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Author Topic: John Titor (Hoax or Reality?)  (Read 10865 times)
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Team Member
Posts: 134

« on: 2004-05-19, 06:09 »


This is controversy corner, and with the 2005 draft stuff coming about, who knows.

But as with all things, it is of my opinion that this was a very well layed out hoax. What do you think?

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #1 on: 2004-05-19, 10:26 »


ive been reading all this shit for close to 8 hours now

In either case... /me buys a bomb shelter, gas masks, and rad suits...

cant be too careful eh?

woodsman: lets move to omaha (as its obvious it's clean and rad-free, hence it was never nuked) with a big cache of weapons and lock ourselves down...
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #2 on: 2004-05-19, 11:47 »

already working on that dic

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #3 on: 2004-05-19, 13:14 »

we're gonna need some of these:


and some of these:


about 30-50 different types of weapons, broken down as follows:

20-30 assult Rifles, around 10,000 rounds for each one

20 handguns, 5000 rounds each

10 long-distance rifles, 2500 rounds each

10 pieces of artillery/rocket launchers/other large weaponry and 100-1000 rounds each..

A nice tank or APC or other armored vehicle would be nice too
« Last Edit: 2004-05-19, 13:19 by Dicion » Logged
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #4 on: 2004-05-19, 13:58 »

lol , bullet resistant undershirt , be save and look cool at thesme moment , I cant wait till they bring out the bullet resistant swimmingtrunks or shorts
Posts: 134

« Reply #5 on: 2004-05-19, 15:34 »

15) When I'm with my parents, I live in a community made up of "tree houses" on a large river in Florida. The river floods sometimes and we have access to the Gulf. Most of our neighbors make a living off the sea or in moving cargo by boat.

sounds like the tree houses in Disney. Last time we went to Disney we stayed at one of the "tree houses"
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #6 on: 2004-05-19, 15:42 »

Let's see how "predictable" some of these predictions are.  First, nosing through the "John's predictions" page for anything relevent to actual events as opposed to just technobabble.

(Edit added after researching all of this:  Sorry if this gets long, but wait until you get to the end.  It's worth it.

A world war in 2015 killed nearly three billion people.

That's an easy one.  Any biblical scholar could tell you that half the Earth's population is set to die in a massive world war.  It's called Armageddon.  Text as follows:

Revelation 6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

One fourth of the earth's population killed.  That's 1.5 billion people.  Let's move on.

Revelation 9:17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and those sitting upon them, having breastplates of fire, and jacinth, and brimstone; and the heads of the horses are as heads of lions, and out of their mouths proceedeth fire, and smoke, and brimstone;  (18)  by these three were the third of men killed, from the fire, and from the smoke, and from the brimstone, that is proceeding out of their mouth

One third of the remaining populaiton, or another 1.5 billion people there.  That's half the Earth's population - 3 billion people.  Now, regarding timetables, no date is set but prophetic scholars estimate 40 to 52 years from the 1967 capture of Jerusalem by the Gentiles.  I won't go into explaining how or why here to draw this off topic, but basically that sets the date range at 2007 to 2019.  It doesn't take a brainiac to figure 2015 as a date also because the Mayan calander ends in 2012, which if you count 2019 as the date for Christ's return and the end of the 7 year judgement period preceeding, with Armageddon beginning halfway through which is (surprise) 2012 + 3.5 (or 2019 - 3.5) = 2015.5.  Oh yay, right on the money!  Anyone with access to this information could have contrived this.  On the other hand, if this man really IS a time traveler then I suggest church attendence over building bomb shelters, because this man just proved Armageddon is real, and confirmed every biblical prophecy in existence.

People raise a great deal of their own food and do more "farm" work. Yes, compared to now, we do work long hours. After the war, my father made a living selling oranges up and down the West coast of Florida. My closest friend raises horses and another works for a company that maintains "wireless" Internet nodes.

Well this contradicts the Armageddon stuff, because after Armageddon there's no money or commerce and Jesus is ruling the Earth.  I also find it interesting that after half the Earth's population is wiped out they still have an "Internet", using the same name.

There is a civil war in the United States that starts in 2005. That conflict flares up and down for 10 years. In 2015, Russia launches a nuclear strike against the major cities in the United States (which is the "other side" of the civil war from my perspective), China and Europe. The United States counter attacks. The US cities are destroyed along with the AFE (American Federal Empire)...thus we (in the country) won. The European Union and China were also destroyed. Russia is now our largest trading partner and the Capitol of the US was moved to Omaha Nebraska.

The only way a civil war is forseeable in 2005 is if the Federal Government enacts a total firearms ban, or some other kind of "Martial Law" scenario is put into place.  Depending on when this text was created, any conspiracy theorist can "predict" that scenario after an election year and have some plausible believability to it.  They believed a confiscation and martial law situation, triggering said civil war, would happen under Clinton, then after 9/11, then after the Patriot Act, etc.  So far none of that has happened.  As long as the Assault Weapons ban isn't re-enacted with the boatload of new restrictions that Feinstein and Schumer want on there I don't see a confiscation scenario playing out, so that leaves martial law following another major terrorist attack.  Again, easy to fabricate because it fits into people's fears.  I guess we'll know in a year or so.

25) Far less medical treatment in the future even though It's more advanced. People die when they now its time to die. No lasers. Genetic medicine and cloning organs are the obvious new techs in the future.

I'm rather surprised he speaks about our future using the word "future".  Perspective is usually inherent in speech.  I would imagine someone speaking of his own time in a more personal sense, like "obvious new techs in my time".  This is just a personal observation, but I find that fishy.  "Obvious" new techs... heh.  Funny that what is "cutting edge" and controversial today are the "medicine of the future" and that nothing that is not unknown today is mentioned as a technology commonplace in this "future."  It's also nice to know that nobody's croaking right and left from lingering radiation poisoning...

(26) I'm not a physicist so I cannot answer that to your level of sophistication. The singularities are held in an enclosed magnetic field.

You'd think they'd send someone who knew how to fix the thing if it broke!

(30) It is thought that being close to a gravitational field has a biological effect on all matter including cells. The effect is to slow the movement of electrons in the orbits of their nucleus, which slows the mechanical and biological functions of the observer close to the gravity. Thus the passing of time is a local phenomenon depending on how close you are to a gravitational source.

If they can create artificial singularities to send someone back in time then obviously this would be a measurable effect, not just a "thought".  That's suspicious.

(35) While you sit by and watch your Constitution being torn away from you, you willfully eat poisoned food, buy manufactured products no one needs and turn an uncaring eye away from millions of people suffering and dying all around you. Is this the "Universal Law" you subscribe to?

(36) Perhaps I should let you all in on a little secret. No one likes you in the future. This time period is looked at as being full of lazy, self-centered, civically ignorant sheep. Perhaps you should be less concerned about me and more concerned about that.

Sure this isn't a quote from Devlar?  I mean seriously, you could pluck anyone off the street and get these sentiments today.

Are some areas of the United States safer than others?

(42) Take a close look at the county-by-county voting map from the last elections.

Civil wars are not fought along demographic lines like this, unless you drop the PC bs and jump straight to the unspoken point he's making here - he means a race war between blacks and whites.  It's not a big secret that most black Americans vote along the Democratic ticket, and Democrats work to make sure voting blocks are divided by race to ensure more votes by district, hence the "county-by-county voting map" reference.  My question is, to whom is he GIVING this so-called advice, to the blacks, or to the whites?  This whole notion of a "race war" is something that's been floated in paranoid conversations for decades and has absolutely no factual foundations.  The notion of a race war primarily exists among White Supremist types as a scare tactic method of spreading their hate propaganda and winning over new converts.  The idea is the poor blacks in the ghettos will rise up against their "white oppressors" in an organized manner, violently, and that's how this war starts.

So that's the end of the "predictions" section.  So far I'm not overly impressed here.  I'll move on to the "John's World" section.

What are your memories of 2036? *snip*

Nice and vague there.  The excuse for lack of specifics (basically it's too complicated for you to understand, so why bother) is rather convenient.

How is our worldline different from this one?
*snip*I would guess the temporal divergence between this world line and my
original is about 1 or 2 percent. Of course, the longer I am here, the
larger that divergence becomes from my point of view.*snip*

Are you able to return to your home?


Congratulations, you just created a paradox that you cannot undo.  Here's what, to me, blows this whole thing out of the water on the spot.

For starters, he's talking about different "worldlines", which goes into the theory that all possible events create different parallel universes.  I could go into a lengthy physical explanation as to why that happen, but that would take this too far off topic.  The problem is he's travelling back in "time", yet the past he travels to is slightly different from his own (nice convenient way to explain off failed predictions) and yet he's able to travel back to the same future?  If the past is different, then the future would also be changed, so how is he able to travel back to it?  This is akin to a flaw in the second "Back to the Future" movie.  When Biff steals the time machine, goes back and gives his younger self the almanac of sports data, and somehow the time machine is able to return to his own future, yet when Marty and the Professor go back to their own present (the future's past) it's changed.  Biff would never have returned to his own future because the instant he got tho the past it would cease to exist... so how could his future self travel back in the first place also?  Suggestions of time travel has a nasty habit of "breaking" the universe like this.  This is, unless of course, he is implying "alternate universe-hopping", which was not even brought up in his descriptions on how his machine works.  This really sounds like a very bad mix of rather esoteric theories on the nature of time being lumped together to sound believable.  I'll continue on for the sake of amusement I suppose...

No. They do not know where I am and I cannot communicate with them.
Interesting idea though. From their point of view, I will return almost
exactly at the same moment I left. From their viewpoint, I will only have
aged more than expected.

Again, back to the play on popular theories.  Interesting that, if true, no historical record of this traveler seems to have survived to the future!

You do not rewrite history. I can only affect what happens here just as
easily as you can. Why do people in this time period worry so much about
time traveler's destroying their world line when they have no problem doing
it themselves every day?

The law of conservation of mass and energy states that the net sum of the universe's mass and energy combined cannot be added to nor subtracted from.  Assuming this law is true, the very act of traveling backward in time brings up a question:  Does not the mass and energy in his time machine and physical body already exist in this universe, just in a different configuration?  Think about your body and then think about the taco you ate last week.  Well, by "popping up" in this time he's not only added mass and energy to the univers (at this time, and subtracted it from his time) but he has also violated ANOTHER physical principle.  The matter he's made of and accompanying energy has just been duplicated.  It now exists in two places at once.  This, supposedly, does not have massive consequences for the universe?  I think that's a bit more serious, than say, telefragging his own granddaddy with the time machine might.  I suppose they don't study chaos theory and fractal equations in the future either.

My goal is not to be believed. Most people do not take news of the war very
well but I find that everyone believes it's inevitable. Even in your own
history, are not great inventions and discoveries made during a time of war
in your effort to kill and maim in new and more efficient ways?

You DO have a point in expending this effort to travel all the way back to this period of time, don't you?  If it's just to observe, and not to interact, why tell people all of this?  If it's to interact and influence, then believability is an implied factor, along with the need to change something.  Yet, in my previous quote, he's stated you cannot rewrite history.  What then is the point to all of this?

Yes, you will remember me if you want to. Worldlines do not change that way
and I will only become an insignificant part of your history.

A lot of "insignificant" people have made world-altering things happen.  Any geneologist knows what happens if you prune one person out.  Adding someone in also influences behavior.  Again, the butterfly effect is being seriously ignored here.

Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some
differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of people's
life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together and closer to
God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no
huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It
might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day
God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

Funny, I thought they were still numbered at 10?  Unless he means a different set of 10 commandments?  Is this from a Mel Brooks film or something?  The Jews were and are VERY meticulous in making sure the Torah (First five books of the bible, foundation of Judaism) is copied EXACTLY.  One mistaken character and they start over from scratch.  Jews are as serious about tradition as the modern frat boy is serious about his beer, so it's nice to know they screwed it all up.  I'd love to know where these 10 "new but old" commandments came from, and what they are exactly.  The lack of centralized religion and "Oh you're wrong about the day of the week the sabbath is on" combined with the "Yes we believe in Christ and God" part seems to play both ends against the middle.  This adds an air of believability for traditional Christians as well as the "New Age" and agnostic crowds.  Nobody's "right", and nobody's "wrong".  Typical.  I also find it interesting that NO centralized religions survived.  Normally, unless completely wiped out, people with wide-spread religious beliefs tend to re-organize.  Faith and dogma are both tenacious things, and very hard to get rid of.

I am a Christian Agnostic (Did John mean Gnostic?). I do not believe faith
alone is enough to get us back to God. I'm not sure what happens when we die
but I'm pretty sure it's not a walk in the park.

YES!  "How things are religion-wise" in the future mirrors his own agnostic beliefs perfectly.  So predictable it's not funny!  No more organized religions, etc, fits right into this.  This is awfully convenient.

We are working on it (space travel).

So they can generate forced quantum singularities to travel through time, but not space?  Did I miss something here?  The opposite - space travel over time travel - is certainly easier.  Space travel you can do with chemical rockets.  It's NASA's wet dream to have the ability to manipulate gravity!

After the war, early new communities gathered around the current
Universities. That's where the libraries were. I went to school at Fort UF,
which is now called the University of Florida. Not too much is different
except the military is large part of people's life and we spend a great deal
of time in the fields and farms at the "University" or Fort.

He keeps talking about the military being so important.  After half the world was wiped out and everyone's so much "closer together" why the militancy?  If people are so busy cleaning up radiation damage and raising chickens and growing crops, who has time for soldiering?  Who has time to surf and chat on the internet if they're busy farming and soldiering?  There are a lot of contradictions here, or at least, things that don't fit together too well.

The elderly are highly revered and looked after on a community level. So are
orphans. There is always something people can do now matter what. The idea
of avoiding work is looked down on. Everyone pulls together to keep the

>Leftist's wet dream.  Marx would be proud.  Yeah, let's make the future believable to all the "Commie Hopefuls" ot today, so all this is so good they HAVE to believe it! *vomits*

The Constitution was changed after the war. We have 5 presidents that are
voted in and out on different term periods. The vice president is the
president of the senate and they are voted separately.


If I could bring some material thing back to your time from 2036, it would
be a copy of the new US Constitution.

More revisionist dreams it seems...  Let's re-educate the dumb neandertals of today because we OBVIOUSLY know better than you.  Sorry, but I see enough of that TODAY from the Leftists without needing some "time traveler" to say it.  I wonder how much of this is going to keep seeming like obvious spawn from the "Fringe-Left UFO/Conspiracy Theory" crowd...

In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into "repairing" our environment. I
was sent to 1975 to get a computer system and take it back to 2036. Time
travel is not a secret in 2036 and I expect it will become more common.

Right now, its used to get information or "items" that would be helpful in
getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition. There are 7 other
time travelers in my unit.

Ahh, finally an explanation.  So I suppose all of this is repair their environment by asking advice and getting technology from the very people they despise for screwing it up in the first place. *sigh*  Am I the only one here who sees an obvious flaw here?  Why would you go to the PAST to repair something like NUCLEAR BLAST AND RADIATION DAMAGE?  Wouldn't it make more sense to go FORWARD in time?!?

Right now, most of our practical missions are from 1960 to 1980. There is a
great deal of research into later and future periods but the farther you go,
the lower the divergence confidence of the world line.

Oh, I see.  I suppose advanced knowledge and technology is completely useless if it's hauled back from a "worldline" that's "divergent" from yours...  And here I thought fixing their world up was more important to them, enough to risk time travel and all the theoretically ill effects, like completely unraveling the universe and reality itself.  My mistake.  I apoligize for my obvious ignorance.  I AM just a dumb avian who was around when the dinosaurs got a one-way ticket off terra firma.  What do I know?

What difference does the color of a man's skin make when you are both
fighting against the same enemy to survive or find water or grow food? On my
world line, if a man doesn't't pull his weight in the community, then we
feel prejudice towards him as a burden to us. This feeling of shame he
experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

Interesting, after the warning of watching "voting districts"...  Again, this sounds straight out of the Communist Manifesto.  I think whoever came up with this stuff decided to peacemeal whatever sounded good at the time together.  The square pegs outnumber the round holes.

What is the entertainment industry like in 2036?

Again, entertainment is less centralized. There are "movies" and "TV" but
everything is distributed over the net and more people produce their own

Wasn't everyone trying to just survive a few paragraphs ago?  Wasn't he just bitching about people not pulling their weight in the almighty COMMUNITY?  Who has time for making movies and TV in a nuclear waste-land where 3 BILLION PEOPLE DIED.  Geez!  This has more holes than Bambi's mother.

What's it like to start from nothing and work your way up in 2036?

Very easy. If you can work with your hands and get along with other people,
you will always find work.

The question was avoided.  "Finding work" seems to be the desired result from his perspective, not bettering your position in life, which was the point of the actual question.  I suppose everyone is just happy to work their asses off just to stay alive in the future and never desire to have more.  This contradicts human nature as recorded in a few thousand years of history.  Sorry, again this is Commie propaganda talking.

Could you travel in time to escape your original worldline? Would you be
looked down on for that?

From a physical standpoint, I suppose that would work if you were trying to
escape a natural disaster. But you must consider that trying to "escape" by
time traveling has its own problems. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by
being looked down on.

What happened to all these alternate "worldlines' all of a sudden?

Its not very different than it is now. Yes, we have money and credit cards.
However, like everything else, the monetary system is decentralized. Banking
is based mostly around the community structure. There are no multinational
banking or computerized economic systems. There are also no income taxes.

And I suppose there's no massive black market or counterfeiting schemes then?  Exchanging currency must be a nightmare.  The obvious "California Dreaming" about no more globalization is going on here again as well.  I can believe in things being decentralized after a nuclear holocaust... I can't believe humans to be any more honest than they are now.  So far there are is no mention of crime at all.  I wonder if that will even be brought up.

Do any of the states have new names?

Not that I can think of... No major cities anyway. I am aware that some
smaller towns changed their names after the war and most universities have
the word "fort" before them on my world line.

MAJOR CITIES after half the world is dead?  Pu-LEAZE!

What is your favorite food?

It's very hard for me to find food here. It all scares the Hell out of me.
I've found a couple of local farms where I am reasonably sure the raw food
is safe and my mother started a garden for me.

He's more afraid eating a few Big Macs than he is of radiation poisoning... Slipgate - Distraught

Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world

In my 2012, I was 14 years old spending most of my time living, running and
hiding in the woods and rivers of central Florida. The civil war was in its
7th year and the world war was three years away. Yes, there are unusual
events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. Unfortunately, I have
decided not to discuss events that you or I can do anything about. It is
important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story
of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

This is getting good.  I love the "Red Sea" reference, and how before it was impossible to "rewrite history" and NOW when asked about certain "important" events he gets all mysterious about it and finally starts acting like you'd EXPECT a time traveler to.  "I can't talk about something you can change" then gives some kind of God reference.  I read that as "Oh, sorry!  If I say this you could screw up God's plan!"  Nice to know the Almighty is so vulnerable to the actions of mere humans...  Although I must adming the next part gets better...

The question lists a number of paranormal conspiracy theories and then asks
about weather control in the year 2036.

I must admit I am unfamiliar with most of what you have asked here. I am
aware of the Harp system but I don't know how they would control weather
with it.

First, it's spelled HAARP - High Altitude Atmospheric Research Program, not the stringed music thing.  Second, this, and I'll quote it in reverse order:  I must admit I am unfamiliar with most of what you have asked here... The question lists a number of paranormal conspiracy theories and then asks about weather control in the year 2036.  Now unless that statement was put in by the page author and he did not denote his own comments, this supposed time traveler has a lot of knowledge about what current paranormal conspiracy theories entailm after saying he didn't know what this person was asking him.  Why the flip-flop, hmm?

If a family wanted to
move from one community to another or if a son or daughter wanted to move to
another community, they must apply and be interviewed by the community
leadership council. During this process, the family or individual is
evaluated as to whether or not the work or skill they have is required or
necessary to that individual community. Once accepted, the family or
individual is expected to uphold their end of the work and support the
community. If they don't, the community stops supporting them and they are
forced to change their attitude or move away from the community.

Well that's it right there.  Everyone in the future just decided to kiss individual liberty goodbye and go full-out Communist.  I wonder how they all just "decided" to do this at the same time.  You'd think there would be more disparity among localles and how they're run, with a few roving bands of warlords and raiders thrown in for good measure.

What happens to (name of person asking question)? Am I involved in Time
Travel? What of the (armed) resistance?

I have no idea what happens to you in your future. There was a resistance on
my worldline but their goal was to maintain power and control over other
people. We killed most of them by 2020.

That's funny... I thought the communities DID maintain power and control over other people in his time!

Your future seems to be fixated on killing people. Isn't there a criminal
justice system or do you just enjoy killing people?

Perhaps you could take the dialogue in question and post it with your
question. However, if I understand you, you're asking about death on my
worldline. Yes, it is more a part of our lives than it is yours (at least
for now) and capitol punishment is a reality.

So now we get to crime, and he says "If I understand you"?  I'd say the question was quite direct, and if he doesn't understand it he's a dolt.  The answer does not address the question of crime and punishement, only that some people are executed and more people in general die in general.  Obvious dodge with an attempt at placation.  Skipping a lot of mundane stuff...

*snip* The civil war ended in 2015 when Russia attacked the U.S. cities (our enemy) *snip*

That's it, blow up those big nasty evil capitalists!  I suppose I may have been right the first go-round with the martial law thing and drew the wrong conclusion about the demographics from reading the paragraph I quoted this from, but I love how Russia is somehow "doing them a favor" here, after reading all that Communist stuff earlier.  Any particular reason why Russia decides to nuke the US cities?  Did they leave the poor helpless farm communities alone after that, or launch a full-scale invasion, or what?  Let's read on...

The "machine" is owned by the military. I am part of a unit stationed in
Tampa Florida.

I guess Russia decided MacDill AFB wasn't a strategic target and left Tampa alone?  I can't believe they rebuilt the place in 11 years.  Anyone got the half-life of Plutonium fallout handy?  Oobey?

I thought owning a handgun was legal in the United States? Yes, being
familiar with firearms (along with the other responsibilities of the
Constitution) becomes an important part of people's lives in thirty years.

So, if firearms ownership is still allowed during ALL of this time, what sparks the civil unrest, and if it's just the big mean Federal Government clamping down on civil rights, starting some civil war in 2005, why do they conveniently IGNORE private gun ownership?  I'd think any totalitarian running things from on high would take a lesson from Hitler in 1938...

I don't remember a great deal about media coverage during the civil
conflicts. I would probably characterize it the same way you see coverage of
Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian Gonzalez.

These happened years before this guy was supposed to arrive, yet he quotes it like he saw it.  You think he'd mention a more up-to-date media spectacle for his present observations?

The other major difference is in the concept of good and evil. With multiple
worlds come multiple decisions and outcomes. For every good act, there is an
equal and possible bad act on another worldline. Taken to the extreme, this
must mean that in God's eyes, there is no total good and total bad in the
superverse. It balances itself out to infinity. I believe we are judged on
the decisions we make as individuals and the good/evil I see on my worldline
is an illusion that has no worth to God. My reaction to it is what's
important to God. Although this may seem rather heartless, it does allow me
to see past the evil that people do and acknowledge the core of potential
goodness inside them.

Well that's a lump of relativist rubbish if I've ever seen it.  "There is no absolute truth."  That's what's being taught in classes about religion in universities TODAY.  For one who claims to believe in Jesus and God he sure goes against everything that's taught in Judaism and Christianity.  In God's eyes, according to the bible, you're with Him, or against Him.  Being against Him is evil, and being with Him is good.  There is no middle ground, and it is that simple and direct.  So much of this smacks of modern leftist wishful thinking it's not funny.

No, Jesus did not come back. At least not that I'm aware of. If or when
Jesus returns, do you think he'll be a lamb or a lion?

I guess He forgot to set his watch to go off when the angels sounded their trumpets and opened the gates of Hell or something?

When you say "teleportation", I assume you mean public transportation.
Yes, we have a basic high-speed system.

For a time-traveller this guy is not very bright.  Don't they have copies of DOOM in 2036?  RTFM you git!

I don't know what you mean by VR?

Even *I* know what this means.  VIRTUAL REALITY.  The feigned ignorance is wearing thin already...

The average lifespan is about 60 but I expect that will improve as we
get things cleaned up.

I think throwing in the sudden removal of 3 billion people or so would affect the average a bit more than that.  All kidding aside, that means people born prior to 1976 don't last, but it also means a lot of people born later  don't die so easily.  I think that radiation poisoning does not discriminate on age lines, and that the "average" lifespan 11 years after such a nasty war begins (remember it drags on a few years) would be rather indeterminate and difficult to census with everything being so decentralized.

The 21st century has awhile to go but the most significant person in my
opinion is the farmer-general who led us to victory.

I guess he was a retired Colonel or something, either that or a fast learner.  He must have been one hell of a genius to bring down trained military combatants otherwise.

Even for you, Tesla technology can be found in appliances, motors and
generators. I would have to say we have come a long way on Tesla's
foundation but we don't have electricity rays that cause earthquakes.

Wow, he doesn't know what VR is, but he knows about Tesla's more fun and rather obscure experiments.  He also has his facts straight that "Tesla technology" is in fact in every powered electrical device that has a plug, seeing that Nikola Tesla kind of invented AC power transmission.

The most common crime is theft.

Not surprising since it's the most common crime today, too.

I don't understand what you mean by "race mixing".

Someone slap this guy across the face with a clue.  INTERRACIAL MARRAIGE YOU GIT.

Yes, people use drugs that alter consciousness but they are not very

Nice to know people no longer have flashbacks and get shellshocked or anything else from massive wars and slaughter.  Those guys who came back from Vietnam were all just wimps compared to Mr. Supersoldier here.  I'm sorry, but even speaking as a bird, if I were to put myself in the place of a human I think that if I witnessed half the world dying in a nuclear disaster I'd probably go insane and either commit suicide myself or get so f!@#'ed up so as to try to escape from the nightmare of a reality that followed.  No, this is complete BS right here.  I KNOW what war does to people, and I know EXACTLY what kind of madness would follow an Armageddon-like scenario without some serious divine intervention to follow immediately afterward.  I'm not talking just a year or two after it's over, I mean decades.  There are vets alive from VietNam and World War II today that still have flashbacks and nightmares.

Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices. That's one of the
reasons why we don't have reliable technology laying around. However, in the
opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any high altitude
detonations. They knew we would most likely clean up after them so they
wanted everyone outside the cities to be able to communicate.

Here we go with the Russians being "friends" to the farm refugees again...  I'm sorry, you don't nuke an entire country and then expect the people left over to THANK YOU for it, and if you decide to nuke a country it's going to be an all-or-nothing deal.  Military tactics don't leave room for niceties.  You blow the !@#!#@ out of the other guy as much as you can so he can't do it to you in return, and if you're using nukes you don't care about civilian casualties.  This is 100% pure BS right here.

Yes, there are a great many people who think that Revelations has come to
pass. However, the new fear is that Christ has returned, he's not telling us
and he's very angry. I am not familiar with the Fatima Prophesies but I am
aware of the term.

At least an explanation is attempted, however weak, to address the nice coincidences between this timetable of destruction and the matching up with prophetic timetables.  Could this be any more contrived?

What is the speed of the average computer in the future?

GHz is not a useful measurement. Computers are no longer measured by their
speed as mush as the number of variables (not calculations) they can handle
per second.

So, are we talking integers, floating point, string values?  What variable sizes?  After all, variables DO vary in size, and obviously memory capacity to handle variables is fixed.  This kind of measurement is too imprecise to be logical for measuring computer capabilities considering how diverse software requirements are in scope.  Engineers do not think in such vague terms.

Which states are the worst to live in?

When you can't drink the water its bad everywhere.

So what DO they drink?


(1). I will not disclose any information that will cause someone to
personally gain by its knowledge.

(2). I will not disclose any detailed information that would allow someone
to avoid death by probability.

(3). I will not disclose any information that may compromise any future
actions by individual people or threaten their family and well being.

That's all fine and good for standard time travel, but I thought he had a 2% variance between his "worldline" and this one.  Why does he even care?  It's not even this world's exact future, so it wouldn't affect his, after all.  Like the conversation between Mr. Scott and Dr. McCoy in Star Trek IV when they needed transparent aluminum to handle the water pressure for transporting the whales:  Dr. McCoy "You realize that by doing this you're altering history."  Mr. Scott:  "Why?  How do we know he didn't invent the thing?".

Is propane still around in the future?

Yes but not very much of it comes from natural gas. Hydrogen is converted
into propane because it's easier to handle.

Eh?  Hydrogen is a hell of a lot easier to handle, and burns cleaner.  All you need is an ovonic storage module as opposed to compressed tanks...

What exactly happens to the water?

Yes, radiation affected the water but that can always be distilled out.
There are biological hazards that cannot. In addition, fresh water is hard
to come by without talking to someone with a gun first.

Um... boiling water kills germs, and distilling water removes the water from dangerous chemicals.  Radioactive fallout, on the other hand, is a lot harder to get around since it contaminates not only the water but anything the water comes in contact with.  Otherwise they'd just distill coolant water out of Fission reactors instead of using secondary heat exchangers.  Where did this man get his education?

Do they have (old computer games) in 2036?

I am aware they are video games but I have not come across them.

What, this wonderful Internet of theirs, and no video games?  Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this whole thing is a hoax if I hadn't known it from the beginning.

If each worldline is separate from the others, then wouldn't the
consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original world line?

Yes, that's correct.

If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us

I am not qualified to judge if you deserve it or not and I have no idea if
you may be the next (for lack of a better reference) Hitler. However, if I
were able to physically help you from a situation because I was there and I
knew it was coming, I would help you.

Well he admitted what I said earlier, however I thought he said there were no really good or bad actions earlier, so again, what does he care what someone does with it?

How can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things I do in
this worldline do not affect any other?

Just post it here. All this information will probably end up on the web in
2036. If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a
search on yourself, you might see it. Of course the "you" there would have
no memory of doing it.

Now this is a very interesting contradiction.  These "alternate worldlines" are distinctly different from what is being said, however now he's saying that someone in this worldline can leave himself a message that will show up in multiple worldlines in 2036.  Obviously, If someone posts a message they'll remember doing it for themself (duh).  However, this "temporal intrusion" really blows this entire idea of "worldlines" out of the water, because people would receive random interactions from alternate worldlines ALL THE TIME if what he says here were true.  Anyone else see the gaping hole here?  Anyone still reading all this? Slipgate - Wink

Does distillation remove radioactivity from water?

It removes the dust and dirt particles that are radioactive.

See my previous comments.  Sheesh.

Is there personal freedom?

Yes, the same freedoms you enjoy under the Constitution.

No, communities tell you what you can and cannot do, where you can and cannot go.  You said that earlier.  That is not freedom as defined under the current US Constitution.

Is there an IRS?

Yes, we pay taxes. Sounds like you don't enjoy keeping track of your
personal income taxes. I don't think anyone does.


Its not very different than it is now. Yes, we have money and credit cards.
However, like everything else, the monetary system is decentralized. Banking
is based mostly around the community structure. There are no multinational
banking or computerized economic systems. There are also no income taxes.


Now, does anyone still believe in this time-travel nonsense?  That's the problem with lies.  If you keep lying you lose track and sooner or later you trip yourself up.  Case closed, game over, it was fun while it lasted.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 134

« Reply #7 on: 2004-05-19, 16:03 »

Quote from: Phoenix
Yes I believe in Jesus Christ and we pray to God in churches. There are some
differences you may be interested in. Religion is a major part of people's
life in 2036. Pain and change tend to bring people together and closer to
God. However, religion is far more personal than it is now. There are no
huge, centralized religions and people talk openly about their beliefs. It
might also interest you to know that the day of worship is Saturday, the day
God meant to be the Sabbath and the 10 commandments have been restored to the "10" that God gave us.

Funny, I thought they were still numbered at 10?  Unless he means a different set of 10 commandments?  Is this from a Mel Brooks film or something?  The Jews were and are VERY meticulous in making sure the Torah (First five books of the bible, foundation of Judaism) is copied EXACTLY.  One mistaken character and they start over from scratch.  Jews are as serious about tradition as the modern frat boy is serious about his beer, so it's nice to know they screwed it all up.  I'd love to know where these 10 "new but old" commandments came from, and what they are exactly.  The lack of centralized religion and "Oh you're wrong about the day of the week the sabbath is on" combined with the "Yes we believe in Christ and God" part seems to play both ends against the middle.  This adds an air of believability for traditional Christians as well as the "New Age" and agnostic crowds.  Nobody's "right", and nobody's "wrong".  Typical.  I also find it interesting that NO centralized religions survived.  Normally, unless completely wiped out, people with wide-spread religious beliefs tend to re-organize.  Faith and dogma are both tenacious things, and very hard to get rid of.

In his defense, if you study religion as much as I have, because the People of God were disobedient, he kept adding commandment. In the end there were 602 'Monastic" Laws/commandments


(50) There is no real organized health care. If you get a serious disease, you die.

This is against human nature to preserve life. Yes, there are naturalistic and religous people that don't believe in medicine or doctors, but the vast majority feel it is thier duty to preserve life. Whether it is their fear of death, or whatever, it is still human nature to preserve life.

Does anything happen in the year 2012? I've heard stories about the world ending.

(68) Yes, there are unusual events in 2012 but they do not cause the world to end. It is important that they be a surprise. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of the Red Sea and the Egyptians?

This mean he doesn't know?
« Last Edit: 2004-05-19, 16:15 by jess » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #8 on: 2004-05-19, 16:41 »

Quote from: jess
In his defense, if you study religion as much as I have, because the People of God were disobedient, he kept adding commandment. In the end there were 602 'Monastic" Laws/commandments
Indeed, Levicticus and Deuteronomy have a whole list of "Thou shalt not" and "Thou shalt", etc.  In this case I believe he's referring specifically to what was written on the tablets Moses brought down from the mountain.  I think it's moot though, since I'm fully convinced "he" is a contrived character put into place for the sole purpose of executing a very clever and elaborate hoax.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 134

« Reply #9 on: 2004-05-19, 16:46 »

monastic? god damn.. Mosaic*

I agree it is a hoax..
« Last Edit: 2004-05-19, 16:55 by jess » Logged
Posts: 607

« Reply #10 on: 2004-05-19, 19:01 »


^That'll tell you how it ends Slipgate - Wink
« Last Edit: 2004-05-19, 19:03 by dev/null » Logged
Team Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #11 on: 2004-05-19, 19:20 »

I think I win at getting pho to post the longest rant in the history of rants.  Slipgate - Laugh
Posts: 46

« Reply #12 on: 2004-05-19, 19:34 »

Quote from: Phoenix
...I think it's moot though, since I'm fully convinced "he" is a contrived character put into place for the sole purpose of executing a very clever and elaborate hoax.
Thank you for that stunning report, Captain Obvious. Did you think you were doing us a favor by picking this apart, because we didn't know that someone claiming to be a time traveler was full of shit? You become quite violent later on in your fist post, lashing out at Leftists, Communists, the Agnostic crowd, etc... to me, this is an example of classical childish behaivor, acting out, saying or doing brash things to gain attention in any form. Though sadly, you don't just gain attention but also followers, it because of things like this that morons all over think you're an intellectual god, not because you are, but because they can't stop and think this all out for themselves, but you did, therefor you must be on some sort of higher level than they.

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #13 on: 2004-05-19, 20:28 »

Quote from: Phoenix
How can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things I do in
this worldline do not affect any other?

Just post it here. All this information will probably end up on the web in
2036. If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a
search on yourself, you might see it. Of course the "you" there would have
no memory of doing it.

Now this is a very interesting contradiction.  These "alternate worldlines" are distinctly different from what is being said, however now he's saying that someone in this worldline can leave himself a message that will show up in multiple worldlines in 2036.  Obviously, If someone posts a message they'll remember doing it for themself (duh).  However, this "temporal intrusion" really blows this entire idea of "worldlines" out of the water, because people would receive random interactions from alternate worldlines ALL THE TIME if what he says here were true.  Anyone else see the gaping hole here?  Anyone still reading all this? Slipgate - Wink
I think he ment 'that specific board' for that person's 'future self' in john's worldline... as John meant HE was taking all the data on that board from this worldline to his own...

not saying i believe him, but i think you misunderstood that one post... maybe a few others too, but none that really affected anything

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #14 on: 2004-05-19, 22:30 »

Quote from: [WaRdeN
] I think I win at getting pho to post the longest rant in the history of rants.  Slipgate - Laugh
Slipgate - Off Topic  I agree. That is the longest post I think I've ever seen. Ever. Slipgate - Off Topic

However, even if it's a hoax, it's still an interesting read. Slipgate - Wink

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #15 on: 2004-05-19, 23:17 »

Slipgate - Off Topic

Word Count (including quotes): 7, 010 words
Page Count (including quotes): 19 pages
Line Count (including quotes & whitespace): 841 lines

Reasoning behind this post:  Because I can

 Slipgate - Off Topic


Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #16 on: 2004-05-20, 01:22 »

Quote from: Apocrypha
Thank you for that stunning report, Captain Obvious. Did you think you were doing us a favor by picking this apart, because we didn't know that someone claiming to be a time traveler was full of shit?  ... to me, this is an example of classical childish behaivor, acting out, saying or doing brash things to gain attention in any form.
NOW who's being obvious?  If you missed the "obvious" dripping sarcasm in my examination, that's your problem, not mine.  I notice you never went after Devlar for acting like an "intellectual god" and he's the most self-centered "I'm better than you" mindset I've run across in a very long time.  Have I once on these message boards claimed to be smarter than anyone else here?  Have I asked for any converts?  No.  I can't help it if you don't like what I think, but don't expect me to change my thinking just because you don't like it.   As for this "childish" attempt to "gain attention", I think you confuse my having a little bit of fun for a more profound attempt at egocentrism.  I'm well aware that I have a big ego.  I really don't need other people's attention to verify it!   Slipgate - Smile~

So why did I bother posting all that in the first place?  I wanted to give a little bit of entertainment with the "patently obvious".  I am not "lashing out" out at anyone here.  Leftists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists - all of these groups have certain core things they believe or follow, the same as Right-wingers, Conservatives, Libertarians, etc.  The same applies to agnostics and fundamentalists, or anyone belonging to certain religions or religious denominations.  If I can't use a label to describe people with like mindsets would you prefer me to describe every single little detail the next time just to avoid using more efficient wording because a label is involved?  Also, did I ever ONCE say he was "bad" for being agnostic?  No.  I just said it was MIGHTY convenient that the rest of his "world" followed his own personal mindset to the letter for the most part.  The same is true with the "community" lifestyle he kept harping on.  THAT was the point I was making there.  I'm sorry you couldn't see past your own knee-jerk reaction to understand that, but I've listened to enough people with the same pipe-dreams and the same political-science brainwashing coming out of universities these days to identify all of this quite easily.  Forgive me for paying attention.  I'm sorry if it offends you that I draw comparrisons between what this supposed time traveler says and a lot of thinking that exists today, but I will call a spade a spade and I refuse to do otherwise no matter who it offends.

Ward:  Congratulations!  Now we need to work on getting Lee stirred up so he can out-rant me again!  Sipgate - Evil

Kain:  Dead on, man.  Thumbs up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 134

« Reply #17 on: 2004-05-20, 03:24 »

Quote from: Apocrypha
Thank you for that stunning report, Captain Obvious. Did you think you were doing us a favor by picking this apart, because we didn't know that someone claiming to be a time traveler was full of shit? You become quite violent later on in your fist post, lashing out at Leftists, Communists, the Agnostic crowd, etc... to me, this is an example of classical childish behaivor, acting out, saying or doing brash things to gain attention in any form. Though sadly, you don't just gain attention but also followers, it because of things like this that morons all over think you're an intellectual god, not because you are, but because they can't stop and think this all out for themselves, but you did, therefor you must be on some sort of higher level than they.
If all you are going to do is criticize us, why do you even bother reading these threads or even post on them? All you are doing is contributing to the exact thing you are criticizing us for.

Pho: looks like you are going to be damned to hell for having an opinion.
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #18 on: 2004-05-20, 03:32 »

Bitterness is an ugly thing.
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #19 on: 2004-05-20, 04:20 »

Thank you for that stunning report, Captain Obvious. Did you think you were doing us a favor by picking this apart, because we didn't know that someone claiming to be a time traveler was full of shit? You become quite violent later on in your fist post, lashing out at Leftists, Communists, the Agnostic crowd, etc... to me, this is an example of classical childish behaivor, acting out, saying or doing brash things to gain attention in any form. Though sadly, you don't just gain attention but also followers, it because of things like this that morons all over think you're an intellectual god, not because you are, but because they can't stop and think this all out for themselves, but you did, therefor you must be on some sort of higher level than they.
Play nice kids, we've got rules regarding personal attacks.

Pho: We know you enjoy bashing nonsensical politics/social policy, but try to not be quite so vehement when doing so.

Apo: Feel free to bash the right side of the political spectrum etc., but try to limit said sociobombs to the TOPIC not the poster.

Furthermore, since when is writing a lengthy post regarding one's opinion involving a topic posted in CC a bad thing?

I'm not saying you people have to get along, but flame wars will NOT be tolerated. So don't try starting one; thankyou.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
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