Title: Lamerkatz! Reloaded Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-28, 18:52 From PlanetQuake
Quote To celebrate the LamerKatz 5th Anniversary, they have released a new Quake 2 movie called LamerKatz Chronicles Reloaded. The movie is available in three flavours - Q2 demo format (2mb), DivX High (32mb) and DivX Low (10.5mb). The flick is jam-packed with sweet gibbage and n00b-like suicidal tendencies. If you're like me and have been slacking off in the Quake II department lately, then you'll definitely want to check out this blast from Q2's past. It may even make a few of you soldiers want to do battle with the Strogg once again! Check out "LamerKatz Chronicles Reloaded" here. http://www.lamerkatz.com/index.shtml (http://www.lamerkatz.com/index.shtml) The first Lamerkatz! was one of the funniest game vidoes I've ever seen ;) Downloading now! Title: Re: Lamerkatz! Reloaded Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-02-29, 09:39 Both were great. I laughed so hard at the ending scene in the first movie. I never realized the LK guys made a video, and I wish I would have checked it out earlier. Thanks again for the link Con. :thumb:
Title: Re: Lamerkatz! Reloaded Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-29, 09:40 No problem, and the end of the first video with the elevator smashing to 'Du Hast' was priceless.