So I've been bit by the bug, and I figured I'd reach out to any of you who are still out there.
I was involved in a fun little project ~10 years ago, the Speedmapper's Guild (sadly now defunct). And I've had a heck of a time reconnecting with ANY of the old crew, so I figure we can start something new-ish here.
Anyone who's interested in q3 mapping, hit me back.
It goes something like this -
We set aside a time, and crank out what-ever sort of map we can in ONE HOUR. This includes lightmap render time (if you're feeling cocky), and then we playtest the everloving bajeezus out of them.
I miss it, it was a blast, and I'd have LOVED to do it using gen-specific map entities..
If anyone is out there, let's do this thing!