Title: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-16, 20:37 Quote Scottish scientists claim to have video evidence which proves that bubbles in a glass of beer can move downwards. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotlan...and/3516100.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/3516100.stm) This is for you, woodsman! Title: Re: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: shambler on 2004-03-16, 20:52 I've seen this happen myself.
Title: Re: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: death_stalker on 2004-03-18, 17:21 In my studies of beer,the bubbles flow down best when consuming. :beer: :cheers: Pouring it out afterwards?!What a waste.
Title: Re: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: Woodsman on 2004-03-18, 18:15 im having a beer right now. its a good one. wheat beer.
Title: Re: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: death_stalker on 2004-03-18, 23:33 Would be nice but I've gotta drive my wife to work later.
Title: Re: Proven: Beer bubbles can sink! Post by: death_stalker on 2004-03-19, 22:15 mmm.i love lemonade JD :beer: yum