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Author Topic: Generations Gameplay ideas - Take 2 (Got ideas? Post em here!)  (Read 36065 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #40 on: 2003-05-26, 14:40 »

hey vadertime

No offense intended, but if you used punctuation and paragraph breaks, we might actually read your posts. Slipgate - Wink
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #41 on: 2003-05-26, 15:47 »

I don't see paragraphs, but there's certainly punctuation in that last post Slipgate - Smile

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #42 on: 2003-05-26, 22:26 »

Actually "collect the gibs" was a gameplay mode I thought of with Con long before starting on Generations, so that's not new Vader.

As for projectile radius some projectiles have an in-flight radius, others do not.  The BFG balls won't fit through a crack in the wall, but nails probably will.

Let's get back on topic please. Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 192

« Reply #43 on: 2003-05-27, 00:57 »

Sure thing. I'm not surprised somebody thought of that already. A lot of my ideas seem to pop up in other people's heads. Not to say I'm like Yuri, but more like I'm pretty normal after all. Maybe Arena Hockey would work. Each team shoots at a big hockey puck to knock it across the map.

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #44 on: 2003-05-27, 02:31 »

That's been done. It's called qpong.
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #45 on: 2003-05-27, 04:40 »

I'm not the very creative type, so my idea is probably lame... but anyway. Players spawn in with randomly selected weapons.. and they're only able to use those wepaons until they die. I'm talking random here, as in all weapons for all classes... dunno how rough that would be, but it could be interesting (and deadly) seeing a doomer running around with a thunderbolt.
HeadBanging Hail HeadBanging

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

Posts: 192

« Reply #46 on: 2003-05-27, 04:49 »

I'm not surprised. Simple things like that are too obvious to overlook. How about some kind of hunt, maybe a rabbit or fox appears and starts running at high speed. Players shoot it to score. I bet that's been done too, am I right? It looks like if were going to have something new we'll all have to pitch in until we really do get something strange and new. The one weapon thing sounds pretty rough. Imagine getting the gauntlet or knife twice in a row.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #47 on: 2003-05-28, 13:43 »

stupid ut mutator . maybe an idea.

your head grows. depending how well your doing .
so if your killing many people in a row . your head would be as big as your body .

your head grows and grows and grows
and after a while it will explode. with a big explosision. (bit smaller the n kamikazi .
you can stop the swelling of the head by killing people.

Posts: 192

« Reply #48 on: 2003-05-31, 05:25 »

Have you seen fatboy mutator for unreal tournament? If you're playing fatboy and you kill lots of people your model stretches into a huge gingerbread man. If you get killed and keep getting killed your negative score makes you a toothpick figure.
Posts: 346

« Reply #49 on: 2003-05-31, 09:02 »

My favorite stupid UT mutator was Crotchshot. Shot to the wang=instant kill+ CROTCH SHOT! anouncment.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #50 on: 2003-05-31, 11:32 »

I saw that mutator.
its very funny.
 it would be a great Idea for generations.
seeying a big (very big doom )running after a very small little guy ).

also found this great mutator named stairs. (nothing for generations )
it lets you test out the ragdoll animations . you have to push a model of your own choice . (I use my skin (with my face on it ))
and it falls down of some stairs , of a ramp , of a slide and finally in a pit wich is illed with steal bars. and spikes on the bottem.
vory funny to see the guy fall. and really brae his back against a crner of a stair or a pipe. to then fall firther down .
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #51 on: 2003-05-31, 13:48 »

off topic:
I just can't help myself .. You still amaze me to no end, games!

and it falls down of some stairs , off a ramp , off a slide and finally into a pit which is filled with steal bars. and spikes on the bottom.
vory funny to see the guy fall. and really braek his back against a corner of a stair or a pipe. and then to fall firther down .

especially the (blue) typo's are fantastic. I've hardly ever seen anything quite like them. Note the distance on the keyboard between the o and e, and a en i.. the bit about the furniture-throwing creeps me out though.. is it true?
« Last Edit: 2003-05-31, 20:00 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #52 on: 2003-05-31, 18:43 »

note to self .
kill tabun , I think he knows about the mistakes I make in purpose . :unsure:  <_<

Thomas Mink

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 920


« Reply #53 on: 2003-06-01, 00:06 »

If you were smart, you'd point Tab's own mistake in correcting your own. Tab also spelled further as 'firther'... same with 'braek'... Slipgate - Smile
Seems like the first half he corrected, but started slacking on the second half there. Heh heh... BUT, he missed your typo of the correct form of a word you were using. You said 'steal'.. when in fact you meant to say 'steel'. Slipgate - Smile HeadBanging
« Last Edit: 2003-06-01, 00:13 by ~SpAwN~ » Logged

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #54 on: 2003-06-01, 00:23 »

I left the typos in, so you could still see them, I only corrected/added bits that were missing.
Do not forget - I am perfect. Everything I 'missed', I left out on purpose, to accentuate the more important parts and ofcourse, for added dramatic effect.

Okay, so that's not entirely true... the only bit I must indeed agree on is that I should've included the steel a switch. I guess true perfection is indeed imperfection (how's that for a paradox?)
« Last Edit: 2003-06-01, 00:24 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 346

« Reply #55 on: 2003-06-01, 08:55 »

Just to try to help keep things more on topic here, I think we should be thinking more in the vein of gameplay types that work with Generation's unique features, ie different class types, large numbers of different weapons, deriving from older, classic games, etc. Not to say that these are bad ideas, and indeed if someone had an idea that was not related/specifx to Gen but worked great it could make a good addition to the mod, I'm just saying we might try to focus a little more. A lot of these ideas could be done on any multiplayer FPS, not to mention regular Q3. I figure this thread shows too much promise to let it just degenerate and then get moved to the off topic forum.  Thumbs up!

Posts: 192

« Reply #56 on: 2003-06-01, 13:01 »

Quote from: Tabun
Note the distance on the keyboard between the o and e, and a and i..

Small gramatical and spelling errors there Slipgate - Laugh Slipgate - Laugh

 Fainting  Thumbs up!  :lol:

No offence meant, just found it funny Slipgate - Grin
« Last Edit: 2003-06-01, 13:03 by Daedalus » Logged
Mean ol Swede
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« Reply #57 on: 2003-06-01, 22:23 »

ahem, if you need to go off topic do it on the off topic forum Slipgate - Wink
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Pain Elemental
Posts: 81

« Reply #58 on: 2003-06-04, 00:19 »

Ok I thought I'd toss out a few ideas.

What about something, lets call it Slipgate Wars maybe, that could be a unique spin on capture and hold gametypes.  Basically my idea is that you have a level with a number of portals/teleports located at strategic points in the map.  In your teams base (and the other teams base ofcourse) there are a number of teleport thingies (when you being they are all shut down and not linking to anything...numerous ways to handle that).  Each of these slipgates in your base has an assigned slipgate out there in the map, it just isn't linked to it yet.  

The portals/slipgates/teleports or whatever out there away from home sweet home (i.e. your base)...they can be captured.  Maybe in order to capture them you'd have to stay in the area for a certain ammount of time without enemies in the vicinity (ala BF42), or maybe there could be a crystal/object/whatever there that you'd have to destroy (and then for as long as you were there a new one would grow).  

It could be nifty to have it so that said crystal wouldn't be destroyed by your fire...but rather if you shot it the crystal would start changing color and if you "damaged" it enough it would become your team's crystal and you would get the exclusive link to that teleport.  This could add an interesting tug of war sort of thing going on (you could have it so that once the crystal was neutral (after recieving damage...how much you decide) either both team's portals would open or neither teams....don't know which would work better).  This is a small detail though...there are a lot of different ways that could be designed for teams to capture these portals depending on what the individual implementing the mode prefered.  

This mode would add an interesting twist on the capture and hold thing...you would basically be able to get people to points you controlled really quick and the idea of fighting over slipgates/teleports is an interesting one perhaps.  I don't know what the goal would be in this mode (you could have some sort of objective in the base...or the objective could be to capture all the teleports...or perhaps something else).  I just thought it was a nifty concept (dunno if it would fit the mod though).

Posts: 192

« Reply #59 on: 2003-06-04, 08:14 »

How about this: players are on two teams and have an area around them lit up. Players try to control as much of the map as possible within a time limit to score. Where a player is standing would be controlled and belong to that player's team out to the limit of the lit area. Any spot where a player is fragged belongs to the team that fragged them until it can be retaken by fragging one of the owners on the same spot. I know this is all wierd, but I'm having trouble thinking just how to work this. Anyway, the team that "owns" most of the map wins.
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