Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-02, 22:13

Title: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-02, 22:13
Gotta love Dell tech support.

My mother in law's printer just stopped working a week or two ago, and she just got around to calling tech support.

After an hour and a half of being shuffled around, she only had 30 minutes of real help.

And Dell's final solution? Format/reinstall windows.

And, of course, I only find this out halfway through the format process. When I asked about backing up her data I got this wonderful puzzled look.

Oh well. GG Dell!

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Vortmax on 2004-03-02, 22:35
We had a gateway that wouldn't recognize a new 256MB stick of RAM.
Gateway Tech support:  "Windows XP won't recognize system changes.  Reinstall windows."
Our solution:  Traded that system for a Win2k system that a student had at his desk and put the RAM in there.  Worked fine.

Another Gateway had a malfunctioning CD-ROM:  "Reinstall Windows."
Our solution:  Swapped out the faulty CD-ROM. Worked fine.  Eventually Gateway replaced the CD-ROM.

Another Gateway had a Hard Drive die:
GW: "Reinstall Windows."    
Us:  Um...we can't.  
GW:  "Why not."  
Us: The hard drive died.  
GW:  "Windows probably isn't recognizing it."  
Us:   Um...the SYSTEM doesn't recognize on POST!  We need a new one since this one's under warranty."  

Went round and round, finally got a replacement.

Tech weenies only know their script, and it's down to one line:
"Reinstall Windows"

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-02, 22:49
so thats the award winning service and support we keep hearing about.

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2004-03-02, 23:20
Funny stuff!

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: shambler on 2004-03-02, 23:25
Hows this for service:
Before playing Gen one saturday night I upped my refresh to 100 and after about 2 hours the medion monitor blew up.

Took it back to the shop after having it 10 months and they gave me a refund on the spot.

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-03-03, 01:51
omg I H ATE DELL. i ordered a new pc from them..and they gave me nothing i wanted! i ordered an lcd flat panel..and they gave me this bulky ass monitor that was huge. i asked for  512 ram, and an 80 gig hd, i had 128 ram, and the hard drive wasnt reading anything, so i couldnt write to the damn disk..F U DELL :321:

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-03, 08:00
And people wonder why I build all of my own systems...

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-03, 08:10
I built my own too ... but I couldn't build my own laptop ;P

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-03, 08:59
pho i think most people here build there own systems.

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: games keeper on 2004-03-03, 12:39
/me points to the "post your setup here thread , where obody replies in anymore

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-03-04, 00:53
i wanna build my own system, i just dunno what to get..or have the money to do so yet   :(

Title: Re: Gotta love Dell!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-04, 01:44
We've done "post your system specs" before.  My system has not changed since then except to get a bigger hd, so I'm not going to bother re-typing information that could be found with a "search" function.