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Author Topic: Oh my, do I have something for Controversy Corner. (Caution: Drink & doggy bag reccomended.)  (Read 16503 times)
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Posts: 1110

« on: 2003-08-24, 17:31 »

So you guys ever wonder what the infamous LooF is really like? Well, I've got a little story for you...

...ok, maybe I don't right now. However, a log will suffice for now:

08-22[23:13] LooF2000: it's Friday
08-22[23:13] Tekheadd: yep yep
08-22[23:13] Tekheadd: friday night!
08-22[23:14] Tekheadd: know what that means?
08-22[23:16] LooF2000: no
08-22[23:16] LooF2000: not at all
08-22[23:16] Tekheadd: ne neither
08-22[23:16] Tekheadd: whatcha wanna do?
08-22[23:16] LooF2000: confess
08-22[23:17] Tekheadd: to what?
08-22[23:17] LooF2000: everything
08-22[23:17] Tekheadd: ok
08-22[23:17] Tekheadd: where do you want to start?
08-22[23:18] LooF2000: I did it for attention
08-22[23:18] Tekheadd: what's that
08-22[23:18] LooF2000: and I got it
08-22[23:19] LooF2000: so I did it for 4 years
08-22[23:20] LooF2000: are you mad?
08-22[23:20] LooF2000: I would be
08-22[23:20] Tekheadd: did what?
08-22[23:20] LooF2000: I have no idea ;d
08-22[23:21] Tekheadd: I'm not sure what 'it' is
08-22[23:22] LooF2000: I'm just yapping Slipgate - Smile
08-22[23:22] Tekheadd: Slipgate - Tongue
08-22[23:23] LooF2000: I found a mic in the house but it's torn up and has no wire
08-22[23:23] Tekheadd: shoot
08-22[23:24] LooF2000: tekhead is ignorance really bliss?
08-22[23:24] Tekheadd: only to those who are ignorant
08-22[23:26] Tekheadd: for other people, it's quite a hardship
08-22[23:26] LooF2000: why?
08-22[23:26] Tekheadd: because they want to be better than ignorant
08-22[23:27] LooF2000: ignorance is bliss does not mean you're stupid and happy
08-22[23:27] LooF2000: it means you're happier not knowing something
08-22[23:27] Tekheadd: bliss is blind happiness
08-22[23:28] Tekheadd: knowledge is very important
08-22[23:28] Tekheadd: we'd die like lemmings if we couldn't learn
08-22[23:28] LooF2000: so would you rather be happy or know everything and live in misery
08-22[23:28] Tekheadd: I don't think I'd live in misery
08-22[23:29] Tekheadd: but I don't know that haha
08-22[23:29] Tekheadd: I'd rather know everything
08-22[23:29] Tekheadd: so tell me everything

 - Whew... at this point my mind was racing. Read on if you dare...

08-22[23:33] Tekheadd: well?
08-22[23:35] LooF2000: got net meeting?
08-22[23:35] Tekheadd: yes
08-22[23:35] LooF2000: connect to me
08-22[23:37] * LooF2000 gives up
08-22[23:37] Tekheadd: no
08-22[23:37] Tekheadd: I"m looking for it, sorry
08-22[23:38] LooF2000: nahh don't worry about it
08-22[23:38] LooF2000: want to play ET?
08-22[23:38] Tekheadd: no!
08-22[23:38] LooF2000: no?
08-22[23:38] LooF2000: ET hater?
08-22[23:39] Tekheadd: no
08-22[23:39] Tekheadd: I'm getting netmeeting to work
08-22[23:40] LooF2000: what for?
08-22[23:41] Tekheadd: because
08-22[23:42] Tekheadd: you've got me interested
08-22[23:42] LooF2000: nothing to be interested in Slipgate - Laugh
08-22[23:42] Tekheadd: you lie Slipgate - Tongue
08-22[23:42] LooF2000: why would I do that tekhead? Slipgate - Smile
08-22[23:42] Tekheadd: because you're screwing with my mind
08-22[23:43] LooF2000: how?
08-22[23:43] Tekheadd: where do I put in your ip?
08-22[23:43] LooF2000: my netmeeting is off
08-22[23:43] Tekheadd: join mine
08-22[23:45] Tekheadd: hi
08-22[23:45] LooF2000: hello

 - This is where my personal shock began. I have no idea why I handled this the way I did...

08-22[23:45] Tekheadd: so now what?
08-22[23:46] LooF2000: nothing
08-22[23:48] Tekheadd: was that it?
08-22[23:48] LooF2000: I guess so
08-22[23:48] Tekheadd: I don't know a Lee (Last name removed)
08-22[23:49] LooF2000: I do
08-22[23:50] Tekheadd: what's Lee like?
08-22[23:50] LooF2000: like me
08-22[23:50] LooF2000: only not so much of a liar

 - I didn't see any images, just the name Lee in a NetMeeting session.
 - After this point, I knew exactly what was coming.

08-22[23:50] LooF2000: you have your knowledge and I doubt you're happy now
08-22[23:51] Tekheadd: I want more
08-22[23:51] LooF2000: what do you want to know
08-22[23:51] Tekheadd: describe yourself
08-22[23:52] LooF2000: a half year younger than you thought I was
08-22[23:52] LooF2000: go back to net meeting
08-22[23:52] LooF2000: because I have always had a webcam actually
08-22[23:53] Tekheadd: I can't see anything
08-22[23:53] Tekheadd: turn on a light or two
08-22[23:53] LooF2000: neither can I
08-22[23:54] LooF2000: I have no idea what you're looking at
08-22[23:54] Tekheadd: it looks kinda like... a nose?
08-22[23:54] LooF2000: and if you're wondering no I am not gay
08-22[23:55] LooF2000: how's that
08-22[23:55] Tekheadd: I"m not sure what it is
08-22[23:55] Tekheadd: looks kinda like lips
08-22[23:55] LooF2000: I wish I could see
08-22[23:55] Tekheadd: back up about 3'
08-22[23:55] LooF2000: it's a 5 dollar cam or something
08-22[23:55] LooF2000: it's blurry as hell
08-22[23:56] LooF2000: spork it I'll be right back
08-22[23:56] Tekheadd: ok

 - LooF went to fix the webcam for better imagery.

08-22[23:58] LooF2000: I understand if after tonight you never want to speak to me again
08-22[23:59] LooF2000: I kind of expect it, and I only told you because I wanted to get it off my chest
08-22[23:59] LooF2000: now I feel better
08-22[23:59] LooF2000: but I bet you don't
08-23[00:00] LooF2000: but you said you'd be happier with knowledge than bliss

 - *WHAM*

08-23[00:00] Tekheadd: I"m not sure why you put on a show for years
08-23[00:00] LooF2000: how could I stop?
08-23[00:01] Tekheadd: alias & group change

 - For some reason, I felt pity...

08-23[00:02] LooF2000: all the groups I've ever ran into are linked by 1 or 2 people
08-23[00:02] Tekheadd: so who did you get to record a false voice for me?
08-23[00:03] LooF2000: nobody in particular Slipgate - Smile
08-23[00:04] LooF2000: a girl named megan who records whatever I ask her to no questions asked
08-23[00:05] Tekheadd: I see
08-23[00:05] LooF2000: do I disgust you?
08-23[00:06] Tekheadd: a bit
08-23[00:06] LooF2000: me too sometimes
08-23[00:07] Tekheadd: I"m not sure how you could've taken this to the extreme of cybering - with multiple guys
08-23[00:07] LooF2000: it's text
08-23[00:08] Tekheadd: that has closet homo wrotten all over it

 - So there you have it. LooF is a 15 year old boy. I understand if all you guys who thought dirty about her while you've known 'her' shrink a little bit.
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #1 on: 2003-08-24, 17:35 »

This confirms every suspicion I've ever had about LooF. Well, wait, just that she's not right. I never suspected...THAT... Whoof...
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #2 on: 2003-08-24, 18:50 »

haha, holy guacamole.. makes me wonder where loof got the pics of "herself" though..

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Pain Elemental
Posts: 84

« Reply #3 on: 2003-08-24, 22:35 »

OMFG I'd have never believed that! "She" did this to us all (except Phil, I think).


Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #4 on: 2003-08-24, 23:10 »

Hrm,dunno what to say.

Posts: 75

« Reply #5 on: 2003-08-24, 23:19 »

Holy $hit!!!
I always thought some of the Wirehead guys met LooF in Real Life. I guess not...  :blink:

This is....heh.... interesting....
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #6 on: 2003-08-24, 23:19 »

lol well what can you say? loof's a boy!
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #7 on: 2003-08-24, 23:27 »

a 15 year old neurotic boy-bitch? hmm..

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Hans Grosse
Posts: 270

« Reply #8 on: 2003-08-25, 01:02 »

I'm not surprised or shocked.    Very few things shock or surprise me nowadays, especially when things like this happen online.  I'm a big skeptic of what anyone says online, knowing full well it could be a lie.  After all, how do you prove it true or false?  I say I'm female, I know few of you have seen me, but how do you know for sure I speak true?  You don't, short of meeting me in person.  Big question here to answer is...do we care?
Posts: 607

« Reply #9 on: 2003-08-25, 02:26 »

I know I personally do not care, though I was never really involved in the soap opera that was LooF. He was able to keep this masquerade up pretty well it would seem, and that's part of the fun of the internet, you can be pretty much whomever you wish to be. Though I personally do not condone lying in general, acts such as that in question are not that uncommon. Besides, maybe he feels more comfortable as a girl... Females certainly do get a lot more attention, and are generally treated better. Or perhaps this could just be another stunt for attention? *shrugs*
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #10 on: 2003-08-25, 03:18 »

Quote from: dev/null
Or perhaps this could just be another stunt for attention? *shrugs*
*ding* That is correct, sir. We were actually looking for the answer 'attention whore' but the judges have ruled your response to be equally valid.
« Last Edit: 2003-08-25, 03:18 by OoBeY » Logged
Posts: 231

« Reply #11 on: 2003-08-25, 03:40 »

lol.. .thats hilarious.. hehe,  tho not surprising in the least since Loof spelled backwards is 'fool' ... always had suspicions.. lol, this is quite funny.. hehe..
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #12 on: 2003-08-25, 04:25 »

 I had sensed in LooF from the beginning a lack of concern for the feelings of others.  She was always antagonistic and stirred up much needless trouble.  I had hoped that she would grow beyond that in time.  While this is not really that unexpected, I feel sorry for everyone who had feelings for this person that went beyond basic friendship.  While it may have been quite a joke for the person behind it, it is pitiful that she (he) played such games with people's emotions.  It shows a blatant lack of sensitivity.  It is a broken trust.  If anything can be learned from this, it's to not trust so openly those you do not know.  Things on this particular medium are far too often often not what they appear to be.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #13 on: 2003-08-25, 05:05 »

/me continues from irc..



« Last Edit: 2003-08-25, 05:05 by Dicion » Logged
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #14 on: 2003-08-25, 08:07 »

well i havent really spoken to loof  so i cant say this  bothers me much. on the other hand i have to say this is ...HI-FREAKING-LARIOUS. :lol:
« Last Edit: 2003-08-25, 08:08 by Woodsman » Logged
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #15 on: 2003-08-25, 10:18 »

I feel sorry for everyone who had feelings for this person that went beyond basic friendship

so your saying we ma not have these feelings against this person anymore ?? :blink:

ok ,thank god I always suspect a man on the internet (exept DW)

but now im suspicious to other people also.

/me looks suspicious to oob and dev/null

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 784

« Reply #16 on: 2003-08-25, 17:48 »

/me kills LooF a thousand times. Well, LooF is now officially known as FooL.

Well, he's still an awesome mapper for 15. I'm 16 and I can't map for shit. Slipgate - Tongue
« Last Edit: 2003-08-25, 17:50 by Footman » Logged
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #17 on: 2003-08-25, 21:44 »

well I can map, but the q3 engine is limiting my skills and holding me back to much :angry:
« Last Edit: 2003-08-25, 21:44 by games keeper » Logged

Posts: 102

« Reply #18 on: 2003-08-26, 14:16 »

One thing has crossed my mind... You say LooF is 15 and has been undercover for 4 years, right?

Now tell me, what kind of 11 year old is trying to cover his true identity and becomes a woman???
I mean... when I was 11, all  that mattered to me was to burn stuff not  fooling guys over the internet.
Maybe it's a lie covering up another lie?
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #19 on: 2003-08-26, 14:53 »

She's actually a 91 year old demented cow, pretending to be a god pretending to be a 44 year old senile lady with an unstoppable urge to trick people into thinking she's a 15 year old boy that started exploring virtual womanhood in his early teens.

Yes, I do think there's more in this- I think I'll have to get myself some movie rights.
« Last Edit: 2003-08-26, 14:55 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
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