Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 07:26

Title: The Off-Topic Topic returns! (With a vengence!!)
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 07:26
ph333rrr!!!! Mweheheheheheh!!!!!

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-14, 07:28

I like peanuts. o.O

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-14, 07:29
The kid on teamspeak started this back up...but omg he's hilarious.

Hobo11, if you find this thread, we love you!

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 07:30
I like chicken I like liver, Meow Mix Meow Mix, please deliver!

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-14, 07:31
Agreed. OMG. I can't stop laughing.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 07:34
Neither can Con. :P

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-14, 08:27
Experts are baffled as to why bungee jumping has never caught on in the avian world.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-14, 13:10
ph33r the ninja! :ph34r:
http://members.cox.net/kain-xavier/Miscell...20-%20Ninja.mp3 (http://members.cox.net/kain-xavier/Miscellaneous/Hobo11%20-%20Ninja.mp3)

For those of you who missed out, Hobo11 had us all cracking up on the Generations Arena Team Speak server late Saturday night.  The mp3 above is a recording of Hobo's Ninja song.  Enjoy. :)

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: WolfCub on 2004-03-14, 17:29

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-14, 19:58
Unfortunately, that's a really scratch recording =(

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-14, 20:07
The one he did earlier that night was better, but es still funny.

In Gir voice "cows are my frieeeeends."

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 20:18
That's because they're the only intelligent life, aside from you, in Nebraska. :P

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-14, 20:21
Beer.Bad for the liver...good for the soul.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2004-03-14, 20:24

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-14, 21:55
Man who stand in front of car get tired.  Man who stand behind car get exhausted.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-14, 21:58
Forever, this quote will remain true to guys:

Whatever "stings for a second" on your face, burns like THE FIERY HOT BLAZES OF HELL on your balls!

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-14, 22:51
LOL ! This thread is great.

And foot ... cows are uh ... yeah.

DW ... "So that's 2 large tacos, burrito and a medium Gir take us back to the base right now." "I love the little tacos, I love them good." "But I need tacos, I need them or I will explode ... that happens to me sometimes." *snickers*

And pho, Necrophilia: The uncontrollable urge to crack open a cold one. :D

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-14, 23:31
Here are some snippets from a conversation I had with my friend John two or three years ago on AIM.

Kain-Xavier:      AOL is without a doubt one of the four horsemen
 John:          Five, then?
 John:          What are they?  Death, Famine, War, AOL?
 Kain-Xavier:      No
 John:          Then what?
 Kain-Xavier:      Microsoft, AOL, 989 Studios, and ......
 John:          ?
 John:          And?
 Kain-Xavier:      I'm thinking foo
 John:          lol
 Kain-Xavier:      The fourth horseman died
 John:          LOL!
 Kain-Xavier:      He fell off his horse
 Kain-Xavier:      And was trampled to death...
 John:          Actually, what are the real ones?  War, Famine, Death, and what?
 Kain-Xavier:      I don't know  
 Kain-Xavier:      Jim, Bob, Joe, and Billy  
 John:          No, no, no.
 John:          It's Bobby Joe, Joey Bob, Billy Bob, and Bobby Bill.

A little later on into the conversation...

Kain-Xavier:      Hey do you think the four horseman can get STDs?
 John:          Dude, they probably CAUSED half the STDs in the world.
 Kain-Xavier:      Uh so then how did they get them?
 John:          DUDE!
 John:          I just remembered.  The fourth horseman is Disease.
 Kain-Xavier:      So is he the guy who spread genital herpes supposedly?
 John:          I guess.
 Kain-Xavier:       I knew it.  This bastard that raped me in the alley way said that he was one of the four horsemen.
 Kain-Xavier:      I got genital herpes from him :(
 John:          Duuuuude.  O.o

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-15, 00:55
O_O   ....OOoooookay...

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2004-03-15, 00:57
you wanna see off topic and randomness? go see those 'play with me' and 'funney' threads rotfl.  :lol:

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Punisher on 2004-03-15, 01:17
swinger parties pwn

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-15, 01:22
"better to have your mouth closed and have others think your a fool then to open it and remove all dought"

-samuel clemens

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-15, 02:12
With this I bid you firewall and iptables. :P

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-15, 02:13
It's spelled "doubt".  Samuel Clemens was ahead of his time. ;)

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-15, 02:30
yeah i caught that after i made the post but really it only helps the point. By the way Samuel Clemens was mark twain for you people who havent read anything since the boxcar children.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-15, 04:47
Con is a monkey, therefore he gets bananas. :D
*gives Con many, many bananas*

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-15, 15:00
/me likes bananas too...  :(

Quote of the moment....

Mike:  "Hey, did you know you can eat the color green?"
Kain-Xavier: "No I didn't..."
Mike: " ...Yeah but it sucks; you have to eat a crayon."

Mike made this comment to me before passing out for the day at a LAN.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: dna on 2004-03-15, 15:14

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: scalliano on 2004-03-15, 21:09
I would rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal labotomy.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-16, 18:28
<(^_^<) Kirby was happily walking along the road one day

Little did he know that Angry Man ( >_< ) wanted to kill Kirby

Angry Man ( >_< ) snuck up behind Kirby <(^_^<) and stabbed him with a pointy stick <======

Kirby was bleeding <(@_@)> until finally he died <(X_X)>

Angry Man ( >_< ) was no longer so angry and he became happy ( ^_^ )


Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: scalliano on 2004-03-16, 19:40
Whatever burns like the firey hot blazes of Hell on your face ...

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-16, 19:48
I like bagels

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Footman on 2004-03-16, 19:55
I like peanutbutter.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: shambler on 2004-03-16, 19:59
I like badgers.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-16, 20:04
http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com (http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com)

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-17, 15:27
This is from another conversation I had with my friend John.  He and I were talking about a D&D game he had partaken in earlier.  The "Mk II" person he refers to is a person I've never met but is supposedly a supplemental version of me.  Hence the "Mark II."

John:  Actually, it was pretty damn funny.  The freaky guy revived who he could, healed us all and gave us all our spells back, and then ran off.
Kain-Xavier:  lol
John:  So the next room we went into, we found a wind demon.  So, MK II, the druid, cast "Control Weather" and declared that the entire room was going to be completely calm.  No wind whatsoever.
John:  The DM basicly said "spork it, you win." and off we went.
Kain-Xavier:  LOL
John:  So the moral of the story is, Mk II can actually be useful.  But only if you're playing DnD.
Kain-Xavier:  heh

Oh and I want to add that after John left, said D&D group and Mk II went on to play for a total of 28 hours...

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-17, 16:17
Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with its surroundings. You humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply. And multiply until all natural resources are consumed. The only way you could survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern: a virus. Human beings are a disease. A cancer on this planet. You are a plague.

I hate this place. This zoo. The prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I feel like I've been infected by it. It's repulsive.

Alright, so I admit it.  I'm Agent Smith after all. :rolleyes:

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-18, 20:27
I'm sorry, the 'hi' thread is better than this one.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: dna on 2004-03-18, 20:27
You cannot force the off topic thread...

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: dna on 2004-03-19, 01:30

Looks like Con already has his copy of UT2K4

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-19, 02:14
Quote from: dna
Looks like Con already has his copy of UT2K4
Actually, at the time of that post, I was in GameStop, trading in my gamecube so I could get UT2k4 ;)

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-19, 23:22
The text below is a rant of mine to a friend about Pokemon Sapphire....

Hello children.  This is Mr. Rogers.
Today's phrase is, "sporking Registeel."
You see children, Kain is a very honorable but very poor Pokemon trainer.  He doesn't even have enough money to buy the supplies he needs to beat the elite four.  He's very honest though and tries very hard children.  He's determined to catch the rarest Pokemon in the world.

There are three rare rock Pokemon called the Regis.  Our Kain caught two of them already.  It wasn't a tough battle for our Kain but it was taxing on his resources.  He managed to catch them both though with a Timer Ball.  Do you kids know what a timer ball is?

A Timer Ball is a type of pokeball that increases your chance of catching a pokemon, the longer the battle goes on.  But guess what children?  Registeel didn't like to play by the rules.

Poor Kain tried and he tried to catch mean ole Registeel but Registeel did not want to obey the rules of the game.  No sir.  After 30 minutes into the battle, Registeel wasn't even phased by the timer balls anymore.  He just decided to cheat and disobey the game laws.  Our honorable Kain reset his game and tried again.

This time, nasty ole Registeel decided to keep killing Kain's pokemon since Kain was so generous as to let Registeel live.  Kain was using even more resources than he could afford to purchase again.  Because of Registeel's actions children, Kain would not be able to beat the Elite 4, so Kain tried all his pokeballs save the Master Ball.  Mean old Registeel was still being evil so Kain had to take drastic measures.

He smited Registeel's ass and sent him to pokemon hell.

After all that anguish, Kain resetted the game and tried again.  Kain then tried for a third time, but Registeel was still being a sporking prick children. Kain cried out in despair and prayed to the pokegods that just one Timer Ball out of the precious 10 he had left would work.  And it did but after 6 of them children.

And that children is why today's phrase is "sporking Registeel".  If you ever see a Registeel in your neighboorhood... he's not your neighbor.  So give him a swift kick to the shin or the teeth like friendly ole Mr. Rogers would.

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-19, 23:56
I'd rather be axe-murdered, one digit at a time, than to have anything to do with Pokemon.  :biggun: :sob:

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: dna on 2004-03-20, 00:15
What's up with the Pkemon hating?   :huh:

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: death_stalker on 2004-03-20, 04:00
My son watches it EVERYDAY. :biggun:  :wall: please?

Title: Re: The Off-Topic Topic returns!
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-03-21, 13:29
Bleh.  I decided on scrapping the story I previously posted. :)  Here's something you might find a little more humorous instead.  This is an excerpt from a conversation my friend John and I had about this article on Slashdot and the subsequent website it linked to.  Here's the link to the Slashdot article:
http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/1...tid=159&tid=186 (http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/11/1415245&mode=thread&tid=133&tid=159&tid=186)

Kain-Xavier: Reminds me of a power-loader from Aliens.
Kain-Xavier: I got a kick out of the Evangelion joke too
John: That's the one thing they never explained about EVA.
John: Why the spork were all the pilots kids?
Kain-Xavier: That executive guy likes them young.
Kain-Xavier: He takes them back to his NERVerland Ranch.
John: Ikari?
John: Dude, that guy is Shinji's dad.
John: HAR!  He also has the best sporking line in the entire series.
Kain-Xavier: The silent dude with the folded hands?
John: Yeah.
Kain-Xavier: o.O
Kain-Xavier: Wait so Rei is a clone of Shinji's mom?
John: Indeed.
Kain-Xavier: That's really sporked up.
John: No shit.
Kain-Xavier: No wonder why Shinji has problems.
John: Anyway, best line in the series.
John: At one point, the entire complex (which is underground, remember) is shut down because of an angel attack.  Not blown up or anything, just the power is off.
John: Everyone is bitching because that means no A/C, and it's sporking hot.  
John: One of the minor characters goes off on a big long tanget about how Commander Ikari is such a good example for the rest of them, because he's in his office trying to do his work while everyone else is just lying around because of the heat.
John: They go to his office.  He's in his standard folded-hands pose, with his underling guy standing behind him.  He goes "It's.....  hot."
John: The way he says it is sporking funny as hell.
Kain-Xavier: LOL