Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Vadertime on 2003-02-19, 00:29

Title: Taking All Comers (The Ultimate Off-topic Thread)
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-02-19, 00:29
I posted a thread a while back about Generations 99c. I noticed it dried up and vanished. I guess it's too early to talk about version c. Everybody quit posting on that thread. Anyway, everybody post something here. All posts welcome, no matter how dirty. BANZAI!!!

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-02-19, 00:41
Ummm, dont expect this thread to last... you do realise that theres a whole off topic forum dont you?

If not, RTFM or something :P  :thud:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Tabun on 2003-02-19, 01:26
The generations forum is being spammed with topics again - and this is definately the worst! :]

MOVED. and there better be some point to this, or deletion is even in order..

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-02-19, 03:03
I like pomegranites. :wub:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: dev/null on 2003-02-19, 04:17
I have never had the pleasure of even seeing a pomegranite in real life :(

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-02-19, 11:13
Pomegranites are ok, but bee's are cooler... pomegranites dont have cloacas :wub:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: games keeper on 2003-02-19, 12:45
lets make a smillies topic of this one  :hail:  B)  :thumb:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-02-19, 12:49
how about we dont, they are annoying enough anyway

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2003-02-20, 00:27
they arent annoying! u just cant fully appreciate them  :idiot:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Footman on 2003-02-20, 01:02
I like bombegranites better.  :P

There's nothing better than a pomegranite-shaped hand-grenade :wub:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-04, 23:05
How about a grrr-nade? Imagine a grenade the size and shape of a grapefruit with big teeth and big eyes painted on one side? Here's an idea, a model using Hunter's body, Mynx's head, and Lucy's boobs. Of course with a g-string and a mini-top. :rolleyes:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: pepe on 2003-03-05, 00:34
or lets not im not to fond of the crackhor model either

the "hot chick" model that some make nude skins for are just sad

there are both real chicks out there and real porn so i dont se why youd bother

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-03-05, 01:01
Personally I like pomegranites AND cloaca.  Why not have the best of both?  :P

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Byskwik on 2003-03-05, 20:08
Vadertime: how bout no. I like playing a at least slightly realistic model. After all, they're just pixels. You get chubbies from pixels?

I apologize for the misspelling.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-05, 22:44
No not really. It's Vadertime not Vandertime. Named after Vader from WWF. Or Darth Vader from Star Wars. Either way it's vadertime. I used to be deadman. That's a good point about real chicks and real porn. I don't care too much for cloacas, too much like anal sphincters.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-06, 23:31
I've got a better idea anyway. Some years back I thought up a character who was instantly dubbed stoolman by anyone that saw him. Imagine a creature with four legs 90 degrees apart like a stool or table and above that a torso with a thin waste, big square chest, huge shoulders, giant biceps, and smallish, round head with a big lower jaw a goofy smile practically no neck and two round black eyes. I would send a picture if I knew how to send files to this board. :D

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-20, 08:05
What happened, did I post an idea that was too lame? My thread is drying up! It looks like I need some fresh ideas to get it rolling again. I saw another site working on a mod called DOOM REBORN. Does anybody know about that? I'd like to make a new DOOM mod with new weapons and new monsters, but my level of skill is to low even for DOOM. Besides the doom engine really is shitty and dated. A new, 3d engine would breathe so much new life into that old game. Has anybody ever considered an all melee mod that has weapons in it? Something like "Knifefighter" or a Roman Gladiator mod? Quake3 has such a great engine.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: pepe on 2003-03-20, 12:32
well there are better formats for meele games the FPS but you have Rune for example a viking game with axes and big burly men in fur clothes

is that right up your alley?

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-03-20, 17:12
Mmmm Rune...big axes and stuff...I always thought it took more skill to weild an axe than to point a gun and shoot.  '-)

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-20, 21:18
I've seen a demo of Rune. It was good, but it didn't have many game modes. There was no coop mode, something that will make Resurgence awesome, and it struck me as a very limited game all around as far as multiplayer. Maybe somebody could make a mod for it. I've used an axe before. The bit was quite dull and the wood put up quite a fight. A big oak log takes several hours to cut in two with an axe which you could do with a chainsaw in a few minutes. Big n burly? I'm big and burly and quite a bit of it needs to come off. If I could make a mod, it would definitely have a mode like resurgence. I've even thought of one. Bizzaro has a nice ring to it. B)

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Angst on 2003-03-20, 21:20
*cackles* or better yet, take said axe/sword/hammer and lob it across a room.. Hehe.. I'm still a fan of kicking an opponent's ass with their own leg..

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-20, 21:31
How do they stand up with one leg? Too bad you can't swing a chair at them too. That would be a great feature for Bizzaro Mod. There's so much neat stuff I don't know how to do. Maybe someday I'll know how. :(

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-25, 22:18
Anybody want to see a grrrnade? Maybe someday we can throw them. I've got to figure out how to attach files to my posts. Has anybody seen the bots I gave Confused Us? I've just got to know if they sucked or not.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: OmEgA-X on 2003-03-26, 00:45
try not to double post..use the edit button pleaseeee  :thumb:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-03-27, 00:54
Ok. I've finally gotten back up to the level of OGRE. Thank God. I wish I could make a real contribution to this page and not just fill it full of jibberish.  So what would y'all folks like to see on this thread?

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-05-13, 00:52
I just got a great idea. Imagine a model of biker or hossman riding a classic Harley-Davidson V-twin. It would almost certainly have to be a bot or other computer controlled enemy so it would only appear in levels with enough space and so it could be coded to not roll backwards like other characters, since bikes have no reverse gears.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-05-28, 08:20
Quake 3 needs more BIG models. I like the dragonknight model on polycount. Somebody needs to make more like that. As long as they don't get stuck. :ph34r:

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-05-31, 05:36
It looks like my ultimate thread isn't so ultimate now. Just remember any idea can be posted on this thread.

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Tabun on 2003-05-31, 11:31
You don't have to worry about models getting stuck anywhere. Q3 works just like its younger brethren. The players have their own bounding box (a cube), that allows for calculations on normal & blast radius hits and the stuckitude factor. Even a model 20 times the size of a map wouldn't get stuck (you just wouldn't see much of it (or too much of it all the time ;) )).

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: McDeth on 2003-06-04, 08:04
spork Da Pohlice!

Title: Re: Taking All Comers
Post by: Vadertime on 2003-06-08, 09:10
Are you suggesting a Ghetto mod? "Movin' real slow, right before ya know, got ma shotgun in the window." Get summa dat McDeth. We find out who da real MacDaddy is. Vehicles would be a good enhancement for any Quake map. Sounds like the 73 El Dorado or 82 Fleetwood would be a must. The mid 80's Caprice is a prime whoopdee too.