Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Entertainment => Topic started by: Gnam on 2004-10-08, 01:57

Title: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-08, 01:57
Some of you may remember me mentioning this on IRC. Basicly, in playing UT2004 I found that there were lots of things about the weapons which irked me. I dicussed this with other Quake players on IRC, on the CPMA forums, and even one UT2004 demo server admin who agreed that "UT2004 isn't hardcore enough" and everyone seemed to agree with what I suggested. So when I bought UT2004 this summer, I immediately started compiling these tweaks into a mutator.

It took get everything balanced, but I think I eventually got things where I want them. Some of the major changes include:

-100 damage lightning gun
-100 damage grenades (but you don't spawn with them)
-100 damage rockets (the vUT rockets do less than 90)
-less spammy, more mortar-like Flak Cannon
-fast Link projectiles (like Q3 plasma)
-more knockback on Link shaft
-Minigun has more windup time (like chaingun in Q2 and D3)

Also the ammo for everything is reduced, so you actually run out of ammo sometimes and have to look for more. Each box gives you 500 damage worth of ammo and weapons start with 1 box (since in UT maps there's lamost always extra ammo sitting next to the weapon.)

So for those of you that either own UT2004, or are willing to try it with the demo (I don't know if the demo lets you run 3rd party mutators, but it could) you can download the mutator here:
http://www.geocities.com/chris_gnam/GWTWeapons.htm (http://www.geocities.com/chris_gnam/GWTWeapons.htm)

Give it a shot, I'm interested to hear some feedback.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-10, 21:07
In  the rare case any of you tried to download this previously, the first version had a bug which (I assume) caused it to not work caused by last minute filename changes. I have since uploaded a corrected version. I'm not trying to spam, but it would be nice to get some feedback from those of you who also play UT (I know there are a couple atleast).

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-11, 19:27
i downloaded it but can't  get it to appear on the mods list.
i'm a big ut2004 player and  :ownage:

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-11, 20:43
If "hardcore" is synnonymous with "spawn killing", then those altered numbers fit the bill perfectly.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-12, 02:00
Woah... replies.

Shambler, sorry, I left out one of the files that goes in your system directory (the one that puts things in the mutator list. I have since uploaded a new zip with it included, just re-downloaded it and drop MutGWT.int in UT2004/system.

Tek- I don't think my mutator is any more prone to spawn killing that Doom, Quake, UT99, or any other FPS. Furthermore, if the aim is to prevent spawn killing, there are better ways to do this than nerfing the weapons, like temporary spawn invincisibility. Gen does this well, since you lose it if you try to abuse the protection and attack, but  even UT2k4 has it's own server-side option of spawn invulnerability, and I don't see why this shouldn't be sufficient on it's own. Furthermore, a few weapons in vUT2k4, like the flak cannon, do even more than 100 damage, and it doesn't seem justified to arbitrarily give FHD to some weapons and not others, particularly when the weapon in question is as spammable as the flak cannon is. But more importantly, if you don't like it, you don't have to play it, that's the great thing about Unreal's mutator system, it lets everyone play the way they want. That said, I wouldn't mind hearing your opinion on the other features, if you actually  played it first.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-12, 03:23
True, but this significantly bumps up the damage on many weapons which were previously (imo) balanced and could be fought against. Those damage values would suggest that each shot has potential to outright kill the opponent with one or two hits, which can be done with the stock UT2k4 inventory. Numerically, there is much more emphasis on the rockets and lightning gun as they have become the most-valued items in the game, whereas before it was a blend of the RL, LG, Shock and Flak as the heavy hitters.

Does this mod looks like it'd recreate some Quake gameplay in UT? Yes.
Do the changes look like they'd add to the overall UT experience? No, not in my eyes - or at least with what's being presented.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-12, 04:09
I don't think the RL is too overpowered right now. Like Gen's mortars, the speed of the new flak shells provide leverage against rockets in certain situations, particularly at longer distances. I think they are still rivals for top position, they're just balanced in a different way. I don't think shock is tremendously outclassed by the LG either. With the extended reload time of the LG, if you miss, the guy with shock has time to get off 2-3 shots before you can fire again, any one of which could be a combo. Even if a single beam won't kill you, it will toss you around, setting you up for the next shot, and because it always takes atleast 2 shots to deal lethal damage, the shock rifle gets double ammo. Also, the changes in some of the other weapons help to keep any 1 weapon from getting too dominant. The link gun, minigun, and assault rifle are all much more usefull than before, so even if the power hitters still take ultimate dominance, they have to work hard to do it..

Granted, this mutator has yet to be playtested human vs human; most balancing so far has been done just by logic (I actually used a numeric formula to balance out damage values and fire rates for each weapon), comparison to other games, and bot matches, but I think you'll find it works surprisingly well. I've been tweaking it for the past few months trying to keep the balance as tight as possible, so while it may have a few rough edges to smooth when the theory goes into practice, I don't wager there will be any gigantic gaping holes that I completely disregarded.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-12, 20:18
Well, I think I prefer ut2004 the way it is. I like the way the weapons work. Mind, I like gen 99e the way that is too.   no facts like Tek, I just like the feel of the game.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-12, 21:57
Hehe... that's what I was getting at Shambler - agreed =]

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-13, 02:44
Fair enough. All I ask is that you guys play it a bit first before you make up your mind about it. In a mod like this, the way the features are executed is just as important as the actual concept.  I'm not asking you to pick this version over regular UT and I can't argue with your personal preferences, I'm just asking for feedback on the it as an alternate way to play the game.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-13, 18:38
Allright, I tried it versus godlike bots.

I found that I held my own, even after a few months of UT DM inactivity. The absurd weapon damage did exactly what I thought it would - every encounter was very short when combat began.

The link gun has an absurd amount of ammo for picking up, and lack of grenades make the assault rifle the most worthless weapon in the game (even in Quake3, the MG is somewhat valued). Double or triple rockets are always insta-kill if aimed right. LG is usually insta-kill - if it isn't, then a quick switch to the shock or link will finish the job. The flak cannon feels pathetic due to the much slower refiring time, and the mortar lob gimmick doesn't help. The CG's wind-up time is over two seconds I think, which makes it quite useless unless the opponent is unarmed or typing.

Basically all that I did was play using the LG picking off various bots when I had the chance on Idoma and Rankin. I didn't really find it very thrilling.

One thing that makes CPMA unique are the enhanced physics and the extra speed resulting from them, which makes for a faster game - not overpowered weapons.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-13, 22:00
You should look more carefully at the weapons. The link gun ammo is hardly absurd. 300 cells is actually only 30 rounds of primary fire, and a few seconds of secondary fire. The assault rifle (I'm assuming you played the regular mutator, not XT) does the same amount of damage as the Q3 MG, and can be even more accurate depending on how you space your shots. In the XT version, it's very powerfull if you know how to use it. Double and triple rockets should be an instant kill, given the fact that it takes 2.4 seconds to fire them, UT's typical ranges are much longer than Quake, and "dodging" makes it easier to change directions suddenly. If you were playing the LG with the "light" version of my mutator, then it was only doing 80 damage. Furthermore, if you were using the XT version and it WAS doing 100 damage, I don't know why you would mention it as if it was a surprise when I told you it would before hand.

I In v.2 of the beta the flak might be slightly too slow; I delayed it by .2 seconds so you could actually hear the  pumping sound, but before it was the same refire rate as a Q3 shotgun; it shouldn't be that weak. If the flak shell doesn't seem powerfull enough then you're not aiming it right. Minigun windup is .5 and 1 second respectively for primary and secondary fire; it's not that hard to use.

My mutator does not overpower the weapons any more than Q1, Q2, Q3, or Gen overpowers weapons. I don't see you complaining "OMG Pho, the strogg railgun is instakill WTF are you doing!?" As for physics changes, if I knew how to code Quake style movement like strafe jumping to replace dodging/double jumping, I would, but I'm not really a programmer, and this isn't CPMA.

Basically all that I did was play using the LG picking off various bots when I had the chance on Idoma and Rankin. I didn't really find it very thrilling.
That's your problem; if you were doing the same thing in UT2004 it wouldn't have been thrilling either.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-22, 00:58
Tek, I thought about what you said about encounters being too short and "instakills" being too common, and decided you had a point. However, I'm not going to make the weapons any weaker. Instead, since I "overpowered" the weapons, I'm going to "overpower" defensive items.

-small shield is going to +100 armor
-big shield is going to +200 armor
-health packs may or may not be boosted. Some people have complained that UT doesn't have  enough health compaired to Quake, but I'm skeptical. Plus once the other things are changed there will be even less need for it.
-armor shards are going to be added in some form or another. Either adrenaline pills or health vials will also give you +5 armor, or health vials will give you health+adrenaline, and adrenaline pills will be replaced by armor shards

So, HA! What do you say to that?

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-22, 16:37
Post it, and I'll give it a go anyway.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-24, 22:47
Ok, new version is done.

http://www.geocities.com/chris_gnam/GWTWeapons.htm (http://www.geocities.com/chris_gnam/GWTWeapons.htm)

Includes optional mutators for armor shards, increased Shield Packs, QDamage, Adrenaline Amp (replaces Udamage) and a few new weapons. There is a Nail Gun and a Pulse Canon also, but you need WorM2k4 ( http://files.filefront.com/2537309;/pub2/U...ations/Mutator/ (http://files.filefront.com/2537309;/pub2/Unreal%20Tournament%202004/Modifications/Mutator/) ) to use them.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-24, 23:18

I'll play this for a while and get my sons to give it a go too. This does seem more like Q3.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-10-25, 08:49
Cool, hope you guys enjoy it. BTW, if you downloaded it earlier in the day before you posted, you might want to download it again. It turned out a couple of my files got overwritten by older versions in UnrealEd so I had to fix them and re-upload the mutator.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-10-25, 17:02
I am rapidly approaching my  midterm break, and I will have a lot more spare time to check this out Gnam.  I tried it out for about 10 minutes or so last night while making some food.  :p  It seemed to play pretty well to me, but then again, I haven't played UT2004 for several weeks so I really don't remember much of its gameplay. :p

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: shambler on 2004-10-25, 18:42
This adds a lot of pace to the game.  We'll give it a go.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-11-03, 08:00
When you guys get a chance, tell me what you think so far. I've changed the thing a lot in the past couple weeks though.

Basically, in addition to tweaking UT's default weapons, I've made an entire new set of Quake-like weapons. I don't have time to do models, and I don't think it's necessary, but I made a bunch of new skins for them all so you can tell them apart quite easily. Obviously, since UT allready covers most weapon 'archetypes' there are few weapons that do something drastically different than the others, but so far it seems to be a great alternate way to play. Some of the weapons I've done so far:

Shotgun- uses the shock rifle model, but completely different, military green, grungy looking skin. The primary fire is like a strogg SG blast, secondary is like an SSG blast. The spread, proportional to damage, is much wider than the flak cannon, but it's ability to cover such a wide area instantly makes up it.

Nail Gun- Fires flak chunks at a rapid rate similar to Quake's nailgun or plasma gun, but simlar to Unreal 1's stinger, alt fire is a spread shot. Rather than simply reuse the flak primary for alt fire, I reduced it to 6 chunks. Rather than increase the rate of fire accordingly,  the firing rate is about the same, but the spread is focused even tighter than it should be for firing only 6 chunks, so it is highly effective as a single shlt, mid range weapon. It uses the linkgun model with an orange/brown rust-colored skin.

Plasma Gun- The first thing I did, besides skinning it blue, is increased the rate of fire to match the standard Quake 600rpm, whereas the linkgun fires in slower, more concentrated "pulses" of 300-400 rpm. I have gone back on forth over the speed of the projectile; it's nice to have it be double rocket speed, just like the Q3 plasmagun (but not quite as damaging)  I'm tempted to reduce it to 1x speed to make it more distinct from the nail gun (the nails also travel at 2x). The problem is at 1x speed, it tends to be either spammy, useles, or overpowering depending whether the slow speed or the increased damage wins out. I could also give the slow projectiles a big blast radius instead of increasing damage, but then you wouldn't have to aim much to hit.
Either way, the secondary fire shoots a 50 damage projectiles which varies in speed from 66% rocket speed to 200% depending on how long you pull the trigger. You can lay down a rapid fire of slow high power blasts, or a single blast at equal or double rocket speeds.

BFG- I just did this as an experiment, but I kind of like it. Rather than using the complicated FOV/line of sight system of the real thing, it just fires a really slow plasma ball with 200 damage and a large blast radius. The primary fire is about 75% rocket speed and has the blast radius of a shock combo, with 1.6 second reload (i will probably divide it into .8 charge time and .8 reload) and the secondary is 50% rocket speed with a blast radius about 3 or 4 times the size. Unlike the redeemer you can reload it with link or plasma ammo.

Concussion Cannon- I've been messing around with this "mortar-type-thing". Since the flak cannon secondary is allready pretty close to a mortar, I made the shell for this thing even faster (2x rocket speed) and longer to reload. Like the mortar, the blast radius is only half as powerfull but very wide, and direct hits still do 100 damage. The current other fire mode is more like the vanilla flak shell, at 1x rocket speed and 1x reload time, but it's good for firing over walls at short range. What I thought about doing is making the alt fire like 3-4x rocket speed with almost no blast radius, so it's almost like a railgun, but it still arcs and has some blast radius.  What I want to do is have both modes get headshots, which would be cool.

Shot Cannon- this is just a variation of the flak cannon I rigged up to be instant-hit (well, the flak just goes at 10x speed) instead of ricocheting. Unlike the shotgun alt fire, the spread is not overly wide; more like the Q3 SSG than the Q2 SG so you have to aim a bit more but it has a bit more stopping power at range. Alt fire shell is just a regular explosion instead of shooting shrapnel or being extra wide.

Machinegun- this is kinda pointless, but it doesn't get any more pure and simple than the MG. Basically I just dumped the first shot accuracy of the assault rifle and reduced the maximum spread to a little smaller than the minigun. Alt fire is a sniper zoom.

Rocket Launcher- the current modified UT RL is pretty good as it is, but for variation's sake I'm trying to do another one. Basically the current plan is have one firemode be a pretty fast rocket (like Q1 speed) with a smaller blast radius. The other mode is a slow rocket with a wide radius (Q2/Doom without the spammy fire rate). So far it's not different enough to be interesting, but I'm still working on it. Since UT supports acceleration, maybe I could do something more like the original Earth RL that was going to be in Gen.

Pulse Cannon- like the flak cannon, but fires link plasma instead. Since there's no ricochet, the fire rate can afford to be faster without being overpowering. The blast radius is also kind of interesting.

Oh yeah- The Grenade Launcher!
uses the ONS GL model, but uses regular assault grenades. Primary fire shoots instantly instead of charging up like the AR and goes at a good set rate. Since there's no pre-fire time it's much more fluid. The secondary fire charges up, but to give you the max amount of control over where the grenade goes, it starts at 0 speed so you can just drop it on the ground if you want, or accelerate it all the way to rocket speed.

Anyway, still working on it, but I'll post it when I'm done with the next version.

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-11-03, 10:46
Please excuse any spelling and/or grammatical errors in this post that I do not catch...
I will revise it when I am less dead and more awake. :)

Ok so I tried out beta 3 on DM-1on1-Ilarnek_2k4 with a Skilled bot with skill-adjust enabled.

Ilarnek is a map that has the lightning gun, the rocket launcher, the flak cannon, the bio-rifle, and the shock rifle.  It has four or five health vials and one or two grenade pick-ups.  There are no adrenaline pills on the map that I am aware of.

Initially, I tried out Ilarnek with just the first weapons preset and Armor Mode C.  It played pretty good, but I was running lower on health than usual it seemed.

So then I added Quad Damage just to see how bad it could get, and it was nasty :p  To be honest, I think your weapon tweaks and Double Damage are more than enough to dish out the pain.  Quad Damage just seems like overkill.

Taking that off, I decided to try Preset 1 with Armor Mode C and 100/200 armor.  While the armor pick-ups in Ilarnek are somewhat troublesome to get, the 100 one helped out greatly where as the 200 armor felt like a tad too much armor.  I think that either kicking the 200 armor down a notch would work or perhaps making adrenaline more prevalent to counteract  the armor?  (I was thinking along the lines of the regular health packs giving 5 adrenaline, then again I am a bit biased as Ilarnek only has 4 or 5 health vials.)

I didn't try it out with +35 health packs enabled, but I think the armor does a much better job at fulfilling that need than the +35 health packs would.  I won't really know until I try though of course.

Some other comments...

I love the primary fire on the rocket launcher.  The problem is that I love it a little too much.  Secondary fire is dwarfed by how effective primary fire is at killing the opponent.

Lightning gun seems good as does the flak cannon and the assault rifle.

This is a minor gripe, but is there any way you could allow for the classic UT2003 models to replace the link gun, shock rifle, and assault rifle models?  The link gun and the assault rifles are both the old models for me, but the shock rifle isn't.  I'm not sure if that's because I have the option enabled or if you chose to use those models yourself.

I'll try out your heavy weapons and your new weapons some other time, but there's my report for now :)

Title: Re: Quake-like mutator for UT2004
Post by: Gnam on 2004-11-03, 20:42
Thanks for the suggestions, it really helps to have detailed feedback, and you're one of the only people to do that so far.

First off, it really varies with the maps you play.  You have to kind of pick and choose the mutators based on the maps because the item distriobution from map to map is kind of inconsistent. Indeed, a few maps don't even have any adrenaline pills, so with the "shard C" mutator you don't get any armor shards, so it's better to use A or B.

I completely agree about the super shield pack, 200 armor is way to much. What I have done since that version is kick the small pack down to 75, and the big armor to 150, and it seems to be a pretty good compromise. You can still stack up to 200 though if you grab 2 super shields.

I agree about the Quad, it is pretty overpowered. I still want to leave it as an option, but I will also add an aditional Double Damage mutator. The vanilla UDamage Reward mutator doesn't drop the Udamage if someone suicides, so if some dumbass blows himself up, it ruins the Udamage for everyone else. I fixed it for the Qdamage Reward, but I will add a Udrop mutator so the Udamage always drops even for suicides, just like the Quad. Also, I'm looking into a mutator that makes dropped items stay around indeffinitely, instead of disapearing after a mere 30 seconds.

I agree with the +35 packs, I never use them, in fact I just added it cause 1 guy complained +25 wasn't enough.

That's a good point about the RL primary fire. It's so good, there isn't much use for alt fire. Maybe what I should do is have the alt fire use smaller, weaker rockets that load much faster. That way, it will be more usefull without being overpowered.

The UT2003 models: The option to use the old models is allready an option in vanilla UT2004; you have to enable them in the weapon settings of the menu. Normally, weapons use the new models by default, but I switched my weapons to use the old models by default in order to make it easier to tell my weapons apart from the default ones (expect the shock rifle, cause I think the old model is ugly :p). You can change it back on forth by your own choosing though. The quirk with UT2004's old model support is it only affects your your 1st person models, so even if you have old models checked, the 3rd person models and pickup models stay the same as the UT2004 new models. What I'm doing for the next version is making my weapons use the old 3rd person models. Unfortunately, if you want to use the new models, you will only be able to use the new 1st person models, but it will allow you to tell the weapons apart more easily.

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback. I look forward to your comments on the other stuff whenever you get around to it.