Title: L4mby sushi Post by: dna on 2004-03-20, 04:05 L4mby - do you know of or can ask about a good Sushi restaurant in Omaha or Lincoln? Traditional style, not some new age crap (unless everybody swears it's like the second coming or something...)
Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-20, 08:02 LOL ! Didn't anybody tell you not to eat sushi in Nebraska ?! ;p
I've been told that Wasabi is actually pretty good. I've never been there myself ... but I have friends that eat there a lot and they really enjoy it. *shrug* I've personally never eaten sushi before. I'm not sure about Omaha tho ... I don't really go there that often. *shrug* Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: dna on 2004-03-20, 14:02 Well, I know there's not a lot of choices around and I don't feel like going all the way to KC. You're the 2nd person who mentioned Wasabi to me, so I guess I'll be going there.Thanks!
Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: games keeper on 2004-03-20, 15:12 bah and I who thought this treath would be about "how to make l4mby with shushi " or something like that <_<
Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: l4mby on 2004-03-20, 23:07 You're welcome dna.
And GK, you can't eat me remember ? ;p Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: games keeper on 2004-03-21, 00:17 bah :(
Title: Re: L4mby sushi Post by: dev/null on 2004-03-21, 03:34 They recently remodeled one of the few Asian restaurants near me (within a thirty mile radius is near when you live in the backwoods of Ohio, hehe), so now, instead of simply having Americanized Chinese cuisine, they have slightly more authentic Chinese buffets, with a Mongolian grill, and a sushi section. I?ve been there two or three times since, and must say that I?ve come to enjoy sushi quite a bit, even if it does seem to be a health hazard waiting to happen :P