Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: games keeper on 2003-08-29, 13:44

Title: bf`g10k gamenight
Post by: games keeper on 2003-08-29, 13:44
lets have a bfg10k night instead of a generations night this saturday
august 30

Title: Re: bf`g10k gamenight
Post by: Jaq on 2003-08-29, 18:24
Hmm... I've never tried it.

But in my opinion, we should make a normal game this Saturday.
Why? Because there hasn't been a decent Saturday's game since the release of 99c. I really hope more people will finally show up.

Title: Re: bf`g10k gamenight
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-08-29, 19:14
Hrm well the saturday game is GEN only, if ya want to have a BFG10k forum game decide another date than saturday.

Title: Re: bf`g10k gamenight
Post by: games keeper on 2003-08-29, 19:28
let me make myself more clear .

did i really ask to much ??

Title: Re: bf`g10k gamenight
Post by: Jaq on 2003-08-29, 20:52
I just played bfg10k arena. It's fun but  the first thing that came to my attenion was that  Bfg10k  needs 5+ players.  I have only played with bots and it was... ok. After I added more bots it really got better.

So I suggest to stick to Saturday's game with gen and make a bfg10k night on Sunday perhaps? We would have to get as much players as possible.
I would like to try bfg10k but I don't wan't to loose a generations night.