Title: UT2003 skinning Post by: games keeper on 2003-03-04, 12:58 since Ihave UT2003 for a while I searched the CD for some tools and I found a skinning tool on it .
I tried to skin some models and for my very fist model I think I did very well then I found another option where you can load up your own head and put it on the model . after I did that with myself and with my sis I wanned to do sombody else his face but I didnt find anything good enough . so I stoppe skinning and browsed the web for a while for textures for my skins (the program only delivers a few and theyre not so great ) ofcours I went by our good friend Tabuns site and found this http://dynamic2.gamespy.com/~tabun/img/tab_02.jpg (http://dynamic2.gamespy.com/~tabun/img/tab_02.jpg) ofcours I started skinning again and from now on my biggest enemy in UT2k3 is Tabun :) Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: dev/null on 2003-03-04, 15:20 BAHAHAHAHA!!!
That's a lovely picture :lol: Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: games keeper on 2003-03-04, 16:11 you have to see it on the model dev :thumb:
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: dev/null on 2003-03-04, 16:30 I don't have Unreal Tournament 2003 or I would gladly look upon it :)
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: games keeper on 2003-03-04, 17:44 still dont know if im gonna give him pink pants or yelow pants :D
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: dev/null on 2003-03-04, 18:09 I'd suggest yellow with pink polka-dots :D
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: Atom235 on 2003-03-04, 19:42 I have Ut2003, and I have installed and tried the skinning prog, too. I know it's hard to align the face to the model, but it's worth it ;) . Just think of Bush Jrs. face in some female character..your worst nightmare.
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: Demonwench on 2003-03-04, 21:58 Is it me or does that pic look vaguely like Tom Green?
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: dev/null on 2003-03-05, 00:21 It's just you... Besides, we all know Tab is far superior to any MTV mascot!
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: Moshman on 2003-03-05, 01:58 with the hair and eyes he does...
Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: Tabun on 2003-03-05, 10:06 And who exactly gave you permission to use my picture on a skin? huh? :]
Lean to paint! FEAR the airbrush.. *growl*. for pics: http://www.imdb.com (http://www.imdb.com) http://www.classicphotos.com/level02a.html (http://www.classicphotos.com/level02a.html) http://www.goatse.cx (http://www.goatse.cx) http://gallery.hairboutique.com (http://gallery.hairboutique.com) http://www.emotioneric.com (http://www.emotioneric.com) PS. If you really want me to be your enemy - just ask next time :] I've got a nice blacklist here, right next to my secret illuminati-shrine. Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: games keeper on 2003-03-05, 10:30 I read all of your tips for skinners " what you may not do
if you start skinning " before I used it and I thik I didnt cross theline anywhere . I think Im gonna keep the model for myself (maybe sending it to atom but most likeky I keep it for myself :) Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: Atom235 on 2003-03-06, 15:17 lol @ Tab's pic links ;)
GK: If you choose not to send the skin, you can always throw some pics of it to me in IRC or email stuff. I'm sure Tab won't mind at all :rolleyes: . Title: Re: UT2003 skinning Post by: games keeper on 2003-03-07, 00:08 atom if you have UT .gime your email . :zzz: the skin isnt 100% perfect and the hair is a bit (changed ) Ill send it to ya .
sorry tab you dont have UT2k3 :) |