Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: dna on 2004-04-05, 03:10

Title: PHP care (Spare some syntax?)
Post by: dna on 2004-04-05, 03:10
OK - still too newb to figure this one out on my own:

Say that $var1 = meh
              $var2 = blah.
How can I make $var3 = $var1+$var2?
So if I print out $var3, I get
"meh blah"

Title: Re: PHP care
Post by: Tabun on 2004-04-05, 03:34
$var3 = $var1 . $var2

. = concatenate :]

Title: Re: PHP care
Post by: dna on 2004-04-05, 13:17