Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-16, 21:12

Title: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-16, 21:12
Me and shambler are on now!

And you should be too!

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: shambler on 2004-03-16, 21:21
too many people seem to prefer the IRC. I just can't type fast enough.
I much prefer to chat in or out of the game.

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: dna on 2004-03-16, 21:43
I :heart: IRC sooooo much!

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-16, 21:59
Then why are you never there ? o.o

I'm usually on TS, but I don't feel like talking right now. Hehe. =P

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: dna on 2004-03-16, 22:14

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: dev/null on 2004-03-17, 16:40
[excuse]I'm not smart enough to configure IRC to be properly secure, so I don't use it[/excuse]

[lie]Or... Um... I like the forums, because they give me time to look up important facts and big words before I post, thus making me appear to be more intelligent[/lie]

[truth]Conversations are dull, and actual topics are few and far between any time I'm ever on IRC, on any server, in any channel[/truth]


Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-03-17, 17:11
I prefer IRC for chatting.  I type fast enough.  My mic is flakey at best, and I do not like speaking over a mic as it is.  It makes me feel... funny, and it's too much of a distraction.

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: shambler on 2004-03-17, 17:41
I feel funny using the IRC. a mikes what I know best, and can relax with. I will use teamspeak I think. Do you know theres 1000s of channels you can drop into? I really love doing that!

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-03-18, 00:11
I'm on, and I feel lonely =(

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: Punisher on 2004-03-18, 00:15
I have no mic so I cannot grace you with my presence. :D

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: dna on 2004-03-18, 01:31
No one is on TS now...

Title: Re: The :Who's on TS?" thread
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-03-18, 02:32
I'm on! Cen CTF time!