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Author Topic: Earth Items - Sneak Preview ((I'm back from my little hibernation))  (Read 34665 times)
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Pixel Procrastinator

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« on: 2003-05-20, 02:02 »

Yup folks, I've been working on Gen stuff a bit again. Since there were a hell of a lot of items screaming to be made, I decided to get some Earth stuff done. I'd modelled one or two before, but never got round to skin em.

Here's the first batch of earth-items:


- small health - dog food
- medium health - german foodplatter
- small armor - german helmet
- bullet clip (same as doom's clip)
- flamer ammo tanks
- sniper ammo

Also, for those intrested, here's the list of what's done/what's to do, itemwise:

P.S. Sorry Angst, when I was about to do some touching up to your mediumhealth skin, I realized I suck at touching stuff up, and decided to start from scratch.. If you want the PSD to see how I did it, just lemme know tho.
« Last Edit: 2003-05-20, 02:05 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #1 on: 2003-05-20, 02:32 »

VERY nice! Slipgate - Tongue

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 38

« Reply #2 on: 2003-05-20, 02:51 »

Looking awesome, Tab.  Keep it up!

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #3 on: 2003-05-20, 10:36 »

Rofl, the price tag on the sniper bullets is awesome.  Thumbs up!

Excellent job tab!
Posts: 607

« Reply #4 on: 2003-05-20, 14:13 »

.50 ammo, only $25.95! Slipgate - Laugh
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #5 on: 2003-05-20, 16:07 »

do we really have to pay for those bullets Slipgate - Sad

Posts: 192

« Reply #6 on: 2003-05-20, 19:19 »

yes, yes we do

anyway, nice job tab, always new and original Slipgate - Smile

keep it up!
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #7 on: 2003-05-20, 23:05 »

Nice as always tab!
Posts: 346

« Reply #8 on: 2003-05-21, 01:39 »

Yeah, nice. I was also laughing at the sniper ammo price tag. Is it even legal to sell civilians .50 BMG?

BTW, not to criticize, just an idea... In Wolf3D the mags were like bright blue. That would look dumb in Gen, but to differenciate them from the Doom mags maybe you could make em silver or something. Course, It's up to you, but as you must know well, it would take like 2 seconds to do in photoshop, so it could be worth considering.
« Last Edit: 2003-05-21, 03:32 by Gnam » Logged

Posts: 34

« Reply #9 on: 2003-05-21, 10:18 »

Really nice models and skins tab!
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #10 on: 2003-05-21, 12:03 »

Thanks all!

Gnam: I considered totally reskinning the clip for earth, but figured it wasn't worth the trouble - no-one would even be able to compare the two without dying as earth or doom and switching to the other class while looking at a clip. A silverish kind of metal is harder to make without shaders, and thus would require some extra tweaking & indeed a simple photoshop adjustment layer.
When all items are done, I think I'll have a go at that. For now, I think it's more important to try and see if I can get the whole lot done for 99c ;]

P.S. It seems to be legal to not only buy all kinds of extremely lethal BMG high caliber rounds,  but also for civilians to buy actual 50cal rifles, like the barret. It seems that gun laws even have more restrictions for those wanting to buy low caliber weapons and hunting rifles (not counting tank-hunting weaponry).
While browsing the web on info about both the barret and its ammo, I even came across a list of reasons why barret sells small arsenals to civilians, criminals and terrorists alike :] - It seems people actually managed to make a barret-stickup van once, by mounting the rifle behind a specially constructed trapdoor in the vehicle (despite claims of the gun-company that the weapon couldn't be fired from a car without nasty consequences for its occupants). Very intresting read, although some information seemed questionable (as always on the net).
« Last Edit: 2003-05-21, 12:09 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 346

« Reply #11 on: 2003-05-21, 20:23 »

Well, I guess its not that surprising considering my dad's friend owns an MP5 SD4, a M1919A1, a Mac 10, and others.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #12 on: 2003-05-22, 00:20 »

Tab, do you mean laws in the Netherlands?  I know in the US you can buy pretty much anything, that is, depending on the political climate of where you live.  In the US under fedaral law you can buy a Browning .50 heavy machinegun with a class III permit and a 200 dollar transfer tax after passing a background check so long as there isn't a city, county, or state ordanance against it.  You can also buy silencers with a class III permit.  All of these "nasty" toys have to be registered in the process since the idea is that it's not a good policy to allow just anyone to run around with a fully automatic weapon, or one that's silenced.  As for Joe Citizen, as long as again there's no state law or local law you can buy everything from a .22 caliber pocket pistol for $50 or a $7000 Barrett M82A1 without restrictions or registration requirements, so long as you're not a convicted felon, under restraining order, or have a domestic violence conviction.  They've tried outlawing the big .50's but so far have had no success, the primary reasoning being that no criminal is going to use a $7000 rifle that makes a huge muzzle flash and an even bigger noise.  Of course there are some that go for $1500 or so, but still, what crook is going to go lugging a rifle around that weighs 20+ pounds and sounds like a cannon going off?  Most who own such "toys" are enthusiasts who have the money and like things that make a big bang.Slipgate - Smile

The harshest Federal restrictions in the US so far have fallen under the so-called "assault weapons ban" which basically outlawed imported military-style semi autos, and added other restrictions such as banning pistol grips, bayonet lugs, and flash supressors and/or threaded muzzles that can accept one (or a silencer).  This was primarily aimed at the AK-47 design and SKS family of semi-autos.  Most importers just modified their designs to use what's called a "thumbhole" stock, ditched the bayonet or bayonet lug, and either left the muzzle clean or tacked on a factory recoil brake.  It did nothing for AR-15 (M-16) style semi auto's manufactured in the US regarding the pistol grip, and with the redesign of the import rifles not much changed except the stock, the muzzle, and the bayonet lug, so basically the same type of rifles are still imported.  They even have Yugoslavian SKS rifles imported WITH the bayonet still attached right now, also including a grenade launcher attachment on the muzzle, as some obscure BATF ruling that classifies them as a "historical relic" as opposed to an "assault weapon".  Seems no different to me from a 1952 manufacture Russian SKS except for the launcher attachment, so what's the point of such a law?  As for curbing crime, well besides the illegally modified AK used in the Hollywood, CA shootout a few years back I rarely hear of these kinds of weapons used in crime.  I hear a hell of a lot more people shot with pistols than AK-47's or AR-15's.  Most criminal shootings I hear about are almost always drug or gang related or else domestic murder where the victim is a family member, usually husband or wife of the shooter.

The other restrictions usually are passed by specific states or cities, and can govern everything from the rifles that worked around the federal assault weapons ban (such as in California) to sale and possession of certain types of pistols to all of the above.  Washington DC has the toughest restrictions on ownership of handguns.  I think you can't own them period, or you need some kind of special license that's nearly impossible to get.  It really varies from place to place.  I think it might be Kennesaw, Georgia (I know it's some town down there) that actually REQUIRES people to own firearms to be a resident.  I do find it an interesting statistic that while Washington, DC has the country's highest murder rate that town in Georgia has almost zero crime.  I guess nobody wants to get shot?

Regardless of your political leanings, like weapons or hate them, you must admit that the US probably has some of the most complex laws regarding firearms ownership, while at the same time is overall the most permissive country in the free world.  I just wonder what they'd classify a railgun as. Slipgate - Laugh

Oh, and that price on the box for the .50 ammo is just about dead on for match-grade ammo.
« Last Edit: 2003-05-22, 00:20 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #13 on: 2003-05-22, 00:42 »

alright.. it was an american newssite article, so I was talking US laws (of which I - luckily - don't know too much about). The article indeed discussed those reasons to be able to sell the weapons - and listed quite a lot of occasions where the barret WAS used in semi-organized crime :]

Anyway, as a dutchie, I'm glad to say that our gun laws are somewhat less complex. With a license, you can buy small firearms, or hunting rifles and stuff like that, but high caliber weapons are off limits for civilians. Wouldn't make much sense to allow people to have 'machine-gun-festivals' (I've never understood the fun in that, but I'm kind of abnormal so it may just be me Slipgate - Smile) since the pop. density is so high, that firing any weapon once is likely to kill at least three people. Also, we seem to be a little short on deserts, canyons and other dynamite playsites. Atom is prolly unhappy about not being allowed to use a-bombs in his hometown, too :]


And, to not turn this into a gun-discussion topic entirely - the last three earth items are done (excepting the bullet belt we discussed earlier).

Here's a pimp again, now sporting all items:


There we go. I'll zip it all up for ya Pho.
2 classes down, 2 to go :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #14 on: 2003-05-22, 04:33 »

Nice Tab, expecially that green box. Liked it very much. That one is the one that gives you more ammo, right?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #15 on: 2003-05-22, 06:45 »

Again that's some great work Tab!

Yes Lunatic, the big ammo box is the 100 rounder (BFG ammo slot).  It's going to have a belt of bullets hanging out of it.  Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #16 on: 2003-05-22, 11:17 »

Ok, no wonder I liked that green, big ammo box! Slipgate - Laugh
Posts: 231

« Reply #17 on: 2003-05-22, 21:05 »

hey, am i missing something, i didnt know the gats fired the same size ammo as the sniper rifle!(the only difference being the sniper ammo is BMG) ... 12.7 mm = .50 cal if i remember right! :blink:

(im only kidding btw)
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #18 on: 2003-05-22, 21:43 »

that's what you get when a non-gun-nut is your skinner :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 231

« Reply #19 on: 2003-05-23, 00:37 »

yeah, soon as this stupid ligament in my right arm heals ill whip ya up a luger to skin..heh
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