I just read an interesting article about a new system for placing advertisements in our video games. You can see it at the following link:
http://nationalcheeseemporium.org/This new system, which the author of the article found in the 1.1 patch of SWAT 4, places a specific set of ads in semi-random locations, and sends information back to the advertiser on what ads were shown, which ones were looked out, how long they were viewed, and from what angle/distance.
It also includes a 'gamerID' system, in which every client is tracked individually, across servers, similar to the way PunkBuster tracks client ID numbers for global banning purposes.
I find this whole thing incredibly annoying for several reaons, the chief among them is that I hate invasive advertising in any media. I don't watch TV because I hate my shows being interrupted every 8 minutes. I dislike the radio because there's a fifteen minute stretch of car ads after every ten songs or so. I cannot drive down the road without giant billboards blocking the beautiful scenery I have out here. Invasive advertising ruins a lot of simple pleasures for me, and I don't like it.
The other major issue I have is that this system is spyware in every sense of the word. It tracks
you, relaying information on how long you play these games, which ads you saw, , how many times you saw them, and for what length of time. It'll be a cold day in hell before I willingly install spyware on my computer.