Title: Q3A Mapping Tools (Tools for creating Q3A maps) Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-04-21, 21:06 GTK Radiant: http://www.qeradiant.com/ (http://www.qeradiant.com/)
This editor is the best you can get! Q3MAP2: http://www.shaderlab.com/ (http://www.shaderlab.com/) I highly recommend you to use this compiler! it got lots of features that the original ID q3map.exe doesnt have. Q3MAP2Toolz: http://planetquake.com/hro/ (http://planetquake.com/hro/) If you get confused by all those compile strings use this great tool for q3map2! Q3A Shader manual: shader_manual.zip (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/editing/shader_manual.zip) If you need help about shaders, taking a look in the shader manual really helps! http://www.bpeers.com/software/q3ase/ (http://www.bpeers.com/software/q3ase/) Finding Q3A shaders difficult? this shader editor might help! Title: Re: Q3A Mapping Tools (Tools for creating Q3A maps) Post by: Tabun on 2007-08-19, 13:31 Note that the Q3MAP2 link is b0rked (shaderlab seems to have gone into a state of disrepair).
You can still get the files from here: http://shaderlab.com/q3map2/, though. Title: Re: Q3A Mapping Tools (Tools for creating Q3A maps) Post by: Angst on 2007-12-07, 18:19 I have to admit, with all the gibbering about web2.0 apps, you don't see many (read any) web-based dev tools. Java is robust enough to handle CAD, wonder why noone's dropped a gtk fork in a browser window yet..