, they can try to stop you from acquiring it,, but they cannot stop you from posessing it once you already have it, and as we have seen with most nuclear politics that's usually the case. They stop development, they stop acquisition but they shut up about posession.
So it's OK with you for your neighbot to have a multi-kiloton warhead in his basement because he didn't get caught when he was buying it?  Are you saying that he can call up the police and tell them all about it and then say, "Sorry, you guys were to slow.  I'm already home from the market with it and there's nothing you can do about it?"  Do you think the police are going to just say, "Aw shucks!" and let it go at that?  Or are you confusing nuclear politics with domestic law?  You might find that they are applied quite a bit differently.  By the way, would a nuclear weapon be considered a WMD?  I seem to remember invading a country looking for those.  And before you bring up the conspiracy theories, remember I am talking about the point -> an awful lot of countries decided this was OK for us to do.  Not all of them.  Maybe not even a majority, depending on which theorists you subscribe to, but an awful lot of people decided it was OK.  
My point is: countries do not shut up about posession, but they bide their time and make consessions.  Domestic police do not.  There is no international audiance that will tell the Dallas Swat team to back off if the guy in APT 2B promises not to do it any more.
True, and quite frankly I'm not going to argue and tell you that is not the case, and rather than explaining to you exactly why, since that would require another 3 pages of writing i'll just link you to the last time I did it and you can read it and understand.  http://www.livejournal.com/users/devlar/26...208.html#cutid1
I have no intention of becoming Sisyphus, If you want to do good in this world do it in a place where you actually have the power to, and since you Americans seem to know so little about Canadian Politics (or you would have invaded us by now for having a dictatorship) after reading that you should understand that trying to change anything in the system I currently live in would require a revolution on the Bolshevik scale. Lybia currently has a better system of government than Canada
Ah, you've finaly told me what you do for a living.  You're a disillusioned University student.  How old are you Devlar?  You look like you're in your early 20's maybe.  It's cool how you have already figured out everything.  I"m interested in knowing it so soon.  Did you read it in a book?  Or did you figure out your country wasn't worth saving by trying to and being beaten back?  How many political campaigns did you organize before realizing it was futile?   How long did you live in Lybia to figure out their government was better?   Protests?  Anything?  How long did you live in Lybia to figure out their government was better?  How many Libian refugees did you talk to?  Or is this the just "cool" thing to know at your school?
By the way, as you well know America is "freinds" with many a dictator.  We usually don't invade countries till they start frying people in acid.  That was a jab towards our southern engaement, wasn't it?  Give us a reason Canada.  Then we'll show up with bells on.
I'm fairly certain dictators have used that as an excuse for many years, all or nothing. Tacit consent is not a basis for running a government, if it were, we'd be back up to a point where sovereignty was absolute and dictators are able to do anything to their populations without fear or reprocussions. Since by living here you have agree to the legislature being allowed to kill you for looking funny at one of the political leaders, right? right? Since its all or nothing. Then gladly sign me up for nothing
So which country in Europe are you moving to that will allow you to decide which laws you will follow and which not?  
I'm not certain how you get to the point where asking your people to follow the laws = supreme power for the state.  Perhaps the Canadian government does suck by not having a system of checks and balances to protect the people.  You're right, I don't know enough about Canadian politics to be able to comment intelligently on anything relating, but I'm fairly certain that the politicians in America would have a hard time passing a law that would enable the killing of citizens for looking funny at them.  You see, we have these rules we call laws built into our law making process.  By RESTRICTING what a law can or can't do to an individual, we are protecting the common citizen against such.  Of course, I suppose that politicians are wealthy enough they could just pay to have any murdered they so choose, but that is still against the law and even they would be punished if found out and caught.
Anyway, if you can pick and choose which laws to follow and which not, why are you bothering to move?  If you feel you are repressed by certain laws, all you have to do is ignore them.  Go ahead, it's OK.
PS - I can't tell what that smiley you used up there is supposed to say,  I hate these slippy things - they all look the same to me.
Posts: 673

« Reply #26 on: 2004-04-09, 01:36 »

Quote from: Devlar
Its not about making a better person, its about making a better system that can then make a better person.
And this is not totalitarian how?

In Soviet Russia, system makes you!
Posts: 398

« Reply #27 on: 2004-04-09, 03:22 »

I'm going to make this short, but one rude word deserves another

  And this is not totalitarian how?
Turn on your TV, walk into a school, learn a langauge, you obviously live in a totalitarianism because of it right?

I suppose if you were making a movie where you were raping other people, that would be an idea protected by freedom of speech.
Are you even paying attention? what part of "my rights end at your nose" is difficult to understand? Reading Skills might be useful at a time like this. Watching does not equal doing, that's the last time I'm going to say that since its beating a dead horse at this point. Since with that mentality you could arrest any person who walks by a homeless person who doesn't help them, since obviously you aren't helping and therefore adding to the problem. Do tell me how the hell people are allowed to watch burning bodies on TV on the news yet this makes it something magically different, posessing a newsclipping of a picture of a burning body, of an illegal act is somehow so different than posessing child pornography

The entire idea behind laws of society are to restrict. Society does not grant people rights, society protects people from the actions of other people. How can it do this without restrictions?
Society can restrict actions BETWEEN individuals, no restrict individuals. Society grants people rights as areas where other people or governments cannot enter, that is the point of law. Therefore if there are not two people in an action then there is no way to restrict it, posession cannot be restricted.

You look like you're in your early 20's maybe. It's cool how you have already figured out everything.
Its good to know at 29 you've figured out nothing about the way things work

. Did you read it in a book? Or did you figure out your country wasn't worth saving by trying to and being beaten back? How many political campaigns did you organize before realizing it was futile?
Where did you learn your politics? Mine? From Books, From Internships, if your going to put down education then really do a better job, since all it does is make you look ignorant, i'd rather be a booksmart and schooled political scientist than neither smart nor schooled.

By the way, as you well know America is "freinds" with many a dictator.
OH!! now i see where you got your education, from your friends! Good job, keep it up, but pick better friends, because after that nice long post you have done nothing but demonstrate to me how age does not indicate intelligence, maybe you should read some of those books you seem to dislike so much. If I might recommend a few old ones that will explain what law is, and what freedom of speech and expression is since your society is supposed to be based on these principles, try "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mills, or "The Rights of Man" by Thomas Paine and "The Two Treatise of Government" by John Locke.

I have not attacked you personally in this thread until this post, which is a response, and it is one thing to disagree with my politics, its a whole other to fling nothing but ad homeim attacks at me directly because you cannot prove your point in any other way, its sad and pathetic, and demonstrates to a much greater degree the level of your intelligence than mine.
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8806

« Reply #28 on: 2004-04-09, 04:24 »

I might step in here and ask for some civility between all people affected.   Remember that personal attacks ARE against forum rules, so let's not allow this to degrade to that level.  Let's get back on topic as well.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 673

« Reply #29 on: 2004-04-09, 15:37 »

Slipgate - Off Topic Devlar, I'm sorry, but you haven't proved a single point to me, either.  This country was not founded on those books.  No where in the Constitution does it say that to see the meaning of the Freedom of Speech, we need to look at book "X".   This is one persons interpretation that you happen to agree with.
I'm sorry I try to think for myself instead of regurgitating others ideas.  When you try those ideas out, let me know how they work. You will find that when you are 29, you will not know as much as you do now.  I know I did.  I expect that as I get older, I will discover I know even less.Slipgate - Off Topic

Going back on topic, what she did was illegal so she was arrested.  If she didn't deserve to be arrested, then she will have ample opportunity to prove so in court.

-Bright Boy
« Last Edit: 2004-04-09, 15:37 by dna » Logged
« Reply #30 on: 2004-04-09, 16:32 »

Quote from: dna
Hey, she posted nude pics of an underage kid.  Still illegal, even if it's yourself.
Yes. Now stop comparing it to self-damage. Different things have different measures.

For the record, it IS against the law to attempt suicide.
Posts: 398

« Reply #31 on: 2004-04-09, 20:50 »

Quote from: dna
Slipgate - Off Topic Devlar, I'm sorry, but you haven't proved a single point to me, either.  This country was not founded on those books.  No where in the Constitution does it say that to see the meaning of the Freedom of Speech, we need to look at book "X".   This is one persons interpretation that you happen to agree with.
The foundation of your country is the French and American revolution, if you refuse to believe the people either were or who knew your founding fathers and helped shape your constitution then you can believe whatever you want. Quite frankly I really could care less what you believe at that point. The fact is you don't have anything to support your interpretation of society and it makes most, if not all, of what you said conjecture and irrelevant.
« Last Edit: 2004-04-09, 21:07 by Devlar » Logged
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #32 on: 2004-04-09, 23:04 »

ALL of this is becoming irrelevant, so everybody please stay on topic.    If you want to debate the founding fathers of the US Constitution, feel free to start a thread for that. Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #33 on: 2004-04-11, 05:58 »

Thread will be closed if it doesnt hop back on topic with what it was about to begin with, only warning.
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