Title: WinXP: Reloaded (Yet another "WTF" post) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-27, 02:05 Quote Microsoft is considering updating Windows XP before it releases Longhorn, the code name for a major overhaul of the industry's dominant operating system that is not expected for about two years. http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-5165966.ht...l?tag=nefd_lede (http://news.com.com/2100-1016_3-5165966.html?tag=nefd_lede)What's next? Win98: Revolutions? lol Title: Re: WinXP: Reloaded Post by: OoBeY on 2004-02-27, 03:18 Windows XP 2: Electric Boogaloo
Title: Re: WinXP: Reloaded Post by: Phoenix on 2004-02-27, 05:58 The cash cow never runs dry.
Title: Re: WinXP: Reloaded Post by: OoBeY on 2004-02-27, 06:11 Well, to be fair, Windows 98 OSR 2 was a big improvement.