Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Dicion on 2004-02-28, 10:21

Title: 200+ Forum Members! (..if only they were all active)
Post by: Dicion on 2004-02-28, 10:21
Yay! We broke the 200 member, uh.. limit! :)

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-28, 18:45
Yah, we broke 10,000 posts the other day. I'd ment to do something special for our 10,000th poster, but it kind happened while I was away...

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Apocrypha on 2004-02-29, 07:21
Hmm, I guess this would be the place to make my first post then. I apologize for not making one last night when I first registered, but I just couldn't decide where to start. Even though I still don't know what to say, apparently I'm starting here. *shrugs*

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-29, 07:26
Welcome aboard, post wherever, play nice!

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Apocrypha on 2004-02-29, 07:38
Thank you, I shall... and ladies always play nice ;)

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-02-29, 09:11
Welcome aboard!  Always nice to see a female gamer. :)

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Apocrypha on 2004-02-29, 09:28
Wow, you can see me? *looks around suspiciously then gets up and quickly shuts her curtains*

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-02-29, 09:36
im startin to see the forums become more active (and not just con posting :lol:). more ppl are puttin in their 2 cents.. :thumb:

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-29, 09:37
I'm a post-bot...I give...

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-02-29, 09:40
Quote from: ConfusedUs
I'm a post-bot...I give...
No, just a forum-whore ;)

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-02-29, 09:46
i fail to see the difference  :blink:

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: shambler on 2004-02-29, 10:13
Wellcome fellow Pagan

Although its the middle of the night for you as I type

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-02-29, 13:16
HOLY SHIT ! A female gamer ?!?!?! Those really exist ?!?!?! Hey wait a sec ... I'm a female gamer. Hrmm ... interesting.

Welcome Apocrypha ! :D Another chick around here, YES ! I'm no longer alone ! (well, except DW, but she doesn't play gen b/c she doesn't own q3 ;P oh yeah, and lil too, KIDDING !) *snickers*

And con is an eye twitchin, banana eating, midget monkey, news spam bot *breathes* Oh yeah, and I hate him. ;P Obviously not the only con has been 'give'ing *wink wink* ;P Ok, god, it's late, I should go to bed, hehe.

And if ppl posted, I would post too. Kinda pointless to post about nothing. =P Oh wait ... that's what some ppl already do. *snickers*

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Demonwench on 2004-02-29, 17:50
Hey. I'm workin on getting Q3...I been busy!

Lil?  Don't you mean SUSAN?  LOL

*waves to the new chick*  Howdy!

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-02-29, 19:57
yay two new records broken :)

Welcome aboard Apocrypha!

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-02-29, 21:26
Quote from: Demonwench
Hey. I'm workin on getting Q3...I been busy!

Lil?  Don't you mean SUSAN?  LOL

Dooooooooooooo it !

And yes. Hehe. I left that minor detail out. But look at the hour at which I had posted. That'd be just about after I got home. =P

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: Apocrypha on 2004-03-01, 19:08
Quote from: shambler
Wellcome fellow Pagan

Although its the middle of the night for you as I type
Thanks for the welcome (everyone) :)

I never know when I'll be online, so I could very well have been awake as you posted, heh. *shrugs* Not having a fixed schedule makes for hazy days and nights.

Title: Re: 200+ Forum Members!
Post by: MantiCore on 2004-03-01, 19:44
I'll become active one day (as soon as this semester is done...Thursday)  :)

Welcome aboard, new people  :thumb: