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Author Topic: LooF  (Read 29189 times)
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Posts: 1110

« on: 2003-01-28, 04:54 »

Please stop harassing LooF. She isn't causing any problems, yet when she comes back into #wirehead for a moment, you pursue her like bloodhounds. I've seen the threats sent out to her, and she doesn't deserve them. When I joined #wirehead, she was a decent person and made up for her "faults" in my eyes. Let go of the past. Forgive and forget. I ask you this out of curteosy because I think you should know how I feel about this.  You don't have anything to prove by threatening to DoS a person using dial-up.

For the sake of respect in the work that she's done and myself as a supporter for WHS, stop this treatment of her. It's completely unprofessional to see mod-making code-junkies gang up on a single mapper.

That is all I have to say.
 - Tekhead
Team Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #1 on: 2003-01-28, 05:07 »

I already tried this approach of asking people to stop. It doesn't work.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #2 on: 2003-01-28, 05:09 »

Lead by example then.
Team Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #3 on: 2003-01-28, 05:10 »

Oh I did. To no avail.
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #4 on: 2003-01-28, 05:10 »

It became REALLY damn hard to try to be nice when she tried to get W killed....
Pain Elemental
Posts: 83

« Reply #5 on: 2003-01-28, 05:14 »

Well, I for one have given her so many chances to act like a decent human being, and she ruins each and every one.   You can only be so forgiving, so understanding, at some point you have to say "No more".  I'm pretty much at that point.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #6 on: 2003-01-28, 05:20 »

You're misreading my message. I want it all to stop. It doesn't matter anymore, and there's no point in debating rights and wrongs. I don't want to turn this into a finger-pointing blame-o-thon, but rather a moment of peace and passage.

If you didn't want to talk to her, then you should've said so. I don't know where you got the "W killed" thing from oobey. It just sounds like propaganda to me. Unless you can justify that statement with proof, don't say such things.
Pain Elemental
Posts: 83

« Reply #7 on: 2003-01-28, 05:22 »

It has stopped.  She's banned, and she won't piss us off anymore with her baseless attacks.  She's bit the hand that fed her one too many times Tek, get that through your head.  Got no beef with you, but stop telling these guys what they should or should not be doing.  If you want it to stop, don't instigate by posting shit from the channel into the forums.
« Last Edit: 2003-01-28, 05:23 by Twilight » Logged
Team Member
Posts: 134

« Reply #8 on: 2003-01-28, 05:22 »

So yeah, before oobey posts, why isn't she in here sticking up for herself? Ahh, she found someone else to hide behind, that's cool.
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #9 on: 2003-01-28, 05:25 »

Ok, tell me how you interpet this statement:

(in #etg) *LooF* I wanted to know if it's against the rules to relay a channel to another network from here

Now, seeing as W is the only trans-network relay bot I know of, there doesnt appear to be many ways to intrepet that little comment. But, I am interested to hear your explanation, if you have one...

Oh, and as for your "lets just stop right now" all I can say is this: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah HELL NO! LooF has been in the wrong FAR too many times to suddenly drop it. That sounds to me like the losing side in a battle asking if it can be a draw while the enemy tanks are busy doing doughnuts in the loser's barracks. She started this war MULTIPLE times, and I am sure as hell not going to drop it at the first sign of her actually losing.
« Last Edit: 2003-01-28, 05:26 by OoBeY » Logged
Posts: 1110

« Reply #10 on: 2003-01-28, 05:28 »

She isn't here because I told her not to come here. I came here out of my own free will to speak on her behalf with her approval.

Why won't you let it go Warden? Once again, you've found a clever way to slip in a snide comment that was uncalled for.

Twilight - I know that she's been a poor sport, and that's a legitimate concern. She tells me in defense that you were the one who told her to "talk shit - it can give you an upper hand"; given the words she used to talk shit and the time she tried to do it, she made bad judgements. A misread letter is often worse than an unopened one.
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Posts: 134

« Reply #11 on: 2003-01-28, 05:30 »

I'm standing on the sidelines watching, i'm not instigating much of anything here.
Pixel Procrastinator

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Posts: 3330

« Reply #12 on: 2003-01-28, 05:31 »

I don't care about all the laugable details, but this whole testosteron vs. loof's obvious childishness did go way too far.
The only thing that bothers me to no limit, is that she did a lot of work that i'd like to see in a finished state - and I fear that will never be the case. I don't think anything that's happened should be either discouraging her from showing it to us or cause us to plain forget about it.

It was kind of like the whole affair with Hedhunta. It can be annoying as hell, but if the work's good, at least haul that in, in some way ;]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 26

« Reply #13 on: 2003-01-28, 05:33 »

look tek, this is not an arguement youre going to win. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice shame on me. thats all there is too it. shes had all the chances shes going to get.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #14 on: 2003-01-28, 05:36 »

"1111937: What's the matter? Don't feel like talking about it after you got totally owned in #etg? Oh, and you're now banned in #wirehead. Just think, you and WaRdeN used to be so close. I remember when I fought with him a couple of times with him defending you. It's got to feel pretty shitty to know you totally sporked up a solid relationship."

"1111937: Having fun talking to Twilight? I know you're online. You've always had a mile streak a mile wide whenever WaRdeN wasn't around. Whenever you could hide behind your big mean moderator, you could fire with impunity. But hey, guess what, bitch? He's not there for you anymore. And he will never be. I've been waiting for this moment ever since you first made the mistake of joining #wirehead. Oh, and say hi to Tekhead, too. Life on the shitlist sucks "

I don't see why you're beating a dead horse to this extremity. In fact, you go so far as to not only dismiss, exile and shun her, but you also add insult to injury through a series of personally attacking messages. She's been out of your hair for over a month now. What's your problem now that there is no problem left?

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #15 on: 2003-01-28, 05:37 »

hey loof, why did my icq pop me a message from you, calling me a jerk....
*LooF* lil where were you yesterday >_<
*Mykul* Lil, you playing?
*LooF* for not showing up last night?
*Lilazzkicker* me, i was in tulsa most of yesterday
*Krazy-Killa* She did that with me too Lil.
*LooF* ass
*Lilazzkicker* im only on for 30 mins tonight
*Mykul* LooF: be nice, before the mountain trolls eat you
*Lilazzkicker* got a trip to take tomorrow
*LooF* why should I be nice to an ass who can't show up where he says he's gonna be

*Lilazzkicker* going to OKC picking up fire trucks
*Foot\Greiner\NEC* real life DOES tend to take it's toll
*Krazy-Killa* Yep.
*LooF* foot spork you
*Mykul* exactly Foot
*LooF* I have a real life too
*Foot\Greiner\NEC* Slipgate - Sad
*Krazy-Killa* We all do.
*LooF* did you ever think I might've liked to go and do that
*LooF* instead of wait for an hour and a half
*** Foot\Greiner\NEC is now known as Mountain_troll
*LooF* since I'm so easy to just ditch and forget about
*LooF* I'm gonna ditch you all
*** Mountain_troll is now known as Foot\Greiner\NEC
*LooF* and go play warcraft3
*Krazy-Killa* Slipgate - Sad

She had plenty of chances to be nice, but she continues to make the same mistake everytime, I quit supporting her the day she turned on me when I had a responsibility I had no choice but to do.
« Last Edit: 2003-01-28, 05:41 by OoBeY » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #16 on: 2003-01-28, 05:39 »

Hey man, all I can say in response to that is:

I am so pissed I sporked up the second message. It should have read 'a YELLOW streak a mile wide.' My bad.

Oh, yeah, and why? Thats hinted to in the message. She's goaded me the entire time warden was her protector. She has ALWAYS played games, and known she was safe. But now, she went WAYYYYY too far, and she's all out in the open. And guess what? Payback's a bitch, and revenge is a dish best served cold.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #17 on: 2003-01-28, 05:42 »

At any rate, she's shown signs of growing up. You don't have to give her a second chance, but that'd be the best thing I'd like to see. If nothing else, let the past be the past and let go of old hate. I became friends with her because I saw what she did with maps and I wanted to encourage that part of her, because it was a really cool idea to me =]

View this thread as you like, but this is my last post and plea for peace. Please direct any further discussion directed toward me about loof on ICQ or AIM

11714384 <- ICQ
SnuffMeElmo <- AIM [I'll get an alias change someday =p]

I hope to see you all at Quakecon in good spirits.

 - Tekhead
Hans Grosse
Posts: 299

« Reply #18 on: 2003-01-28, 05:43 »

Oh, and btw, tekhead:

IRC != Forums

please try to keep irc stuff off of here. However, I will let this one slide since it's gone on far too long and outside of IRC. Just fyi, is all.

EDIT: Upon viewing the ferocity of the attacking force, it appears the enemy has sounded the retreat. WIREHEAD WINS!

Score is now: 1 - 0 in favor of Wirehead
« Last Edit: 2003-01-28, 05:47 by OoBeY » Logged
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #19 on: 2003-01-28, 05:47 »

Still, TBQH, I think the whole idea of the games she played AND the revenge others sought was all way below the standards any professional mod community should have. Sure, Loof got me pissed at times, but I realized it was part of the whole 'being a kiddie' thing and ignored it, at least until she started talking a bit of sense. That worked for me.

I must say though, that because of the action-reaction thing that was going on later things had gone further out of hand - and I wasn't always around (and quite probably trying to ignore it and spend my time on getting some work done Slipgate - Wink - so I dunno all the facts. But considering what I've seen, the above stands.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
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