Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2006-07-03, 16:16

Title: We Can Rebuild Him (We Have the Technology...)
Post by: Phoenix on 2006-07-03, 16:16
It sounds like the stuff of science fiction.

But scientists really have found a way to give amputees bionic limbs.

Experts at University College London are working on a technique to fuse skin to metal.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...70&in_a_source= (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=393701&in_page_id=1770&in_a_source=)

Great news for people who have lost something.  The real question is, will it make that cool sound when you use them?  :D

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Woodsman on 2006-07-03, 18:36
the real question is where are the robot wives.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: scalliano on 2006-07-03, 19:03
No doubt at some point some prat will ask to have a gun fitted :D

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Thomas Mink on 2006-07-03, 21:53
Not really guns... maybe later. But to start with, I can see axes, swords, scythes, hammers...

And who knows, maybe after it's all perfected and clean looking the Arniebots (aka Terminators) will start production.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2006-07-03, 23:19
Now we just need a cop named Murphy with metal implants to say, "Stay out of trouble."

Seriously though, I am quite happy to hear about this development.  Perhaps it will give scientists a greater understanding of the nervous system and one day be able to create implants for the paralyzed so they too can walk again.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Phoenix on 2006-07-04, 11:50
I'm hoping that's all this is used for is medical repair technology.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Kajet on 2006-07-04, 19:55
heh yeah it won't, when has an entire large group of people been able to show restraint?

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: shambler on 2006-07-05, 23:34
I was in a factory where they made replacement knees and hips a couple of years ago, and was shown a type of rough serface that bone grows into on the hip joint. it was new at the time, but meant they didn't have to use any glue. maybe thats how they got the bone to stick to the metal, inside.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Lopson on 2006-07-06, 18:33
Quote from: Phoenix
I'm hoping that's all this is used for is medical repair technology.
Phoenix, you know that's just being inoccent. The use of this technology for military purposes is bound to happen.
Going back to topic, it was about time to discover a way of making more reliable prosthesis.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Phoenix on 2006-07-06, 19:20
Innocent?  That was another time.  Just because I expect the worst from mankind, and I'm usually right as a result, doesn't mean I can't still hope for the best.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: scalliano on 2006-07-07, 00:16
Quote from: Phoenix
Innocent?  That was another time.  Just because I expect the worst from mankind, and I'm usually right as a result, doesn't mean I can't still hope for the best.
Cynicism prevents disappointment. Remember that.

Title: Re: We Can Rebuild Him
Post by: Footman on 2006-07-12, 19:01
Let's hope an alien race doesn't decide to use this and create the Stroggs. ;)