Title: Stupid relatives (again) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-29, 07:56 God my wife's family is insane
Her sisters were out in the driveway earlier with some male friends. Said male friends started jumping on and beating on Gina's brother's car. They spit all over it and were punching the windows and shit. Gina calls her brother, who calls the cops. Cops arrive, force the guys to leave the property, and Gina's sisters are now pissed off. And now there's someone driving by and shooting our windows with paintballs. sporktards. If I can get a license plate # someone's in deep shit. Title: Re: Stupid relatives (again) Post by: OoBeY on 2004-02-29, 08:05 Here's what you do. First, get a thick metal pipe just large enough to hold a bowling ball, about 8 feet long. Drill in a hole in the side of the pipe, near the backend, maybe .25" wide. Put a rope in it, covered in gunpowder. Fill the bottom with a couple pounds of gunpower or any explosive of your choice. Put the bowling ball in. Aim the pipe in the direction of the road, out of a window of your house. Wait for retards to come driving by, and light the fuse. Even if you don't hit them, you should scare the SHIT out of them, driving them off. Failing that, recalculate the trajectory.
Note: Do mind the recoil, yeah? Title: Re: Stupid relatives (again) Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-02-29, 08:10 rofl oob!
I laughed so hard I just about coughed to death. hahhaah :thumb: Title: Re: Stupid relatives (again) Post by: Phoenix on 2004-02-29, 09:05 Who exactly owns the property? Maybe they should be advised of what is going on? Maybe someone's daughter will get an ass whipping and told her friends are dead if a window gets broken?