Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2003-02-23, 03:35

Title: I just learned how to whistle (YAY!)
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-02-23, 03:35
I just learned to whistle after 20 years of life. So far I can only get one note out...but hey...it's a start

Yay me!

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: IEEE1394 on 2003-02-23, 11:43
I can't whistle :( but i wanna learn. Maybe i will learn when i get 20 :)

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Dicion on 2003-02-23, 12:35
Quote from: ConfusedUs
I just learned to whistle after 20 years of life. So far I can only get one note out...but hey...it's a start

Yay me!
/me whistles the 1812 overture just to frusterate con.


Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Atom235 on 2003-02-23, 13:13
I actually whistled along with a gothic metal song yesterday. Believe me, it has a lot of notes :)

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Byskwik on 2003-02-23, 17:22
congrats con!  :thumb:
/me pokes dicion "brat"

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-02-23, 17:31

now whistle Sublime - What I Got  :)

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-02-23, 22:50
hehe congratulations con :)
well think i learned howto whistle when i was a kiddie dun rember really, the bad part is that i can't stop whisteling nowdays ;)

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Hedhunta on 2003-02-24, 18:04
wth? you didnt know how to whistle?

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: dev/null on 2003-02-24, 18:08
I know HOW to whisle, I'm just unable to do it...

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-02-24, 19:48
2nd request for the l33t wh1stl3rz!!

Dick Dale

have at it =D

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Devlar on 2003-02-25, 07:16
HA! I can whistle Miserlou Tekhead, although it invovles a great deal of spitting :P

Meh, I'll stick to singing

Title: Re: I just learned how to whistle
Post by: Moshman on 2003-02-27, 04:04
One of life's many achivements!  ;)
Though I wish I can find a way to keep my bird from whistling the X-Files theme song all the time.  :wall: