Title: OKC Bombing anniversary Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-04-19, 23:18 Strange to think that nine years ago, I was sitting in class when word of the OKC bombings came through.
Even stranger to think that nine years and one day ago, I was in that very buidling on a field trip. I know lots of people who lost friends to that disaster. I nearly lost my grandfather. Title: Re: OKC Bombing anniversary Post by: Phoenix on 2004-04-20, 03:25 It is amazing the amount of harm one hateful man can inflict on others. I know it is asking a lot, and maybe the impossible, but I pray it never happens again.
Title: Re: OKC Bombing anniversary Post by: Woodsman on 2004-04-20, 05:30 May timmy rott is his richly deserved grave.