Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: LeeMon on 2005-05-23, 21:02

Title: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: LeeMon on 2005-05-23, 21:02
http://www.trilobite.org/spispopd/ (http://www.trilobite.org/spispopd/)

It looks like SPISPOPD lives on in more ways than I had imagined. There is a band out there called S*P*I*S*P*O*P*D that has a song called Zero (Ping Bastard), a Quake-related parody of a Smashin Pumpkins song (seems fitting enough).

I about did a spittake when I read this.  The "band" doesn't exist.  The song does exist... and I recorded it.  "Zero (Ping Bastard)" was one of a handful of parodies I did for the WireHead site back in '99. Back then, WireHead was brand-new, the team members were better known as "the Blast Chamber guys", and the actual WireHead site was a repository for all sorts of Quake-related oddities (including my first attempts at Quake fiction).

I recorded several parodies (either with stereo-voice-removed original tracks or MIDI instruments), and listed each one with an appropriately named pseudonym artist or band.  Smashing Pumpkins, thus, became Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Piles of Putrid Debris, or SPISPOPD.  The lyrics were okay, but the sound quality was abhorrent, and we'll keep my singing ability off the public record.

I was looking up SPISPOSD for unrelated reasons (a conversation about motion sickness caused me to look up the DOOM FAQ since it was the first place I saw game-related motion sickness mentioned, and that gave me a nostalgic urge to look up SPISPOPD, etc.), and found this.  It's been forever since I found something randomly on the net that I made... and incorrectly attributed, nonetheless.  It's great.  ;^)

Maybe I should start up a band after all...

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Footman on 2005-05-23, 21:38
mm, you could do plenty of kickass songs. Prehaps even some for Gen. ;]

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-05-24, 02:17
Heh I remember downloading Zero (Ping Bastard) several years ago from a link at Qxygen.  I may even have it on a CD somewhere.  I can't remember if I liked it or not though. :p

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Woodsman on 2005-05-24, 02:44
Hey if you have a band can i be your thug that beats away the ugly groupies? id be good at that.

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-05-24, 04:27

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: McDeth on 2005-05-24, 09:27
Need an organist?

(STFU, you knew it was coming)

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: games keeper on 2005-05-24, 17:23
can I be a groupie ?

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Lopson on 2005-05-24, 17:59
Quote from: Woodsman
Hey if you have a band can i be your thug that beats away the ugly groupies? id be good at that.

Quote from: games keeper
can I be a groupie ?

looks like we've a problem... :rolleyes:

Can i be the one that steals all the empty plastic things after the concerts?

Title: Re: Apparently I have a band...
Post by: Moshman on 2005-05-24, 19:51
A Wirehead band!?
Sweet!  <3