Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-04-15, 16:34

Title: Pimp my ride (another dumb TV show)
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-04-15, 16:34
So Gina's watching some show called Pimp My Ride. It's a bunch of black dudes that take crappy cars and pimp them out.

The guy comes out and sees his car, looks around, and goes

"WHAAA! There's a damn fish tank in my caahhhr!"

Well, I thought it was funny. Screw you guys. :)

Title: Re: Pimp my ride
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-04-17, 06:31
but it was in my CAAAAHHHR!

Title: Re: Pimp my ride
Post by: MantiCore on 2004-04-17, 06:52
While I find the beaters to look better than the ugly "pimped" out version, it is amazing what they can do with some smaller cars.  Its better than all the reality/game show TV shows on MTV, though.

I don't even know why its called MTV anymore. Sure, they play music about 2 hours out of the day, but its all rap and R&B (sometimes pop, but even thats getting rare).  A mix would be nice. Currently its just BET with a different logo.

Thank god for Fuse and MTV2

Title: Re: Pimp my ride
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-04-17, 06:54
Gina likes VH-1 a lot. At least they play a bit of rock here and there.

Title: Re: Pimp my ride
Post by: dna on 2004-04-18, 00:04
You're all slaves to the machine.